Welcoming 2021

Saturday, January 02, 2021

I'm sure that we can all agree that 2020 wasn't a great year. Despite that, I decided that it still needed a nice send off.   
2020년이 그렇게 좋지않았죠. 근데 마지막까지 좀 재밌게 보내고 싶었어요.

So continuing on from the Christmas high, I decided to have my own New Year's Eve party♡  
크리스마스에 이어서 새해 이브 파티를 했어요♡

Last year, I spent the New Year holiday in Korea with my relatives. I was already sad that I couldn't see my family over the summer, but since I couldn't even see my Korean family the loneliness was hitting hard. The best way to get myself feel better was to get dressed up and eat good food! 
작년 새해는 한국에서 보냈는데ㅠㅠ 여름에는 미국 못 갔는데 겨울에는 한국도 못 가서 너무 외로웠어요ㅠㅠ 외로움을 잊을려면 꾸미고 맛있는 음식 먹는 것이 최고죠~

So that's what I did. I learned from my mistake from Christmas and took a step back from the cooking. It was still quite a lot, but not too bad! 
그래서 그렇게 했어요! 크리스마스에는 음식을 너무 많이 해서, 이번에는 좀 적게 만들었어요. 그래도 좀 많았는데...ㅋㅋ

I went for a more elegant theme for my solo NYE party🌟   
옷 코디는 좀 청순, 엘레강스🌟 

I had a good time just eating and watching Netflix all day.  
하루종일 먹으면서 넷플릭스 보면서 놀았죠~

I ended the night watching Johnny's Countdown, something I haven't done since middle school.  
하루를 자니스 카운트 다운으로 끝났어요~ 진짜 오랜만에...마지막으로 봤던게 중학교때였나ㅎㅎ 

Back in the mid 2000s, I was crazy into Johnny's. It was Hey! Say! JUMP and NEWS for me. My obsession with these boys really fueled my initial interests in learning Japanese. It was so hard to find English subbed stuff, so I wanted to hurry up and learned Japanese so I didn't have to wait for the subtitles. Unfortunately, my interests in Johnny's diminished as I discovered Kpop in high school. Fast forward to 2020, and I've been sucked back into the world of Johnny's Entertainment. It started because a bunch of my students were super into King & Prince and I got curious.  
2000년대 중반에는 자니스를 진짜 좋아했어요, 특히 Hey! Say! JUMP랑 NEWS를 엄청 좋아했어요. 하두 좋아해서 일본어 공부하기 시작했어요. 그때에는 영어자막이 거의 없어서 그냥 빨리 배워서 자막없이 보고싶었어요. 근데 고등하교때는 Kpop을 좋아하게 되면서 관심이 좀 떨어졌죠. 근데 2020년에 다시 좋아하게 됐어요~ 제가 근무하는 학교에 킹 앤 프린스를 좋아하는 여학생이 엄청 많아서, 궁금해서 저도 좀 잧아 봤는데....

Well, now I'm hooked xD They're just so cute! (If anyone wanted to know, my favorite is Jin kun♡) 
완전 빠졌어요. 너무 귀여워요~ (저는 진구지가 좋아요♡) 

So I welcomed the new year with good music and cute boys~ xD 
좋은 음아이랑 귀여운 남자들이랑 새해를 맞이했어요~ ㅋㅋ 

On New Years Day, I decided to meet up with a friend who was also spending the holiday alone. We met up in Arashiyama in Kyoto.
설날은 똑같이 혼자 보내는 친구랑 놀았어요~ 교토에있는 아라시야마에 만났어요.

We started our hangout with some food. There was a few places near Arashiyama park, but we decided on Arashiyama Tei. It was the cheapest option that we found and something warm sounded really nice. Warm tempura udon for a cold day~ It was really good! 
음식으로 시작 했죠. 아라시야마 공원 주변에 음식점이 많았는데, 아라시야마 테이라는 우동집을 선택했어요. 제일 쌌고 추운 날에 따뜻한 음식이 제일 좋을 거 같았어요. 따뜻한 튀김 우동~ 진짜 맛있었어요!

After eating and chatting for a while, we decided to walk off all the calories we consumed.  
먹고 신나게 떠들고, 많이 먹었으니깐 좀 운동하러 산책하기로 했어요.

As I've mentioned, I haven't done a lot of sightseeing since moving to Japan. So this was my first time going to the infamous Bamboo forest!  
제가 몇 번 얘기핬는데, 일본 와서 관광을 많이 안했어요. 그래서 처음으로 그 유명한 대나무 숲으로 갔어요!

I totally understand the obsession and fascination with it! It was so pretty~ I think it was even better because there weren't very many people.  
사람들이 다 가는지 알겠더라고요! 너무 이뻤어요~ 사람이 많지 않아서 더 좋았던 것 같아요.

It was nice to just walk around and relax in nature.  
천천히 자연 속에 시간을 보낼 수 있어서 너무 좋았어요.

Afterwards, we went for dessert! We actually passed by this cafe on our way to the Bamboo Forest and the parfait was so cute, we knew we had to go. It was almost too cute to eat! The whole menu was super cute~ I definitely want to go back one day to try the food.  
그 다음은 디저트 먹으러 갔어요! 대나무 숲으로 가는 길에 이 카페에 지나갔는데, 파르페가 너무 귀여워서 꼭 가야겠다 생각했어요. 진짜 너무 귀여웠어요~ 메뉴에 있는 것이 다 짱 귀여웠어요~ 나중에 다시 가서 음식도 먹어 보고싶어요.  

And that was how I spent my New Years! I hope this good start is a sign that the rest of the year will be good as well~ 
새해는 이렇게 보냈어요! 시작이 좋았으니깐 2021년이 다 좋기를 바라고 있어요~

And of course there is an accompanying vlog to my days! 
당연히 브이로그도 만들었지요~

Arashiyama Tei Udon 
아라시야마 테이 우동

Arashiyama Bamboo Forest 
아라시야마 대나무 숲

Arashiyama Rilakkuma Tea House 
리락쿠마 카페 교토 아라시야마점

Lady Christiiney♡

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