GOT7 Memories

Friday, January 22, 2021

Everyone who knows me knows that I'm an IGOT7. They came into my life as I was starting a new chapter of my life (starting university). While I haven't been the most active fan since graduating, I always made sure to be up-to-date on their music! At first, I was sad to hear that they were leaving JYP, but to see just how happy and excited the boys themselves were, I became excited too!   
저를 아는 사람은 제가 IGOT7인걸 알아요. 제가 인생에 다음 단계 (대학 입학) 시작할때 알게 되었어요. 졸업하고는 팬질을 많이 안했는데, 새 앨범은 항상 챙겨 들었어요~ 해체 한다고 했을때 좀 슬펐는데, 다들 너무 행복해 보여서, 생각이 바꿨어요~

As this is the end of a great era, I thought it would be fun to look back at some of my past GOT7 adventures♡ 
좋은 시기가 마무리 되면서 갓세븐이랑 만든 추억을 돌아 보면 재밌을 거 같아요♡

I've been an IGOT7 since their debut.  
저는 데뷔때부터 IGOT7이었어요.

I was a part of their official fanclub for two years. I stopped after two years because living in California, it really wasn't worth it. I decided to just support them through CD purchases~ 
팬클럽 가입도 했어요. 2년 했는데, 미국에 살다 보니깐 혜택이 없었고 그냥 돈 낭비였어요. 팬클럽 대신 CD를 많이 샀죠~  

I would buy multiple copies because I needed to collect the Jackson photocards! I'm glad this was before there were so many different cards to collect with one album.  
잭슨 포카를 모으기 위해서 CD 엄청 샀어요. 다행히 지금과 다르게 버전이 많아 봤자 2개 밖에 없었을 때였어요ㅋㅋ

Through GOT7, I was able to make some great memories with my bestie. 
갓세븐 덕분에 철친이랑 많은 추억을 만들었어요. 

First, in the summer of 2014, we met up in Korea and had some fun~  
첫번째는, 2014년 여름에 한국에 만나서 재밌게 놀았어요~

We had the benefit of liking the boys before they got super popular. They were like our own secret~ 
갓세븐이 아직 그렇게 유명하지 않아서, 약간 우리들만의 비밀 같았어요~

Then in January 2016, we were able to cross off "Going to a concert together" off of our bucket list! That's right, I went all the way to Japan to see these boys~  
그 다음은 2016년 1월에 버킷리스트에 있었던 "콘서트 같이 가기"를 성공했어요! 제가 갓칠이들 보러 일본 간거 

Just kidding! I was already in Korea for winter break and it was a quick trip to Japan~  
...는 아니고 ㅋㅋ 겨울 방학이었는데, 벌써 한국에 있어서 쉽게 일본도 갔어요~

I actually had the chance to go to their 2nd Fanmeeting in Korea! 
한국에서는 2번째 팬미팅 갔어요!

It was my first time going to a concert in Korea and it was also my first time I went to a concert on my own. It definitely wasn't as fun as it would have been if I had been with friends  
한국에서 콘서트 가는 것이 처음이었는데, 혼자 콘서트 가는 것도 처음이었어요. 확실히 친구랑 가는게 더 재밌어요

Which was why I was so excited to go to the Mori Agatteyo concert in Sapporo. 
그리새 삿포로에 모리 아갓떼요 콘서트가 너무 기대가 됐어요! 

It had been two years since I had seen the bestie, and also almost seven years since I was last in Japan. We got to spend a day in and around Sapporo for the day before the concert~    
2년만에 베프 만나는 거였고, 거의 7년만에 일본 간거에요. 콘서트 전날은 삿포로 나들이를 즐겼어요~

My GOT7 merch collection continued to grow~ This was definitely my favorite merch set. Jackson + pink was such a good idea~  
여기서 굿즈를 많이 모으기 시작했죠~ 이때 굿즈가 제일 좋았어요. 잭슨 + 핑크는 천상 조합!

I went back to Japan in November 2017 for another concert~ 
2017년 11월에 다시 콘서트 보러 일본으로 갔어요~

It was the Turn Up concert in Tokyo. I'll be honest, this time, I really did go to Japan for the boys xD
턴업 도쿄 코서트였어요. 솔직히 말하면, 이번에는 갓세븐 위해서 일본으로 갔어요 ㅋㅋ

I was taking a gap year before going to grad school (before I found out that I got a job). It just so happened that GOT7 was having a concert in November, so I decided to take a trip~ 
대학원 가기전에 1년 쉬기로 했어요 (취업 됐다는 것을 알기 전에). 하필 11월에 콘서트 한다길래, 여행가기로 했어요~ 

Of course my bestie was the best~ She's always getting me the hookup for GOT7's Japan activities. 
제 베프는 진짜 최고예요~ 항상 갓세븐 일본 활동정보 알려줬어요.

