Honey Skin Party in Nagoya
Sunday, August 29, 2021When you make friends in different fields, you get to experience a bunch of new things!
다양한 분야에 일하는 친구를 사귀면 새로운 경험을 많이하게 된다!
In my case, I've been introduced to world of Honey Skin Parties♡
저 같은 경우에는 허니 스킨 파티 잘를 알게되었어요~♡
Honey Skin Parties are these skincare events using products from Nu Skin. The itinerary consists of cleansing, testing out products, makeup, snacks and refreshments, and just hanging out. It's an overall really good time! And I'll be completely honest, I don't understand most of the terminology in regards to the products and what they do. I barely understand skincare science in languages I'm fluent it...obviously I can't understand it in a foreign language.
허니 스킨 파티는 뉴 스킨이라는 브랜드에 나온 제품을 소개하는 이벤트예요. 이벤트 이정은 세안, 제품 사용 체험, 화장하기, 간식 먹기, & 그냥 친구랑 재밌는 시간을 보내는 것. 진짜 재밌어요! 솔직히 말하면 제품에 대한 설명 몇 번 들었는데, 아직도 잘 모르겠어요 ㅋㅋ 영어나 한국어로 얘기해도 잘 모르는데, 당연히 외국어로 모르죠 ㅋㅋㅋ
I was invited to my first Honey Skin Party by in June, by a friend I met back when I was living in Shiga. We met on Bumble and had met in person for the first time just before I moved to Aichi. We chatted regularly, so even though this day was only the second time we were meeting, things weren't awkward at all! We were super excited to be able to catch up.
저는 친구 초대로 처음 갔어요. 이 친구는 제가 시가현에 살았을 때 만난 친구예요. 앱을 통해서 만났는데, 제가 아이치현으로 이사 오기 바로 전에 처음 만났어요. 그 뒤로 계속 문자랑 통화해서, 이날이 두 번째로 만나는 날이었는데 전혀 어색하자 않았어요! 다시 만날 수 있는 게 너무 기대됐어요.
My friend works in a company that is focused on building both inner and outer beauty. They have salons around Japan for people to regularly come for skin care, as well as people to try things out. These Honey Skin parties are another way to introduce their products. From my understanding, the parties are a bit more intimate. Especially with Covid right now, the parties are very small.
제 친구는 뷰티에 관련된 회사에 일해요. 일본 곳곳에 살롱이 있어요. 사람들이 가서 제품 체험할 수 있고, 정기적으로 피부 관리를 위해 가는 사람도 있어요. 허니 스킨 파티도 제품 체험할 수 있는 이벤트예요. 파티는 좀 더 칠밀하게 하는 거죠. 특히 지금 코로나 때문에 큰 모임을 가질 수 없으니깐.
We started the party with refreshments and getting to know each other. There were three experts (those who work in the company), and they each brought a guest, for a total of six people!
파티는 간식 먹으면서 시작했어요. 친구 포함해서, 직원이 3명이었고, 다 1명식 초대해서 총 6명이 모였어요.
There are a total of six courses to choose from when participating in the parties. The first time is always the Honey Skin pack. This is the most basic package that includes cleansing and a facial pack.
코스는 6개가 있어요. 첫 번째는 항상 허니 스킨 팩이에요. 세안 + 얼굴 팩인 제일 기본 코스예요.
While we waited for the packs to dry, we had a fun time doing silly things. I filmed my first ever TikTok! I may be a bit biased, but I thought that we were super cute!
팩이 마르기를 기다리는 동안 재밌게 놀았어요. 생에 첫 틱톡도 찍었고~ 우리 참 귀엽죠? ㅋㅋ
The final results were nice! I can't say that it did anything spectacular. With the mask wearing, I haven't been wearing foundation for over a year, so my skin was in pretty decent shape to start with.
결과는 좋았어요! 근데 막 대단한 결과 있었다고는 말은 못 해요... 계속 마스크 쓰니깐, 저는 1년 넘게 파운데이션은 안 발라서, 피부가 원래 괜찮았어요.
The dewy look was strong~ We were all so shiny when we went out into the sun xD
물광이 엄청났어요~ 나갔는데 다 빛이 났어요 ㅋㅋ
It was a great experience! I've never done anything like this. Most of my hangouts with friends usually just consist of cute cafe/food dates. This was a nice change!
