Chri in Korea

Saturday, March 17, 2018

I had planned to have a thorough Chri in Korea Season 2 series, just like my Chri in Japan season 2...  
 크리짱 인 일본 시즌2 처럼, 꼼꼼하게 크리 인 한국 시즌2 ♡글을 올리려고 했는데...

.....but I don't think that's possible. I honestly didn't do enough in Korea to give a day-to-day recount of what happened..
.....근데 불가능 할 거 같아요. 솔직히 한국에 그렇게 뭐 많이 안 해서, 자세하게 글을 못 쓰겠네요..

I think I went out a total of like 5 times for the 2 weeks I was there. Looking back, I should I done moreㅠㅠ 
아마 총 5번 밖에 안 나간 거 같아요. 이제 보니깐, 더 많이 나가서 놀았을껄ㅠㅠ

I don't have any friends in Korea, so whenever I'm there, I don't do much. This last trip was no exception xD but on top of that, my family moved to a new apartment which was further from the train station which made it hard for me to go anywhere. I felt bad because I'd have to ask for a ride and I just felt like I was such a botherㅠㅠ 
제가 한국에 친구가 없어서, 갈때마다, 그냥 아무것도 안해요 ㅋㅋ 이번 여행도 마찬가지 ㅋㅋ 그리고 제 친척이 새로운 아파트로 이사갔는데, 역에서 좀 먼 곳으로 이사가서 나가기 힘들더라고요. 나가면 항상 누구한테 데려가 달라고 해야했는데...그게 좀 그렇더라고요...ㅠㅠ

That isn't to say that I didn't have a good time in Korea though! I spent a lot of time eating some good food xD Some of the days I left the house was specifically just to go eat xD 
근데, 그렇다고 재미없다는 건 아니에요! 맛있는 음식 많이 먹었어요 ㅋㅋ 어떨때에는 밥만 먹으러 집에 나갔어요  ㅋㅋ

I gained like 5 lbs during those 2 weeks because I was eating so much. I had eaten a lot in Japan too, but at least I was walking around a lot there. In Korea, I didn't do any exercise xD It was way too cold to do anything. I was definitely not prepared for the cold weather.  
너무 많이 먹어서, 2주 동안 한 2킬로 쩠나봐요. 일본에서도 많이 먹었는데, 거기서는 많이 돌아다녀서 괜찮았는데...한국에서는 거의 안 나가서 ㅋㅋ 한국 너무 추웠어요. 저는 진짜로 준비가 안되있었어요 ㅋㅋ 

I only went up to Seoul twice during this trip.  
서울을 2번 밖에 안 갔어요.

I went to COEX mall sometime during the first week, then to Myeongdong in the second week. I did a lot of window shopping (because I spent all my money in Japanㅠㅠ)
첫주에는 코엑스 가고, 두번째주에는 명동으로 갔어요. 구경만 많이 했어요 (일본에서 돈을 다 썼었으니깐ㅠㅠ)

Of course, I did buy a few things :) 
당연히 몇 개 좀 샀죠. 

I always love buying socks in Korea xD I got 11 pairs of socks for ₩10,000 ($9.40)! These aren't cheap material socks. These are really nice socks! The always have the cutest designs in Korea~
저는 한국에 갈 때 양말 사는 거 너무 좋아해요 ㅋㅋ 11컬레 가 ₩10,000! 너무 좋아요~ 퀄리티 너무 좋고, 디자인도 너무 이뻐요~

I also got the Etude House Play Color Eyes Wine Party palette. I have the Cherry Blossom one and I loved it! When I saw that they were coming out with a new one, I had to get it! I'm a big fan of burgundy makeup and all the colors in this palette are so pretty. I saw the other day that they have a new peach themed one and I really want that one too xD 
그리고 에뛰드 하우스의 플레이 컬러 아이즈 와인 파티 팔레트 샀어요. 제가 체리 블로썸 팔레트가 있는데 너무 좋아하는 팔레트 입니다. 새로운 팔레트가 나온다고 하니깐 사야했죠! 제가 버건디를 되게 좋아해서, 이 팔레트에 있는 색갈이 다 너무 이뻐요~ 얼마 전에 또 새로운 피치 팔레트가 나왔다는데, 그것도 사야죠 ;) ㅋㅋ

Then I got this sweater at H&M.. 
그리고 H&M에서 이 스웨터를 샀는데...
I wasn't planning on buying any clothes, let alone any from H&M. We have huge H&M stores in California...I only went inside the H&M in Myeongdong because it was so cold outside. I think it was -3°C that day. I was not dressed appropriately for that weather. So to escape the cold for a bit, I went into the store and decided to look around. I saw this super cute sweater and I just had to try it on.  
제가 한국에서 옷을, 특히 H&M에서 옷을 살 생각 전혀 생각 안 했는데.. 아니 캘리포니아에 큰 H&M이 많은데 ㅋㅋ 저는 명동에 있는 H&M 들어간 이유는, 그냥 너무 추워서 들어갔어요. 그 날 영하 3도였을 거에요. 그냥 그 추위를 피할려고 들어가서, 그냥 들어간 김에 구경하자 했어요. 구경하다가 이쁜 스웨터가 보여서 입어봤어요. 