Despite this being a concert without Jackson, I think it was my favorite concert! This was still a time when GOT7 wasn't as big yet, so it was an intimate concert. This and the Sapporo concert were both Zepp venues. The fact that I was able to snap the concert logo preconcert, WITHOUT zooming in will let you know just how small the venues were and just how close we were~ 
이 콘서트는 잭슨이 참여 안 했는데,  제일 기억에 남고 제일 좋았던 콘서트였어요! 아직도 그렇게 인기가 없어서, 진짜 친밀한 콘서트였어요. 이기랑 삿포로 코서트 둘다 제프 장소였는데, 콘서트 로고 사진을 줌 없이 찍을 정도면 얼마나 가까운지 알겠죠?

Aside from concerts, GOT7 has given my bestie and I a nice karaoke playlist~  
콘서트 외에는 우리한테 좋은 노래방 플레이리스트 만들어줬어요~

I don't think there is ever a karaoke session where we don't do at least one GOT7 related song~ 
한번도 갓세븐 관련된 노래 안 불른 적이 없어요~ 

Outside of Asia, most of my GOT7 memories involve buying merch, but I did have the chance to see them in concert once! 
아시아 외에서는 굿즈나 앨범 사는 추억이 많은데, 콘서트 한 번 갔죠~

I went to Fly in Los Angeles~ 
플리이 인 엘에이 갔어요~

Out of all the concerts I've been to...I think this was my least favorite. The audience atmosphere is so different. In America, it's everyone for their own. There is definitely a lack of consideration for others. I personally prefer the Asian atmosphere. That isn't to say that I didn't have fun though! Any time spent with GOT7 is a great time~
제가 갔던 콘서트 중에서는...제일 안 좋아했던 콘서트였어요. 관객 분위기가 너무 달라요. 미국은 남보다는 자기가 먼저잖아요. 다른 사람을 배려하는 게 별로 없어요. 개인적으로 동양 분위기가 좋아요. 근데 재밌게 놀았어요! 갓칠이랑 보내는 시간은 언제나 좋은 시간이죠~

Like I mentioned at the beginning, my fangirl days slowly came to an end as I entered my next stage of life. After I found out I was moving to Japan, I just didn't have the time or money to focus on GOT7. Even more so after I moved here. I was working full time and I just wasn't into idols as much. I guess I had finally grown up~ xD 
글 시작에 말한 거 처럼, 또 인생에 다음 다계로 들어가면서 덕질을 좀 그만했어요. 이사 준비해야해서, 덕질할 시간과 돈이 없었어요. 여기 오고나서는 더 그랬고. 취직도 했고, 옛날 처럼 아이돌에 관심이 없어졌어요. 드디어 성장했구나~ ㅋㅋ 

I kinda got back into them when they released their Dye EP. 
근데 다이 앨범이 나오면서 다시 빠지게 됐죠.

Look at these aesthetics! I absolutely love the rococo aesthetic (I just don't have the money or the confidence to rock the look), and this concept literally had everything I liked. They were just so beautiful~
아니, 좀 보세요! 제가 로코코 스타일을 엄청 좋아해요 (그냥 소화할 수 있는 돈과 자존심이 없어요ㅠㅠ). 이번 콘셉트에 제가 좋아하는 게 다 있는 거예요! 진짜 너무 이뻤어요~ 

I almost went and bought the album...but there were 5 versions, so I decided against it.  
앨범 살 뻔했는데...번전이 5개나 있어서 포기했어요.

The visuals just continued to go up. I mean, look at my Jackson~ 
여기서 애들에 미모가 계속 상승했죠. 우리 쓴이 오빠 봐봐요~

If this is not perfection, I don't know what is~ 
완벽함의 그 자체

I'm not going to lie, it is sad to think that I won't be able to see the seven of them together for a while. There will be no new GOT7 music to enjoy but when the boys are like this:
솔직히 말하면, 오랫동안 7명 같이 있는 모습을 못 본다는 게 많이 슬폈어요. 새론운 음악도 안 나오고ㅠㅠ 근대 애들이 이러는데:

I think there's nothing to worry about. They're happy, so I should be happy with them! 
굳이 걱정 할 필요없죠. 본인들은 이렇게 행복하데, 나도 같이 행복해해야죠! 

I am genuinely so thankful to GOT7. They were a big part of my life for the last seven years. I kinda feel like we grew up together, and now we are graduating to a better future. Just as they are entering a new stage and starting a new adventure, so am I. It's a new year that has lost of new adventures waiting. 
저는 진심으로 갓세븐한테 너무 고마워요. 지난 7년동안 제 인생에 큰 부분이었어요. 뭔가 같이 성장한 기분이라고 해야하나...같이 성장하고 이제 같이 졸업하는 느낌이에요~ 또 다 같이 인생의 다음 단계로 가는 것 같아요. 새 해인 만큼 많은 좋은 일이 기달리고 있겠죠.

THANK YOU GOT7! I wish you all the best, and I look forward to what you guys come out with in the future. 
갓세븐 고마워! 다들 수고가 많았고 앞으로 좋은 모습을 기대할께~

Lady Christiiney♡

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