Tokyo Disney Sea

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

So in the last post, I told you about BIG EVENT #2! kycxcxvii at TOKYO DISNEY
저번 글에 빅 이벤트 #2 얘기 했젆어요! 그게 보로 도쿄 디즈니!  

In our 11 year friendship, Katie and I had never been to an amusement park together. Crazy, I know! So we decided to splurge a bit and went on a two day, two park Tokyo Disney trip!
우리의 11년에 우정에 놀이공원 한 번도 안 가본거에요. 말도 안되죠?! 그래서 돈을 좀 많이 써서, 도쿄 디즈니 이틀 가기로 했어요!

Can you believe that the 2-day passport was only ~$130? That's for TWO DAYS at TWO PARKS. The two day passes for Disney here in California are $200+. I've been avoiding going to Disneyland in California because it's so expensiveㅠㅠ
이틀 패스가 ₩140000정도 밖에 안되는 게 말이 돼요?! 이틀, 공원 2개! 미국에 그렇게 할려면 거의 ₩220000인데... 너무 비싸서 캘리포니아 디즈니랜드 피하고 있었어요ㅠㅠ 

I'm rambling xD I'm here to talk about our Tokyo Disney adventures! xD 
계속 불평 얘기하면 안되니깐 여기서 그만ㅋㅋ 도코 디즈니 얘기 해야돼!

The train ride to Disney wasn't that bad. It was a Monday around 10, I think? So the rush hour had already passed. We actually had to pass Disney first because we wanted to drop off our suitcase at the hotel we were staying at. Then we went back to Disney~ The shuttle to the park was so cute. Look at the handle bars~~
디즈니 가는 길을 나쁘지 않았어요. 아침 10시쯤에 출발했나? ㅋ 출근 시간이 지나서 사람이 그렇게 많지 않았어요. 먼저 호텔에 짐을 맡겨야되서, 먼저 디즈니를 지나서 다시 갔어요. 디즈니 가는 셔틀이 너무 귀여웠어요~ 손잡이 봐봐요~~


First stop: TOKYO DISNEY SEA! We exchanged money first before going in, and the lady working there was really sweet~ We had to give our DOB and other information when we were exchanging and she noticed that Katie's birthday had been earlier that month, so she gave her a birthday sticker! I guess she felt bad just giving on to Katie, because she looked at my DOB and said she'd give me one too, even though my birthday was almost 2 months before xD
첫 날은 도쿄 디즈니 시갔어요! 들어가기 전에 돈 환불 했는데, 거기 일하는 여성분이 너무 친절했어요~ 환불 할때 생년월 다 줬어야 했는데, 그분이 친구 생일이 2주전이었다는 걸 보고, 친구한데 생일 스티커를 줬어요! 근데 친구한테만 줘서 미안했는지, 저한테도 하나 주셨어요 ㅋㅋ 전 생일이 거의 2달 전이었는데 ㅋㅋㅋ

Our tickets were really cute too~ Like how did they know to give us Minnie and Chip&Dale? I mean, they aren't our favorite characters, but they're characters that suit us really well xD  
티켓까지 너무 귀여웠어요~ 어떻게 알아서 미니마우스랑 칩&데일을 줬을까? 우리가 제일 좋아하는 캐릭터들은 아닌데, 우리한테 너무 잘 어울리는 캐릭터! ㅋㅋ

After getting into the park, the first thing we did was go into the store. We had to get our headbands!   
입장하고 제일 먼저 한 건, 매장으로 갔어요. 머리띠 사야되니깐! ㅋㅋ

We didn't find anything that we liked in the storesㅠㅠ So we decided to just walk around first and hoped that they had other headbands outside or at a different store. We didn't have to look too far xD We went to one of the outdoor stands and found our headbands~ 
근데 이쁜게 없더라고요ㅠㅠ 그래서 그냥 나가서 다른 곳에서 좋은 것이 있기를 바랬어요. 결국 멀리 안 가도 됐어요 ㅋㅋ 밖에 있는 스탠드에서 마음에 드는 머리띠 찾았어요~ 

I got the Winter 2017 Minnie ears and Katie got the Oswald ears~ We wanted something that complimented our outfits! And with our ears chosen, it was time to start our Disney Sea adventures!
저는 2017 겨울 미니마우스, 친구는 오스월드~ 우리의 의상에 맞는 "귀"를 원했어요! 이걸로 준비가 끝나서, 드디어 우리의 디즈니 시 모험 시작!    