The problem is....I tried it on without looking at the price tag. This is a turtleneck and so the tag was inside the sweater. If I had seen the price before trying it on, I would have just put it back on the shelf. I definitely would not have bought this. I spent ₩99,000 ($93.06) on this... 
문제가...제가 가격표 안 보고 입어봤어요. 터틀넥이어서 가격표가 안에 있었어요. 그거를 먼저 봤어야되는데...미리 봤으면 안 샀었을 거에요. 이 스웨터가 ₩99,000이었어요.....

₩99,000 on a's more ridiculous as I think about it now because I would bring this back to California right? When would I ever wear a turtleneck sweater in California?! I mean, thankfully it's been chilling enough that I've worn this a few times here...but I don't understand what was going through my mind when I bought this. Then again, I don't regret it because it is a really cute sweater xD  
스웨터 하나에 ₩99,000를....지금 생각하면 왜 샀을까요? 아니 사서 캘리포니아로 갖고 왔잖아요. 캘리포니아에서 언제 터틀넥을 입어요?! 아니 다행히 올해 겨울이 좀 추워서 몇 번 입었어요...근데 지금 생각하면 너무 어이없어요 ㅋㅋ 근데 후회는 없어요! 이쁘니깐~ ㅋㅋ

I also bought a bunch of stationery that I don't have any pictures of, but am using!
당연히 문구도 많이많이 샀는데, 사진을 안 찍었을 뿐!

I just spent a lot of time relaxing and hanging out with my grandma xD 
그냥 쉬면서 할머니랑 시간 많이 보냈어요 ㅋㅋ
I got to visit my hometown for a bit xD I saw a little bit of snow...not much thoughㅠㅠ I was quite disappointed about that.  
오랜만에 고향도 가고~ ㅋㅋ 눈도 봤어요! 근데 아쉽게도 많이는 못 봤어요ㅠㅠ 생각보다 많이 안 왔어요ㅠㅠ 

Then there was more food~ 
그리고 맛있는 밥 더 먹었죠~

I bought so much milk in Korea just for the packaging xD Everything was so cuteeee~ 
제가 우유를 엄청 많이 사서 마셨어요 ㅋㅋ 너무 귀여워서~~ ㅋㅋ 

I went down to Geoje for a day as well :) 
거제도도 한 번 갔다 왔어요 :)

I also got my hair done :) 
머리도 했어요 :)
I got a perm....only to cut my hair a few months later xD I was told AFTER my hair was done that my hair was so damaged that the perm couldn't come out very well. If I had known that it wasn't going to come out like I wanted, I wouldn't have gotten the perm... 
파마 했는데...결국에 머리를 단발로 잘랐어요 ㅋㅋ 아니 다 끝나고 머리가 너무 상해서 파마가 잘 안 나왔다는 거에요. 아니, 잘 안 나올거라고 알면 그냥 미리 얘기 해주셨어야되는데... 미리 알았으면 안했었을텐데 ㅠㅠ

And before I knew it, it was time for me to come back to CA. 
그렇게 시간이 보내면서, 너도 모르게, 벌써 다시 캘리포니아로 돌아 올 시간이 된거에요. 

I ended up having the whole row to myself on the flight home :) I was able to lie down quite comfortably for the 11 hour flight home.  
엘에이로 돌아오는 비행기에 제 열이 다 비여서 제가 굉장히 편하게 집에 왔어요~


I'm sorry that this post is so boring and rushed. There was probably no point in making this post...but I wanted to post the pictures I took in Korea somewhere xD 
글이 너무 급하고 재미없어서 죄송해요ㅠㅠ 이글 괜히 썼나 ㅋㅋ...근데 한국에서 찍은 사진은 어디에 올리고 싶었어요 ㅋㅋ

But I still hope that you enjoyed this post! xD I promise that the next time I got to Korea I'll post better updates! 
그래도 재밌게 읽으셨기를 바래요! ㅋㅋ 다음에 한국 갈때 더 많이 놀고, 더 자세하게 재밌는 글 올릴께요! ㅋㅋ

Lady Christiiney♡

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