Last Day in Akishima

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

You know the saying, time flies when you're having fun....and that's exactly what happened on this trip. During those 2 weeks, I never felt that time was passing by so quickly. I was enjoying every moment to the fullest! But as this last day came, I couldn't believe that it was already over... 
그런 만 있잖아요, 재밌게 놀면 시간이 더 빨리 간다고....이 여행이 진짜 그랬어요. 2주 동안 빨리 간다고 안 느꼈어요, 하도 재밌어서 ㅋㅋ 근데 마지막 날이 오니깐, 시간이 어디갔나 싶은 거에요...

It wasn't much, but this is how I spent the End of Chri in Japan season 2♡   
별거 아니었는데, 크리짱 인 일본 시즌 2의 마지막 날을 이렇게 보냈어요. 

Because Katie had work super early the next morning, and I also had to take a super early bus to the airport we decided to just keep it simple. I had to get on the bus at the Akishima station, so Katie showed me how to get there. We figured that since we were already in Akishima, we should give Akishima another chance.  
제가 떠나는 날, 친구는 새벽에 일 가야하고, 저도 새벽에 공항버스 타야해서, 이 마지막 날은 그냥 간단하게 보내기로했어요. 버스 터미널이 혼자가야해서, 그 날 친구가 어디있는지 미리 보여주기로했어요. 아차피 거기 가니깐, 그냥 아키시마한테 기회 한번 더 주기로했어요 ㅋㅋ 

After figuring out where the bus stop was, we headed to the mall next to the station. It was a day of just looking around and not buying anything~ xD 
버스 터미널이 어디있는지 확인하고, 옆에 있는 쇼핑몰로 갔어요. 그냥 구경하는 날~ ㅋㅋ

Of course we went to the Disney Store again~ It would be my last Disney Store Japan visitㅠㅠ 
당연히 디즈니 스토어 또 갔죠~ 일본 디즈니 스토어 마지막으로 구경하는데ㅠㅠ

These mugs....I should have bought oneㅠㅠ
이 머그컵들...하나라도 샀을껄ㅠㅠ


Japan has the cutest phone cases...but they're all for iPhoneㅠㅠ I have a Samsungㅠㅠ, and I have no plans of switching over to be honest xD I love my phone...but I'm always so tempted by all the cute iPhone cases.
일본에 이쁜 핸드폰 케이스가 너무 많은데...다 아이폰 케이스ㅠㅠ 난 상성인데ㅠㅠ 바꿀 생각도 없고 ㅋㅋ 전 제 핸드폰 너무 사랑한데....이쁜 케이스 때문에 마음이 항상 흔들어요. 

We then went to this Japanese sweets shop. I always love the atmosphere in these shops~ If only it wasn't a store, it would be a super cute photo spot. 
일본 옛날 간식 가게로 갔어요. 분위기 짱이에요~ 가게만 아니었으면 사진 찍기 딱 좋은데.

I just love the vintage designs~ 
빈티지 디자인이 너무 좋아요~

More UFO catchers~ 
그 날도 뽑기 구경~

Seeing all those snacks made us hungry :9 So we headed to the food court to see what there was to eat. In the end, we went with Sukiya again xD Our 2nd go-to after convenience store food~ 
간식 구경 하니깐 배고파지더라구요 :9 그래서 푸드코트 갔어요. 결국 또 스키야 먹기로 했어요 ㅋㅋ 편의점 다음으로 자주 먹는 음식~ ㅋㅋ 

Then it was off to do some more window shopping~ 
다 먹고 나서 다시 눈으로 쇼핑하러 고고~ ㅋㅋ 

I always love how there are so many cute Disney stuff in regular stores. Sometimes the stuff they have in these stores are cuter than what they have in the Disney Store! Japan's Disney merchandise designs are so gorgeous~ 
일본에서는 디즈니 스토어에서만 이쁜 디즈니 물품 있지않다는 것이 너무 좋아요. 어떨때는 디즈니 스토어에 있는 것 보다 훨씬 이쁜 물풀이 많아요! 일본 디즈니 물품이 존예~ 