We actually didn't have any plans for Disney Sea xD We were both familiar more with Disneyland, but couldn't remember much about Disney Sea. We could have looked up what they had, but we just decided to wing it xD We didn't even use any maps, we just started walking around xD
우리가 아무 계획 없이 디즈니 시로 갔어요 ㅋㅋ 둘 다 디즈니랜드 밖에 모르는 바보들이라서 ㅋㅋ 디즈니 시 옛날아 가봤는데 하나도 기억이 안났어요. 검색을 했어야됬는데, 그냥 막 하기로 했어요 ㅋㅋ 지도도 안 쓰고 그냥 무작정 직진 ㅋㅋ

The first place we decided to stop at and explore was the Little Mermaid area.
제일 먼저 간 곳은 인어공주 지역이었어요.
It was really cute~ I'm not a big Ariel fan, but I love all things mermaid and nautical. I loved the colors of everything~
너무 귀여웠어요~ 저는 원래 인어공주를 그렇게 좋아하지 않은데, 인어랑 선박/마린 디자인이 진짜 좋아해요. 색갈이 다 너무 이뻤어~

But there were way too many little kids running around, so we swiftly made our way out of there. We continued our journey and arrived at the Aladdin world~ 
근데 애들이 너무 많아서, 좀 구경해서 바로 나갔어요. 다음은 알라딘 세계로~  

I'm not much of an Aladdin fan either xD but I really liked this area. It was a really nice photo spot!
전 알라딘도 별로 안 좋아하는데 ㅋㅋ 여기도 너무 이뻤어요. 사진 찍기 너무 좋았어요!
We rode our first and last ride in the Aladdin area xD We had more fun just checking out the gift shops xD
처음과 마지막 놀이기구를 여기서 탔어요 ㅋㅋ 선물 가게 구경하는게 우리한테 더 재밌었어요 ㅋㅋ

All the architecture at Disney Sea was so nice~ It made me forget that I was in Japan for a bit. So many good photo spots!
디즈니 시의 건축이 다 너무 좋아요~ 아니 순간 일본이라는 걸 잊었어요. 사진 찍을 곳이 너무 많았어요!


We got this Milk Chocolate popcorn that was sooooo good~ I think I finished mine in like 10 minutes xD 
돌아 다니면서 우리가 이 밀크 초코 팝콘 샀는데...너무 맛있었어요~ 전 10분 안에 다 먹었나봐요 ㅋ

So I know I said that Katie and I went to Disney Sea without having any set plans...but there was one place that I knew that I wanted to go to for sure. That was the Toy Story ride. I absolutely love Toy Story. The Aliens are so cuteeeee and Buzz is super cute too~ I just love it! So I knew that we HAD to go there and ride it. Well, we got there...and it was a big NOPE.
제가 우리가 계획없이 디즈니 시 갔다고 했잖아요...근데 저는 꼭 가고싶은 곳은 있었어요. 그게 바로 토이스토리 지역 이었어요. 저는 토이스토리 진짜 좋아해요. 그 외계인들이 너무 귀엽고, 버즈도 너무 귀여웡~ 너무 좋아요 ㅋㅋ 여기는 꼭 가고, 놀이기구 타야했는데...안 탔어요ㅠㅠ 
The wait for the line was over 2 hours....We should have gone there when we first got to the parkㅠㅠ
대기 시간이 2시간이 넘었어요....도착하자마서 갔을껄ㅠㅠ

I was really disappointed...but I wasn't willing to wait the 2 hours. That's wayyyyyy too long of a wait. So we had no choice but to just walk awayㅠㅠㅠㅠ
너무 실망했어요....근데 2시간 기다리는 건 너무 하다고 생각했어요. 그래서 어쩔 수 없이 그냥 갔어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ


Everything at Disney Sea was so gorgeous. I was just taking pictures of everything xDD We found this amazing place behind one of the buildings that was completely void of people. I think it was leading to one of the back doors for the employees, but it was so pretty. 
디즈니 시에 이쁜 곳이 너무 많았어요♡ 그냥 막 찍어도 사진 다 너무 이쁘게 나왔어요. 우리가 진짜 이쁜 배경 찾았어요! 스태프가 쓰는 뒷 문이었던 거 같은데, 사람이 없어서 너무 좋았어요~   
But as soon as we started taking pictures, a bunch of people started coming too...So we kinda migrated to the more secluded area.  
근데 사진 찍기 시작하자 마자 사람이 막 오기 시작했어요ㅠㅠ 그래서 좀 더 깊숙이 갔어요 ㅋㅋ

