Asian Food Day in Nagoya

Sunday, December 12, 2021

I was a homebody for all of September and the first half of October. I literally didn't leave my house except when I was going to work. So my social meter was running very low. I really needed to meet people... 
9월이랑 10월초는 완전 집순이었어요. 진짜로 일 갈 때 외에는 안 나갔어요.  좀 나가야 했어요. 나가고 사람을 만나야 했어요... 

So that's exactly what I did! I ventured out to Nagoya to have an Asian Food Adventure~   
그래서 그렇게 했어요! 동양 음식 먹으러 나고야로 갔어요~

Coming from California, where we have an abundance of authentic food selections, I'm often disappointed with some of the food here. The "authentic' choices are quite limited. In many cases, the food is changed to match Japanese tastes. 
여러 나라 음식을 쉽게 먹을 수 있는 캘리포니아에서 온온 저는, 일본에 와서 외식할 때 실망했던 경우가 많아요. 아무래도 진정한 외국 음식을 찾기 어려워요. 대부분은 일본인의 입맛에 맞게 좀 바꿔요.

I've had a bit more luck in finding good places in Nagoya though! Most places still taste a bit different from what I know, but I've been to some really tasty places.   
근데 나고야에는 괜찮은 음식점이 좀 많더라고요! 그래도 맛은 조금 다른데, 맛있어요. 

For this food adventure, we started at a south Asian place called Rice people, Nice people located right at Nagoya Station. 
이번에 갔던 음식점은 나고야역에 있는 동남아 음식점, 라이스 피플, 나이스 피플이었습니다~

I met up with this lovely girl~
이 이쁘니랑~

We're both from California and we have some high food standards xD 
둘 다 캘리포니아 출신이라 음식에 눈이 진짜 높아요 ㅋㅋ

We both got a set meal~ Mine was gapao rice (which is actually phat kaphrao I think), chicken noodles, spring rolls, glass noodle salad, and mango yogurt. The sizes were perfect! Even though there was so much food, it wasn't to the point where I was super full. 
둘 다 세트를 주문했어요~ 저는 가바우 라이스 (태국 볶음밥), 닭 국수, 월남쌈, 당면 샐러드, & 망고 요구르트. 양이 다 딱 좋았어요! 음식이 많았는데 배가 너무 부르지 않았어요. 

A food day isn't complete without dessert! So we hopped on the subway and headed to Osu.  
밥 먹었으면 디저트도 먹어야지! 나고야역에서 오스로 갔어요~ 

We got some Taiwanese dessert~ As the dessert lover I am, it was so hard to choose what to get! Everything looked so good~ In the end, I settled for a simple mango douhua! It was honestly, so good! 
대만 디저트 먹었어요~ 다 맛있어 보여서 뭐 먹을지 한참 고민했어요. 결국엔 망고 또우화! 진짜 너무 맛있었어요~

We literally just spent the day eating and chatting~ We hadn't seen each other in months and there was honestly so much to talk about xD 
하루 종일 먹고 떠들고 지냈어요~ 몇 달 만에 만난 거여서 할 얘기가 엄청 많았어요 ㅋㅋ

Any day consisting of good food and wonderful company is bound to be a great day :)  
맛있는 음식 먹고 좋은 친구랑 있는 날은 항상 굿데이~ :) 

Rice People, Nice People 


Lady Christiiney♡

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