Karawamachi Day

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Covid numbers have been on the rise here in Japan, especially in the bigger cities. I didn't want to risk anything, so I've been staying in my town for the last two months. I work at three schools, so I'm in contact with a lot of kids and teachers. I would hate to be the cause of something :/ Also, I hate getting sick while living alone. It just makes me more aware of how alone I am...
요즘에 다시 코로나가 심각해지고있어요, 특히 도시에. 괜히 문제가 생길까봐 2달동안 계속 동네에만 지내고 있었어요. 제가 학교 3군데에 일해서 많은 아이들이랑 교사들이랑 만나요. 나 때문에 무슨 문제가 생기면 안되잖아요. 그리고 혼자 사는데 아프면 고생해요. 항상 아플때 제일 외로워요ㅠㅠ

But things started to calm down a bit, so I decided that I needed to do some socializing!
근데 상황이 좀 나아져서 오랜만에 놀러 나갔어요~

So on Sunday, I headed to Kawaramachi~ 
지난 일요일에 교토 가라와마치 다녀왔어요~

I love Kyoto in general, but Kawaramachi is so much fun. You can make an adventure of just walking around because there are so many shops! Then when you go into Teramachi, there's even more entertainment~ 
제가 교토 진짜 좋아하는데, 그 중에 가와라마치가 진짜 재밌어요. 여러 가게가 있어서 그냥 돌아다니는 재미가 있어요! 

My friend and I met up for lunch. We met up at an awkward time, so all the places that we wanted to go to were closed. A lot of small restaurants and cafes have separate open times for lunch and dinner. We happened to be looking for places right at the end of lunch time. We walked around for quite a while before we settled on...  
친구랑 점심 먹기로 했어요. 근데 애매한 시간에 만나서 가고싶었던 곳이 다 닫았어요 ㅠㅠ 일본에는 점심시간이랑 저녁시간이 나눠있어요. 그 사이에 2-3시간 문 닫아요. 우리가 딱 점심시간이 끈날때 쯤 만났어요. 한참 돌아다니다가 결국 선택한 메뉴는...

Indian food! There was an Indian restaurant on the 7th floor of the mina Kyoto shopping mall. Indian food is always good, so it was a satisfying lunch~ 
인도 음식! 미나 교토 쇼핑몰 7층에 인도 식당이 있어요. 인도 음식을 항상 맛있으니깐 진짜 만족스러운 점심이었어요~

After lunch, we continued our walk around Kawaramachi~ We walked with no destination. Just walking and chatting, until we found our way to a Round 1. 
다 먹고 나서 다시 가와라마치 돌아다녔어요~ 목적지는 없었어요. 그냥 걷고, 수다떨고~ 결국 라운트 원 오락실에 도착!

Of course we took some purikura. The Melulu2 machine came out recently so we decided to give it a try. The new features were the makeup features and the background colors. 
당연히 스티커 사진 찍었죠~ 메루루2가 얼마 전에 나왔어 한 번 해봤어요. 이번에 새로운 기능은 메이크업이랑 배경 색상이었어요.

There are 43 colors to choose from, and they are all so cuteeeee! I went with a yellow theme, but all the pastel colors made it really hard to choose. It was a happy struggle~ 
고를 수 있는 색상은 43개, 그리고 다 너무 이뻤어요~ 저는 노란 테마를 선택했는데, 너무 어려웠어요. 진짜 행복한 고민이었어요~ ㅋㅋ

It never seems enough to take just one purikura, so we went to the Zero Limit machine~ 
스티커 사진은 하나만 찍을 수는 없지요~ 제로리미도 했어요.

I really like the lighting in Zero Limit and it's a great machine to capture your outfit! ...but I think Melulu is my ultimate favorite purikura machine~
여기를 조명이 너무 좋아요. 그리고 옷을 자랑하고 싶을때 진짜 좋아요! 근데 저는 메루루가 제일 좋은 거 같아요.

After the game center, it was back to walking. This time we had a purpose. We wanted to find a place we could sit down and relax a bit. 
오락실 다음은 다시 산책ㅋㅋ 이번에는 목적지가 있었어요. 좀 앉을 수 있는 곳을 찾고 싶었어요.

We found a small cafe tucked away in one of the alleyways. It was a really tiny shop with the cutest cutlery and even an even cuter owner. She was so sweet♡ The atmosphere was so nice~ I totally recommend you check this cafe out if you're looking for a quiet place to relax!  
한 골목에 작은 카페 찾았어요. 진짜 작았는데 접시가 너무 귀여웠고 거기 주인님도 너무 귀여우셨어요 분위기가 너무 좋았어요~ 좀 조용하게 쉬고 싶으니면 강추예요!

We ended the night with some karaoke~ I had about 50 minutes left before my train, so instead of walking around aimlessly again, we headed in to karaoke. I guess the store was full because they only allowed for 30 minutes, which was perfect! We had something to do and then I could leisurely make my way to the train station. 
날은 노래방에 끝났어요~ 제가 타야하는 전철까지 50분 정도 남아서, 다시 이유없이 돌아다니는 것보다 노래방이 낫다고 생각했어요. 사람이 많아서 30분밖에 못했는데, 딱 좋았어요! 할 것이 생기고, 끝날때 저는 여유롭게 역으로 갈 수 있었어요.

But 30 minutes is definitely not enough to enjoy karaoke. That's just when you're getting into it! We agreed that we should go for a longer session next time~  
근데 확실히, 노래방에는 30분이 너무 짧아요. 이제 막 신나지는데! 나중에 좀 더 오래 놀기로 했어요~

And that is how I spent my Sunday! I got to spend the day with good company in a wonderful city~ It was also really nice to get out of my small town. The weather is getting warmer, so I hope I'll be able to do more~ I look forward to more adventures in the future. 
일요일은 이렇게 보냈어요! 좋은 친구랑 좋은 곳에 사간을 보낼 수 있었어요~ 오랜만에 동네 나가서 너무 좋았고ㅋㅋ 앞으로 날씨도 좋아질텐데 더 많은 곳으로 갈 수 있었으면 좋겠다~

Spice Cafe Diwali (Indian food) 
스파이스 카페 디왈리 (인도 삭당)

Ippuku Cafe 
잎푸쿠 카페

Lady Christiiney♡

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