진짜 좋은 경험이었어요! 이런 이벤트는 처음이었어요. 평소에는 친구 만날 때 이쁜 카페/레스토랑에 노는데, 이번에는 좀 다름 것 해서 너무 좋았어요~
My next Honey Skin Party was about a month later!
다음 허니 스킨 파티는 한 달 뒤였어요!
My friend is based in Osaka, but she goes to different areas a few times a month to help host these parties.
친구는 오사카에 사는데, 이런 이벤트를 하러 다른 지역으로 자주 가요.
There are a lot of things that I am unhappy about here in Aichi, but my close proximity to the big city is NOT one of them. I can get to Nagoya within an hour! Anyway, back to the party. Being busy with work and my studies, plus Covid still being an issue here, it had been a good month since I left my town. It was so nice to get out~ Since it was a week day, it wasn't as crowded as it usually is when I go into the city.
저는 아이치에 진짜 안 좋아하는 것이 많은데, 1가지 좋은 거는, 도시가 가까운 것! 1시간 안에 나고야로 갈 수 있어요! 아무튼, 다시 파티 얘기로~ ㅋㅋ 공부랑 일 위에, 코로나까지 때문에 이날이 거의 1달 만에 제 동내에서 나가는 거였어요. 나가니깐 너무 좋았어요~ 그리고 평일이라서 사람도 별로 없어서 굿굿!
The location for this party was super cute! I absolutely loved the interior and the overall aesthetics of the place.
이번 파타 장소가 너무 이뻤어요! 인테리어가 너무 이쁘고 분위기가 너무 좋았어요~
Since I did the basic package last time, I was able to select what to do next. Just looking at the names, I honestly didn't understand what anything was xD It was just names and no descriptions...so I picked the one with the most interesting name: the Zombie Pack.
저번에 기본 코스 했으니깐, 이번에는 선택할 수 있었어요. 코스 이름만 봐서는 뭐가 뭔지 솔직히 잘 몰랐어요 ㅋㅋ 이름만 써있으니깐, 어떻게 알아요...그래서 제일 특히 한 이름 있는 거 골랐어요: 좀비 팩.
The first step is always cleansing~ We spend like 10-15 minutes on this step. Then it was followed by applying the pack. It was an egg white-like consistency, and we had to keep our face flat for a few minutes as we waited for it to dry.
첫 단계는 항상 세안이에요~ 여기서만 10-15분. 그다음에 팩을 했어요. 달걀 흰자 같은 것을 얼굴에 펴 발랐어요. 마를 때까지는 가만히 누워있어야 했어요.
So the Zombie pack gets it's name for how it makes you look after putting it on. It's a skin tightening pack. I've never done one as strong as this. I literally could not make any facial expressions while I had this on. Even talking was difficult!
좀비 팩은 얼굴을 어떡해 되는지에서 나온 이름이에요. 피부 탄력 팩이에요. 이렇게 강한 건 처음이었어요. 진짜로 얼굴을 못 움직였어요!
Again, I can't say there were any extraordinary results. My face did feel a bit firmer...I think? xD I guess I'm still lucky in that my skin is still in pretty good shape. Though I definitely need to care for it now as I am getting closer to my 30s (I'm now closer to 30 than I am 20).
이번에도 막 대단한 결과는 없었어요 ㅋㅋ 탄력이 좀 좋아졌나...? ㅋㅋ 아직까지는 피부가 나쁘지 않아서 다행인데, 점점 30이 가까워지니깐 이제부터 관리 잘 해야죠.
This time around we had refreshments after finishing everything. This day's party was special in that a senior member from the company came. She offered a lot of advice ranging from beauty care all the way to simple life advice from an older female.
다 끝나고 간식 먹었어요. 이번에는 회사에 좀 오래 일하신 언니분이 오셨는데, 좋은 조언을 많이 해줬어요. 뷰티부터, 인생 선배로서 여러 조언을 해줬어요.
The second time was super fun as well! I don't think it'll ever be not fun. You have snacks + skincare/makeup + cute girlies~ What is there not to like?
2번째도 진짜 재밌었어요! 재미없을 수 없을 거 같아요. 간식 + 피부 관리/메이크업 + 이쁜 여자, 당연히 재밌죠~
I'm sure that I'll be going to a few more of these. I still have four more courses to try out!
저는 앞으로 계속 갈 예정이에요. 아직 해야 하는 코스가 4개 남았잖아요~
피부 케어 하신 후에 다들 물광피부 반짝반짝 빛나네요. 일본에서는 이런 이벤트 모임도 하는군요.
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