Nagoya City Art Museum

Monday, December 27, 2021

Back in October, I decided to do something other than just eat.
10월에 먹방 아닌 것을 했어요~ 

I went to the Nagoya City Art Museum~
나고야시 미술관 갔어요~

I really enjoy going to art museums, and I honestly haven't been exploring this part of my interests. I absolutely regret not going to all the great museums they have in Kansai while I was I've made it a goal to go to as many as I can here! 
제가 미술관 진짜 좋아하는데, 솔직히 많이 못 갔어요. 간사이에 이쁜 미술관이 너무 많은데, 다 못 갔던게이제 와서 너무 아쉬워요ㅠㅠ 그래서 여기서 많이 가고 싶어요!

So while the day wasn't going to be food focused, an adventure isn't complete without some food~   
이날이 먹방이 아니었는데, 아무것도 안 먹을 수는 없잖아요~

We went for some Korean food in Osu~ 
오스에서 한식 먹었어요~

We may have eaten a bit too much though...but we worked off some of the calories as we walked to the museum~ 
근데 너무 많이 먹은 거 같아요 ㅋㅋ 그래서 미술관 가기전에 산책했어요~

We went to the Pom Pon - Francois Pompon Exhibit~ 
폼 폰 - 프랑수아 폼폰 전시회 갔어요~

We really didn't have a plan. We just went into the museum and the poster for the exhibit was super cute!  
솔직히 플랜이 없었어요. 그냥 포스터가 너무 귀여워서 들어갔어요!

Unfortunately the exhibit didn't live up to the excitement. There really wasn't anything cutesy about the exhibit. There was a real serious atmosphere to the whole thing...which was not the vibe my friend and I were going in with xD   
아쉽게도 전시회가 별로였어요. 포스터가 너무 귀여웠는데, 귀여운 게 하나도 없었어요. 굉장히 진지한 분위기였어요. 저랑 친구는 재밌게 구경하고 싶었는데... 너무 조용해서 엄청 눈치 보면서 봤어요 ㅋㅋ 

We were probably the only ones talking through the exhibit. It was soooooo quiet xD  
우리만 얘기하면서 구경했어요 ㅋㅋ

This museum had a "no photo" policy, which I'm kinda conflicted on. On one hand, I like that with this rule, you can just focus on the art. At the same time, it's kinda sad that you can't share the art with other people and get those aesthetic Insta pics xD  
이 미술관은 "촬영 금지"였는데... 좋은 면은, 작품에 집중할 수 있었다는 것. 반면, 딴 사람들이랑 공유 못하고 이쁜 인스타 사진을 못 찍는다는 것 ㅋㅋ  

There's a nice park area right outside~ 
미술관 밖에는 이쁜 공원이 있었어요~

We went out at the perfect time and were able to get some nice pictures as the sun set~
딱 해가 질때 나가서, 이쁜 사진 찍을 수 있었어요~

Before heading back home, we went back to Osu to buy some dessert~ We got the cutest macarons! We needed this cuteness after the lack of it at the museum xD 
집에 가기 전에, 다시 오스로 가서 디저트 샀어요~ 엄청 귀여운 마카롱 샀어요! 미술관에 없었던 귀여움을 대찾았어요! ㅋㅋ

It had been a while since I had a late afternoon/evening hangout, so it was a lot of fun! 
오랜만에 저녁때 놀아서 재밌었어요~

KOSF Korean Seoul Food 

Nagoya City Art Museum 

Lady Christiiney♡

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