We didn't stay too long after this photo session. We had practically seen everything at that point, so we kinda just headed towards the exit.
이 사진들 찍고, 더 오래 있지 않았어요. 그때까지 디즈니 시에 있는 것 거의 다 봐서, 그냥 자연스럽게 출구로 이동했어요 ㅋㅋ  

But we did, of course, stop by another gift shop before heading out xD
근데, 가기전에 가게 한 번도 들렸다 갔어요 ㅋㅋ

Everything was so cute~ but surprisingly, I didn't buy much.....which I regret so much xD I really liked this Stella Lou pass case. I'm not even gonna lie, it's mainly because it reminded me of Wonho xD It was also really cute, which was a big bonus~
여기 있는 물건 다 왜이렇게 귀여웠을까요? ㅋㅋ 근데 놀랍게도, 거의 아무것도 안 샀어요 ㅋㅋ 제가 스텔라루 패스 케이스 너무 마음에 들었어요. 솔직히 말하면, 원호 생각이 나서 더 좋았던 거 같아요 ㅋㅋ 귀엽기도 해서 더 좋았죠~
But for some reason, I didn't buy it. I decided that I'd just get it the next day....but that didn't happen because they only have the Duffy & Friends line at Disney Seaㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
근데...안 샀어요. 그냥 다음 날에 살려고했는데.....그렇게 못 했어요. 왜냐면, 더피 앤 프렌즈는 디즈니 시에만 있어서ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 

So we left Disney Sea at around 6pm....we left super early xD We were hungry so we just headed to Saizeriya for dinner. That was really the only appetizing thing near the train station xD 
우리가 6시쯤에 떠났어요....왜이렇게 일찍 나온지 몰라요 ㅋㅋ 배고파서 저녁 먹으러 사이지리아로 갔어요. 역에서 먹을만한 곳을 거기밖에 없더라고요..

But then we found out that on the other side of the station had this whole other mini mall with TONS of different restaurants -____-;; It was quite a fail....xD We still had some time left before we needed to head to the hotel, so we decided to hang out at the SEGA arcade they had. 
근데 역 반대편에 다른 몰이 있는건 먹고 나서 알게 됐어요ㅠㅠ 그쪽에는 먹을 거 많았는데ㅠㅠㅠ 완전 실패였어요 ㅋㅋ 호텔 가야되기 전에 시간 좀 있어서, 우리가 세가 오락실 갔어요!

I think I chose the best time to go to Japan, because Aqours was literally everywhere xD I was in Love Live! Sunshine!! heaven xDD
제가 시간 잘 맞춰서 일본 간 거 같아요. 어디가든 아쿠아가 있는 거에요! ㅋㅋ 러브라이브! 선샤인!! 천국이었어요 ㅋㅋ

Again, we did the whole, looking at the UFO catchers but not playing thing xDD
이번에도 열심히 뽑기기구 구경했어요 ㅋㅋ
Looking at all the arcade pictures now....I kinda regret not playingㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
사진 계속 보니깐...한번 안 한 게 좀 아쉽네요 ㅋㅋ ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

And of course we took some purikura~
당연히 사진도 찍었죠~ 

I was so happy with how these came out~  
사진들이 너무 잘 나왔어~~

We headed to the hotel not too long after that. My favorite thing about hotels in Japan are the clothes that they give you xD
사진 찍고 호텔로 갔어요. 전 일본 호텔 제일 좋은 면은, 옷을 준비 해주는 것 ㅋㅋ 

Continuing our Sapporo traditions of "hotel pajama selfies"~
삿포로 이어서 "호텔 파자마 셀카"~

We ended our day quite early because we had to wake up early the next day. It was going to be our galaxy makeup day!
다음 날 일찍 일어나야해서, 하루를 좀 일찍 끝냈어요. 근데, 다음 날이 갤럭시 메이크업하는 날일꺼라서 설렌마음으로 잤어요~ ㅋㅋ

Lady Christiiney♡

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