It had been so long since I visited Osaka, I decided to stay for the weekend. I stayed the night at a small hotel in Shin Osaka on Saturday,
오랜만에 가는 거였으니깐, 주말을 오사카에 보내기로 했어요. 신오사카에서 비즈니스 호텔에서 자고
then headed to Umeda on Sunday to meet up with my friend♡
일요일날에 친구 만나러 우메다로 갔어요♡
Since the start of the pandemic, I haven't made any big trips. I have been itching for some traveling, and so I finally decided to do it!
팬데믹 시작한 이후로 여행 못 가고 있었어요ㅠㅠ 너무 가고 싶어서 드디어 갔다 왔어요!
I decided to go back to my old stomping grounds: Osaka, specifically USJ and Umeda♡
제가 자주 놀았던 오사카 갔다 왔어요! 그중에 제일 좋아하는 유니버셜이랑 우메다♡
Back in October, I decided to do something other than just eat.
10월에 먹방 아닌 것을 했어요~
I went to the Nagoya City Art Museum~
나고야시 미술관 갔어요~
I was a homebody for all of September and the first half of October. I literally didn't leave my house except when I was going to work. So my social meter was running very low. I really needed to meet people...
9월이랑 10월초는 완전 집순이었어요. 진짜로 일 갈 때 외에는 안 나갔어요. 좀 나가야 했어요. 나가고 사람을 만나야 했어요...
So that's exactly what I did! I ventured out to Nagoya to have an Asian Food Adventure~
그래서 그렇게 했어요! 동양 음식 먹으러 나고야로 갔어요~
This year I get to lead 3rd and 4th grade lessons at two of my schools. I'm the one who makes the plans and teaches the lessons. Since I have the freedom to do things how I want, I decided that I want to do cultural lessons when I can.
This October 5, I turned 26! It's honestly crazy to think that I came to Japan when I was 22, and this is already my fourth birthday here.
이번 10월 5일, 제가 만 26살이 되었습니다! 제가 만 22살에 일본으로 왔는데 벌써 네 번째 생일이에요.
Since my birthday fell on a weekday, I decided to have a little party during the weekend before. Here's my Chri Day celebration
이번에는 생일이 평일이어서 전 주말에 작은 생파했어요. 크리 데이를 이렇게 보냈어요~
I only go to my junior high school three to four times a month, so the days I go there are times when the teachers ask me to have a fun activity for the students. Of course there are also teachers who just want me to be a CD player and practice students' pronunciation and reading.
A few weeks I ago, I was asked make a lesson for the first years (7th grade). This activity was for Talking about foreign countries and time zones.
Continuing with my Teacher Christiiney series, I've decided to add another section: Class Tools.
Aside from class activities, I make a lot of non-lesson related materials. I put a lot of time and effort into these, and it's kind of a shame that only people in school and I see my work. So I figured, why not share it with others?
When you make friends in different fields, you get to experience a bunch of new things!
다양한 분야에 일하는 친구를 사귀면 새로운 경험을 많이하게 된다!
In my case, I've been introduced to world of Honey Skin Parties♡
저 같은 경우에는 허니 스킨 파티 잘를 알게되었어요~♡
A few weeks ago, I had my first Aichi adventure!
몇 주전에 첫 아이치 나들이 했어요!
On a sunny Sunday, I went to Osu in Nagoya to a super cute burger shop called ROCKIN' ROBIN.
어느 날씨 좋든 일요일에 나고야의 오스상가에 있는 진짜 귀여운 로킨 로빈이란 햄버거 가게갔어요.
In Japan, everything starts in April: the new school year, new jobs. This makes late March - April moving season for many people.
일본에는 4월에 모들 것이 시작돼요. 새 학기, 취직 등등. 그래서 많은 사람들한테는 3-4월이 이사가는 시즌이에요.
Including me. I had to say goodbye to the small town I called home for two years, to the region I came to love for the past three years. As of the end of March, Christiiney is in Aichi♡
올해는 저도 이사가게 되었어요. 2년동안 산 동네, 3년동안 산 지역이랑 작별하게 됐고, 3월 말부터 크리는 아이치현에 살게 되었어요~
This has been sitting in my drafts for a while, and I'm finally getting around to sharing it.
I've been teaching English here in Japan for three years, just started my fourth year this month! Over that time, I've had the opportunity to do a lot of fun things, and I hope to continue doing so. I figured I'd share some of the things I do! So I came up with a new series idea: Teacher Christiiney's Lesson Ideas♡
Covid numbers have been on the rise here in Japan, especially in the bigger cities. I didn't want to risk anything, so I've been staying in my town for the last two months. I work at three schools, so I'm in contact with a lot of kids and teachers. I would hate to be the cause of something :/ Also, I hate getting sick while living alone. It just makes me more aware of how alone I am...
요즘에 다시 코로나가 심각해지고있어요, 특히 도시에. 괜히 문제가 생길까봐 2달동안 계속 동네에만 지내고 있었어요. 제가 학교 3군데에 일해서 많은 아이들이랑 교사들이랑 만나요. 나 때문에 무슨 문제가 생기면 안되잖아요. 그리고 혼자 사는데 아프면 고생해요. 항상 아플때 제일 외로워요ㅠㅠ
But things started to calm down a bit, so I decided that I needed to do some socializing!
근데 상황이 좀 나아져서 오랜만에 놀러 나갔어요~
So on Sunday, I headed to Kawaramachi~
지난 일요일에 교토 가라와마치 다녀왔어요~
GOT7 Memories
Everyone who knows me knows that I'm an IGOT7. They came into my life as I was starting a new chapter of my life (starting university). While I haven't been the most active fan since graduating, I always made sure to be up-to-date on their music! At first, I was sad to hear that they were leaving JYP, but to see just how happy and excited the boys themselves were, I became excited too!
저를 아는 사람은 제가 IGOT7인걸 알아요. 제가 인생에 다음 단계 (대학 입학) 시작할때 알게 되었어요. 졸업하고는 팬질을 많이 안했는데, 새 앨범은 항상 챙겨 들었어요~ 해체 한다고 했을때 좀 슬펐는데, 다들 너무 행복해 보여서, 생각이 바꿨어요~
As this is the end of a great era, I thought it would be fun to look back at some of my past GOT7 adventures♡
좋은 시기가 마무리 되면서 갓세븐이랑 만든 추억을 돌아 보면 재밌을 거 같아요♡
With 2020 being such a meh year, I am trying to go into 2021 with a positive mindeset~
2020년이 좀 그래서 2021년은 긍정적인 마인드로 시작하고 싶었어요~
So I sat down and thought about some things I can work to work on in this new year.
2021년에 자기게발에 도음 될 목표를 생각해봤어요~
I'm sure that we can all agree that 2020 wasn't a great year. Despite that, I decided that it still needed a nice send off.
2020년이 그렇게 좋지않았죠. 근데 마지막까지 좀 재밌게 보내고 싶었어요.
So continuing on from the Christmas high, I decided to have my own New Year's Eve party♡
크리스마스에 이어서 새해 이브 파티를 했어요♡