A long overdue trip → Osaka: USJ
Thursday, December 30, 2021Since the start of the pandemic, I haven't made any big trips. I have been itching for some traveling, and so I finally decided to do it!
팬데믹 시작한 이후로 여행 못 가고 있었어요ㅠㅠ 너무 가고 싶어서 드디어 갔다 왔어요!
I decided to go back to my old stomping grounds: Osaka, specifically USJ and Umeda♡
제가 자주 놀았던 오사카 갔다 왔어요! 그중에 제일 좋아하는 유니버셜이랑 우메다♡
The last time I was in Osaka was February 2020, literally right before Covid became serious. Since then, I hadn't been back to Osaka. It was really bad over there, so I was scared to go. It was during this time that I changed my hangout place to Kyoto xD
마지막으로 오사카 간게 2020년 2월, 팬데믹 시작하기 바로 전에. 그 뒤로 오사카 한번도 안 갔어요. 코로나가 너무 심해서, 가기 무서웠어요. 그때부터 교토에 많이 놀기 시작했어요 ㅋㅋ
With things having calmed down a bit and since I already got vaccinated, I finally made the plans to go!
코로나가 그때보다 좀 갈아 앉았고, 백신도 맞았으니깐, 드디어 가기로 했어요!
I had to leave my house around 7:00am to get to Nagoya a little before 8. From there it was about 50 minutes to Shin Osaka. It was a much simpler trip than expected. Now that I know, I might be taking this trip a lot more often xD
8시전에 나고야 도착하기 위해 아침 7시쯤에 출발했어요. 거기서 신칸센 50분 타면 신오사카 도착! 생각보다 쉽게 갈 수 있더라고요. 이제 아니깐 자주 가야죠~ ㅋㅋ
From Shin Osaka, it's an easy route to USJ: Shin Osaka → Osaka → Universal City
신오사카에서 유니버셜 가는게 엄청 쉬워요: 신오사카 → 오사카 → 유니버셜 시티
We got to the park just before 10am, and it was already super crowded. It's the downside of going on a weekend, but we were too excited to really care!
10시 전에 도착했는데 벌써 사람이 너무 많았어요. 주말에 가면 어쩔 수 없죠.. 근데 우리는 너무 신나 가지고 신경 안 썼어요 ㅋㅋ
There's a super big, super cute post box in Universal City! I have an small obsession with all things mail related, so of course I had to take a picture ;)
유니버셜 시티에 엄청 큰 우체통이 있는데, 너무 귀여워요! 제가 우체국이랑 관련된 것을 엄청 좋아해서 당연히 사진찍었지요~
I originally didn't want to buy a new accessory because I already had one, but I spent the week before looking for my Snoopy ears and I couldn't find them! I still don't know where they are... As childish as it might sound, I cannot go to a theme park without accessories xD It's just no fun!
저가 원래 새로운 액세서리 안 살려고했는데, 집에 아무리 찾아봐도 못 찾는 거에요. 아직도 못 찾았어요ㅠㅠ 근데 놀이공원에 액세서리 안 할 수 없잖아요~
The first thing on our itinerary was Super Nintendo World....except we didn't get to go in.
저제일 먼저 간 곳은 슈퍼 닌텐도 월드! ...근데 못 들어 갔어요.
USJ does this thing where for some of their more popular areas, you need to buy an extra ticket. For all my prior visits, this was the case with the Harry Potter section. This time, it was with Nintendo World. Since it's a permanent part of USJ, my friend and I decided that it wasn't worth it to buy the ticket. We'll just wait until the hype slowly dies down and then we'll go~
유니버셜 재팬은 인기 공간에 들어가려면 특별 티켓 따로 사야 하는 경우가 있어요. 여태까지는 해리포터 공간이 그랬어요. 이제는 닌텐도 월드가 이렇게 됐네요. 근데, 계속 있을 공간이니깐, 급하니 않았어요. 그냥 나중에 가지 뭐~
Since Nintendo World was a bust, we headed to our next destination: the Demon Slayer ride!
닌텐도 다음에 귀명의 칼날로 갔어요!
Unfortunately, this was also a bust. We got to the ride just before 10am, and the waiting time was already 360 minutes....the park hadn't even been open for an hour and the queue was already six hours! As much as I love Demon Slayer, I was not going to wait six hours, nor was I going to spend more money to buy a ticket xD
근데 여기도 못 탔어요ㅠㅠ 우리가 10시 전에 갔는데도, 대기 시간이 360분이었어요...문 연지 1시간도 안 지났는데 대기 시간이 벌써 6시간이었어요! 제가 너무 좋아하는 애니인데, 6시간 기다리고 싶지 않았고, 돈을 더 내고 싶지도 않았어요 ㅋㅋ
We went on a Saturday, so honestly, the crowds weren't that surprising. We just underestimated things, especially since with the pandemic we had gotten used to things being less crowded xD
우리가 토요일에 가서 당연히 사람이 많았죠. 그냥, 예상보다 많았어요. 코로나 때문에 옛날보다 사람이 들 있을 거라고 생각했는에, 그 시기는 벌써 지났나 봐요 ㅋㅋ
Those two things were honestly the only set plans we had for USJ. Since we couldn't do either, we just reverted back to our typical USJ routine: aimlessly wandering around~
그 2개 외에는 특별히 하고 싶은 거 없었어요. 근데 2개 다 못해서, 그냥 원래 USJ루틴으로 돌아갔어요: 그냥 목적지 없이 돌아다니기~
First stop is always Wizarding World~
제일 먼저 가는 곳은 항상 해리 포터 공간~
As huge Potterhead, I absolutely love coming here~ We never even do anything there but it is always a must!
