Angel Library
Sunday, April 25, 2021One of my last Kyoto adventures was to the Angel Library in Gion
마지막 교토 나들이는 기온에 있는 앤젤 도서관 갔다 왔어요~
The Angel Library is the secret cafe that is part the CACAO MARKET by MarieBelle chocolate shop.
앤젤 도서관는 카카오 마켓이라는 초코릿 가게 뒤에 있는 "비밀" 카페이에요.
In order to go, you have to tell a staff member in CACAO MARKET. From there, they will give you a menu and you order in the shop. Once you pay, you get your receipt and the passcode for the cafe.
카페 갈려면 먼저 카카오 마켓으로 들어 가서 직원한테 얘기해야되요. 얘기하면 메뉴를 받아요. 그리고 가게 안에서 주문을 해요. 영수중이랑 카페 비밀번호 받아요.
The cafe entrance is behind the store. You go out and then go past the infamous angel wings mural. There's an entry way. In normal situations, there is a door on the right that is closed and locked. You then punch in the passcode you got to unlock the door. I don't know if it was because it was a rainy day or if it was a Covid precaution, but the door was already opened. So we didn't get to have the code punching experience ㅠㅠ
카페 입구가 가게 뒤에 있어요. 가게 나가서 그 유명한 천사 날개 벽화를 지나가면 바로 있어요. 원래는 비밀번호를 찍어야 들어갈 수 있는데, 비가 와서 그랬는지 아니면 코로나 때문이었는지, 문이 벌써 열려있었어요. 그래서 그 큰 포인트를 못 경험 했어요 ㅠㅠ
The cafe is underground. It's a tiny space, but it was so cute! It gave off super Harry Potter feels and I loved it~ I'm a huge Harry Potter fan...though I think most people around my age are xD
카페는 지하에 있어요. 진짜 작은데 너무 귀여웠어요! 분위기가 완전 해리포터였는데 저는 너무 좋았어요~ 제가 해리포터 광팬이거든요...근데 제 또래는 다 그럴껄요 ㅋㅋ
Everything was so pretty~
진짜 다 너무 이뻤어요~
True to the cafe's name, all the seats were angel names. Our seat was named after the Archangel Sachiel~
이름이 앤젤 도서관인 만큼, 자리가 다 천사 이름이었어요. 우리 자리는 천사 사치엘이었어요~
It was a nice river front seat~ Because of the heavy rain, the river was flowing very strongly.
강 앞에 있는 자리였어요~ 비가 많이 와서 강이 엄청 쎄게 내려가더라고요.
I got a Lemon cake and Earl Grey tea~ It was quite expensive...but you were really paying for the experience and atmosphere.
저는 레몬 케이크랑 얼 그레이 차를 주문했어요~ 좀 비쌌는데...그 경험이랑 분위기 값을 내는 거죠.
Which you cannot deny was super nice~
근데 진짜 좋았어요~
I really liked this area~ Unfortunately there were already people sitting there, but I'm glad that I had a chance to snap a picture before leaving.
저는 여기 앉고 싶었는데 벌써 사람이 있었어요. 근데 사진이라도 찍을 수 있어서 너무 좋았어요~
This is not a cafe to go to if you want to just relax. Since it's so popular, there usually is a time limit. We went in when it was pretty empty, but by the time we finished our food and drinks, it was filling up. We were politely asked to leave almost as soon as we finished.
여기는 여유롭게 쉬고 싶을때 가는 카페는 아니에요. 워낙 유명해서, 제한 시간이 있어요. 우리는 운 좋게 사람이 들 있을 때 가서 없었는데, 시간이 지날수록 사람이 많아졌어요. 우리가 다 먹자마자 직원이 부탁을 하더라고요.
This was my last hangout with my first pandemic friend! We lived a good 160km away from each other, but we still made time to meet up~ I'm sad that we won't be able to meet up as much anymore, but it's not like we won't ever meet again! We just have to plan way ahead.
이날이 제 첫 코로나 범유행 친구랑 마지막 날이었어요ㅠㅠ 우리는 160km 떨어져 살았는데도 자주 만났어요~ 이제는 이렇게 자주 만나지 못 해서 아쉬운데, 아예 맛 만나는 거 아니잖아요! 이제는 그냥 확실히 계획을 새워야하죠.
Kyoto is a city that I fell in love with during this pandemic. Being able to enjoy Kyoto without the crowds has been the one good thing about this whole situation. It definitely a place I want to go back to visit. There are so many places that I haven't been able to go to~
저는 이 범유행 시기때 교토랑 사랑에 빠졌어요 ㅋㅋ 진짜로 너무 좋고 이쁜 곳이에요. 관광객이 없어서 즐길 수 있었어요. 언젠간 꼭 다시 가고 싶은 곳이에요. 아직 못 가본 곳이 너무 많아요~
Of course, I made a vlog of the day~
당연히 브이로그도 만들었죠~
Angel Library
앤젤 도서관
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