Osaka Day 2

Friday, December 31, 2021

It had been so long since I visited Osaka, I decided to stay for the weekend. I stayed the night at a small hotel in Shin Osaka on Saturday, 
오랜만에 가는 거였으니깐, 주말을 오사카에 보내기로 했어요. 신오사카에서 비즈니스 호텔에서 자고

then headed to Umeda on Sunday to meet up with my friend
일요일날에 친구 만나러 우메다로 갔어요♡

 As two very indecisive people, we never make plans beforehand. We always end up spending the first half hour or so after meeting up, deciding what we should do for the day. 
우리는 항상 계획 안 세워요 ㅋㅋ 만나고 한 30분동안, 뭐 할지 고민하면서 시작해요 ㅋㅋ

This day was no different. We met up at Osaka Station and searched Instagram for a bit before ultimately deciding on Eggs n' Things~  
이 날도 그랬죠. 오사카 역에 만나서 인스타에 검색하다가, 결국 에그앤띵스로 가기로 했어요~

You can never go wrong with Eggs n' Things~ The food is always good :9 
여기는 언제가든 맛있죠~ :9

Afterwards, we really didn't do anything significant. We hadn't made plans for after eating xD So we just wandered around Umeda, popping into stores here and there. 
밥 먹고 그냥 우메다 돌아다녔어요. 계획이 없었으니깐 ㅋㅋ 그냥 여러 가게 구경하면서 시간 때웠어요.

We eventually went into HEP FIVE and got dessert. It honestly wasn't a special place, we kinda just went somewhere that had available seats. 
결국에 그냥 HEP FIVE들어가서 디저트 먹었어요. 특별히 먹고 싶은 거 없어서 그냥 자리가 있는 곳으로 갔어요.

It was super nice to catch up on life~ We always have so much to talk about. We probably talk too much xD 
오랜만에 만나니깐 할 얘기가 많았어요~ 원래 만날 때 엄청 많이 얘기하는데, 이번에도 쉴 틈 없이 수다 떨었어요 ㅋㅋ

My friend had an appointment to attend to for a bit, so I had some time to myself~ I hung out at a small cafe in Eki Marche in Osaka Station. I got myself a Mango Fruit Tea with aiyu jelly to drink as I waited for my friend. Mango seems to be a trend in winter in Japan, because I have been seeing a surge in mango sweets over the last few weeks.  
친구는 중간에 일이 있어서, 혼자 놀 시간이 좀 생겼어요~ 그래서 오사카 역으로 다시 가서 작은 카페에서 망고 과일 차 마시면서 시간을 때웠어요. 일본에는 망고가 겨울 과일인가 봐요. 요즘에 망고 디저트가 많이 보여요.

My friend took longer than expected. Purikura is always a part of our hangouts, so we had to do that. We rushed to take some.  
친구는 생각보다 늦게 끝났어요. 근데 우린 만날 때마다 스티커 사진을 찍어서, 이번에도 찍어야 했어요. 급하게 찍으러 갔죠.

We've taken Melulu a bunch of times, and my friend was interested in the Neko to Kanojo machine, so we did it~ 
 친구가 네코 토 카노죠에 관심있어서 그거 찍었어요~

And again, the photoshop was amazing~ 
이번에더 뽀샵이 대박이었어요 ㅋㅋ

In the Namco in HEP FIVE, the purikura game is legit. There were these tiny studios to take pictures of your prints! 
HEP FIVE에있는 오락실에는 스티커 사진이 진지한 사업이에요. 뽑은 사진을 이쁘게 찍기 위한 작은 스투디오가 있었어요!

I was short on time, so I didn't get a chance to look around at all the other sets, but they seemed to be color coordinated. I obviously chose the yellow set~
제가 시간이 없어서 다 못 봤는데, 색갈 별로 있었던 거 같아요. 저는 당연히 노란색 세트를 골랐죠~

So we finished at around 7:50pm, but I had to leave at 7:55pm at the latest to catch my train. So we had to rush out of HEP FIVE and back to Osaka Station. We honestly didn't get to say a proper goodbye. It was quite the stressful situation to be honest.  
우리가 7:50에 끝났는데, 저눈 7:55 기차 타야했어요. 그래서 급하게 오사카 역으로 갔어요. 작별 인사도 제대로 못 했어요ㅠㅠ 좀 힘들었어요..

But I was able to get on my train safely, and made my way back to Aichi~ 
근데 다행히 안 늦고 기차 잘 타고 아이치로 돌아왔어요~

It was such a nice little vacation~ Now that I know how easy it is to get to Osaka from Nagoya, I definitely want to take more trips out there! Hopefully I can have more Kansai adventures soon~  
짧았지만, 진짜 좋은 여행이었어요~ 이제 어떻게 가는지 알아서 앞으로 자주 가고 싶어요! 나중에 또 간사이 여행 글 올릴게요~

Eggs 'n Things Umeda 



Lady Christiiney♡

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