We left our mark in the stationary section xD (Check out #kycxcxvii on Instagram to see all our pictures from our previous and future adventures ;) There was a whole backstory to why we're called KYCXCXVII but neither of us can remember at this point xDD )
문구 공간에 사인을~ ㅋㅋ (인스다에 #kycxcxvii을 보시면 옛날이나 미래에 우리 사진이 많아요 ㅋㅋ 우리가 왜 KYCXCXVII인지 이유가 있는데 둘 다 기억하지 않아요 ㅋㅋ)

Then we decided to go to Toys R Us, because why not xD  
다음 장난감 가게로 갔어요, 왜냐면, 와이낫? ㅋㅋ

It was a small store so we weren't that tempted to buy anything xD I think we were the only ones there without kids xD We were looking at all the toys that kids nowadays play with. 
작은 가게여서, 뭘 막 사고 싶은 마음은 없었어요 ㅋㅋ 우리만 얘기 없이 돌아 다니고 있었어요 ㅋㅋ 요즘 애들이 뭘 갖고 노는지 구경했어요 ㅋㅋ

After playing at Toys R Us, we went to the nearby arcade to take our last purikuraㅠㅠ 
거기서 놀고, 사진 찍으러 가까운 오락실로 갔어요ㅠㅠ

We found this really interesting purikura machine xD It was so cute~ All the purikura machines put such an emphasis on being cute and pretty, but this one looked like it was just about having fun...which was exactly what we were aiming for ;) 
좀 특히한 기게 찾았어요 ㅋㅋ 너무 귀여웠어~ 다른 기게는 다 그냥 이쁘게 찍으라는 강요가 있는데, 이 기게는 그냥 재밌어 보였어요! 딱 우리 스타일 ;)

I didn't have any makeup on and Katie was just in sweats xD But I think that made the pictures look better! 
전 쌩얼이었고, 친구는 트레이닝복 입고 있었어요 ㅋㅋ 근데, 사직이 더 잘 나온 거 같아요! ㅋㅋ

Then we decided to get some ice cream. It probably wasn't a good idea to get ice cream in November...but why not xD Besides, I missed Japanese vending machine ice cream! It was really good by the way xD 
그리고 나서 아이스크림 먹기로 했어요. 11월에 아이스크림 먹는 게 좋은 생각이 아니었는데...근데 뭐 어때요 ㅋㅋ 전 일본 자판기 아이스크림 너무 그리웠어요! 진짜 맛있어요~ ㅋㅋ

And that's how the day and my Japan trip ended. The next morning, I had to take the 4am airport bus, and by 5pm I was in Korea! 
그 날, 그리고 그 여행이 이렇게 끝났어요. 다음 날 새벽 4시 공항버스 타고, 그 날 오후 5시에 한국에 있었어요. 

A big thank you to my family for trusting me enough to go on this trip on my own, and a HUGE thanks to Katie for letting me crash at her place for 2 weeks. I know it was a struggle xD   
날 믿어주고 이 여행 보내준 가족한테 고맙고, 2주 동안 자기 집에 있게 해준 친구한테 너무너무 고마워. 얼많아 힘들었는지 알아~ ㅋㅋㅋ 

I can say that Chri in Japan Season 2 was a complete success! I did a lot of things, I made a lot of great memories. I just had a good time and that's all you can ask for during a vacation, right? :)   
자신있게 크리짱 인 일본 시즌2가 성곡적이었다고 얘기 할 수 있어요! 많은 것을 했고, 좋은 추억 많이 만들었어요. 너무나 좋은 시간이었는데, 여행때는 그거보다 더 바라는 거 없지 않아요? :)

So, this is the end of my Chri in Japan Season 2 postsㅠㅠ I'm kinda sad to see it end xD I plan to have some Chri in Korea Season 2 posts soon, so please look forward to those! 
그래서 크리짱 인 일본 시즌2 글은 여기까지ㅠㅠ 끝나니깐 좀 슬프네요 ㅋㅋ 좀있으면 크리 인 한국 시즌 2 글 올릴 예정이니, 기대해주세요!

Lady Christiiney♡

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