저는 완저 해리 포터 덕후에요~ 아무것도 안해도 여기는 꼭 가야함!
There's a really nice photo spot here! It's the corner that's off to the side of the stage right before Hogwarts castle. There's no real defining characteristics to it, and I think this simplicity is what makes it so empty every time.
진짜 좋은 포토 스팟 여기에 있어요! 호그와트 성 가지전에 공연 무대가 있는데, 거기 오른쪽에 있는 구석. 특별히 이쁘거나 뭐가 있는 거는 아니지만, 평범해서 항상 비어있어요.
I totally recommend taking some shots here! Not only does it make a nice background, it's always empty so it's great for shy models (like me! xD)
여기 완전 추천해요! 이쁜 배경이고, 저처럼 좀 샤이한 모델이시면 딲 좋아요~
After walking around Hogsmeade, we headed to Wonderland~
여기 다음에 원터랜드로 갔어요~
Prior to moving to Japan, I had zero interest in Snoopy. But he's so popular here, and Japan makes the cutest goods~
저는 일본 오기 전에 스누피에 관심 하나도 없었어요. 근데 여기 너무 인기 많고, 이쁜 물건 너무 잘 많들어요~
디자인이 심플해서 그런가? 그냥 다 너무 이뻐요~
Though if I'm being honest, I don't really like Snoopy.
근데, 솔직히 말하면, 스누피 별로 안 좋아해요...
My heart goes to the Peanuts gang!
저는 피넛 아이들이 좋아요~
I like the Brown siblings~ My favorite is Sally, with Charlie as a close second!
저는 브라운 남매가 좋아요~ 샐리가 제일 좋아하고, 챨리가 2번째!
All the stores are also great photo spots~ The only struggle is finding the perfect timing. During busy days, like the day I went, the stores are super crowded. Though the Snoopy Studios Store was actually quite empty. I was able to get pictures pretty easily~
모든 가게들이 좋은 사진 스팟이에요~ 어려운 건 타밍이죠. 바쁠 때는, 가게도 사람이 엄청 많아요. 근데 스누피 스투디오스 스토어는 사람 별로 없었어요. 생각보다 사진 찍기 쉬웠어요~
I usually don't buy food in the park because it's always super expensive. But I figured that since it's been so long since I was there, I was just going to do anything what makes me happy~
제가 원래 놀이공원에서 음식을 안 사요. 너무 비싸잖아요. 근데 오랜만에 갔으니깐, 기분 좋게 샀어요~
이 커스터드 크림 빵 좀 봐요! 너무 이쁘잖아요~ 먹기 어려웠어요... ㅋㅋ
My favorite photo spot in in Wonderland! Right at the exit of the Hello Kitty's Cupcake Dream ride, there's a super cute pink wall. Aside from when people are exiting the ride, it's almost always empty!
제가 제일 좋아하는 포토 스팟이 원더랜드에 있어요! 헬로 키티 컵케이크 드림 놀이기구 출구에 이쁜 핑크 벽이있어요. 사람들이 내릴때 빼고는, 항상 비어있어요!
Honestly, the day was spent just wandering around!
이 하루는 진짜로 그냥 구경하고 다녔어요~
The lines for everything were super long and it just seemed like a waste of a day to just stand around.
줄이 다 너무 길었어요. 하루 종일 줄에 서있는 게 너무 시간 낭비인 거 같았어요.
I just took a bunch of random pictures throughout the day~ xD
하루 종일 사진 찍으면서 지냈어요~ ㅋㅋ
Honestly, there are so many cute things~
이쁜 거 너무 많아요~
The unicorn from Despicable Me is always a favorite~ But it's like $50 for the big plush, and I don't like it enough to spend that much xD
저는 항상 슈퍼배드에 유니콘 엄정 좋아요, 거의 ₩60000인데...그정도고 갖고 싶지 않아요 ㅋㅋ
Of course, with the new Nintendo World, there were a bunch of Nintendo goods~ Thankfully I'm no a big Nintendo fan, so there wasn't much temptation to buy anything.
닌텐도 굿즈도 엄청 많았어요~ 저는 관심이 별로 없어서 다행이에요 ㅋㅋ
And that's bacially the end of what I did inside USJ~
그렇게 USJ안에 하루가 끝났어요~
But a USJ trip isn't complete without some purikura!
As you might know, Melulu is my go-to machine~ It's the easiest to use and I feel like the photoshop is a bit less than the other machines.
아마 아실 거에요, 저는 메루루가 제일 좋아해요~ 제일 쉽고, 뽀샵이 그렇게 과하지 않아서, 사진도 제일 이쁘게 나와요.
And we're back to the crazy photoshop. Like seriously, who are these people?! xD
여기 뽀샵은 대단했어요. 아니, 이게 누구예요?! ㅋㅋ
Overall, the USJ trip was a success! I didn't get to do a bunch of things that I planned, but I had a good time and that's what's important, right? :)
오랜만에 간 USJ 너무 좋았어요~ 계획대로 된 게 많지 않았는데, 재밌게 놀았으니깐 그거면 됐죠 뭐~
As usual, along with a bunch of pictures, I took a bunch of videos. I'm starting to really like this vlogging thing~
사진 많이 찍었는데, 영상도 엄청 많이 찍었어요! 요즘에 브이로그에 진짜 빠져있어요~ ㅋㅋ
Universal Studios Japan
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