Reunion at Kichijoji

Monday, February 19, 2018

After that less than satisfactory Tokyo day, on the next day, I ventured out to Kichijoji to meet a friend~
별로였던 도쿄 나들이 다음 날, 친한 언니 만나러 키치죠지 갔어요~ 

It was such a struggle to wake up that morning. I'm not a morning person as it is, but all those late night adventures were making it difficult for me xD 
그 날 일어나기 너무 힘들었어요. 원래 아침 좋아하는 사람이 아닌데, 계속 늦게 들어오고 늦게 자서 많이 힘들었어요. 

Thankfully, I wasn't meeting my friend that early, so I had some time to get ahold of myself xD
다행히 아침 일찍 만나는 게 아니라서, 좀 천천히 준비할 수 있었어요 ㅋㅋ

Since this was my friend, and not a mutual friend Katie knew, I was going out on my own. This was the first time I've ever traveled alone in Japan. I mean, it wasn't that long of a journey, but I was still nervous xD Thankfully, it went very smoothly~
만나는 사람이 네 친구여서, 제가 혼자 만나러가는 거였어요. 일본에서 처음으로 혼자 돌아다니기였어요. 그렇게 멀리 가는 건 아니었는데, 그래도 좀 긴장했어요 ㅋㅋ 다행히 무사히 잘 갔어요~  

The friend I was meeting with Subin♡
제가 만나러 간 사람이 바로 수빈언니♡

So we met back in the summer of 2015. She and her brother were visiting California and I had the great opportunity to "teach" conversational English to them for a month. I say "teach" with quotes because I really didn't teach anything. It was pretty much just hanging out xD
언니를 2015년 여름에 만났어요. 언니가 동생이랑 같이 캘리포니아로 놀러왔는데, 제가 1달 동안 영어회화 "가르쳤어요". 근데 제가 뭘 가르쳐요 ㅋㅋ 그냥 논거 같에요 ㅋㅋ

We haven't been able to see each other since 2015, so I was really excited to see her again
그 여름 이후로 못 만나서, 다시 볼 수 있어서 너무 기대됐어요. 

The first thing we did after meeting up was go to eat!
만나자마자 밥 먹으러 갔어요!

She said that there was a really good sushi place at the station. I was excited~
키치죠지역에 맛있는 초밥집이 있다고해서 거기로 갔어요. 엄청 기대했어요~  

And I was not disappointed~ It was soooooo good~ This was the 2nd time I had sushi on this trip. The first time was a big disappointed (it happened during that mess of an Akishima day), so I was so glad this was good :9 She was so sweet to pay for our meal~ 
실망하지 않았어요~ 너무 맛있었어요~ 이 여행에 두번째로 먹을 초밥이었어요. 첫번째는 완전 실망이었어서 (그 망한 아키시마 날에 먹었어요 ㅋㅋ), 이번에 맛있는 초밥 먹으니깐 너무 좋았어요 :9 언니가 너무 스윗해서 밥 사줬음~ ㅋㅋ 

After that, we just walked around Kichijoji. It was really relaxing. It wasn't as quiet as Haijima, but it wasn't as busy as Tokyo. I really liked it~
먹고나서 그냥 키치죠지 돌아다녔어요. 정말 편안했어요. 하이지마 만큼 조용하지는 않았는데, 도쿄만큼 복잡하지 않아서 너무 좋았어요~

I made it my mission to take as many purikura on this trip as I could xD They're so cheap in Japan. Here, it's like $11, which is almost 3x more expensive. So of course we took some purikura~ I still can't get over how cute the chibis are! 
이 여행동안 찍을 수 있는 스티커 사진 다 찍겠다고 결정해서, 당연히 언니랑도 찍었음~ ㅋㅋ 일본 너무 싸~ 미국에선 ₩10000이 넘어요! 일본 거의 3배 비싸요. 이번에 나온 캐리커처 너무 귀엽죠~

Then went to a cute cafe to just catch up. We talked for quite a while, on a various number of topics. People were looking at us a bit strangely because we were speaking Korean and occasionally English xD 
그리고나서 아주 귀여운 카페가서 수다 떨었어요 ㅋㅋ 많은 얘기를 나눴어요. 한글이랑 영어 섞으면서 얘기하니깐 거기있는 사람들이 좀 이상하게 보더라구요 ㅋㅋㅋ 

Then her boyfriend came to join us. I'm not going to lie, it was a bit awkward xD But I'm like that with every first meeting xD We stayed at the cafe for a bit longer before heading out for a late dinner. We got some really good Tonkatsu. I ended up getting another free meal!
언니 남자친구도 만났어요. 솔직히 좀 많이 어색했어요 ㅋㅋ 근데 저는 항상 어색하니깐 ㅋㅋ 카페에서 좀 더 있고, 늦은 저녁 먹으러갔어요. 진짜 맛있는 돈까스 얻어 먹었어요 ㅋㅋ 너무 고맙게~ 

And I made my way back to Haijima after that. 
그리고, 얼마 안되서 다시 하이지마로 갔어요.

Subin got me this super cute gift~
언니가 너무 이쁜 선물까지 줬어요~ 

I've never used Japanese makeup before, so I don't have a clue about it xD I'm so happy that she got me some that I can try out. I've only tried the three on the left, but I've been pretty satisfied. I like the blush the best so far. Maybe I'll do a review on these one of these days when I get a chance :) 
제가 일본 화장품 쓴적이 없어서 잘 몰라요 ㅋㅋ 그래서 선물로 받아서 너무 기뻤어요. 왼쪽에 3개 밖에 안 써봤는데, 괜찮은 거 같아요. 그 보라빛 블러쉬가 제일 좋아해요. 시간 날때 한번 리뷰할까요? ㅋㅋ 

I really had a good time that day. It's always nice to see friends, and it's even nicer when good food is involved~
그 날 진짜 좋았어요. 친구 만나는 건 항상 재밌는데, 맛있는 음식까지 포함하면 더 좋죠~ ㅋㅋ

I don't know when I'll see Subin again, but I think we made enough memories to last for a while~
언니를 언제 또 만날지는 모르는데, 이번에 추억 많이 만들어서 좋아요~

Not only did the reunion go well, my first solo Japanese adventure was a complete success! xD It wasn't as scary as had worried it would be. Maybe the next time I'm in Japan I'll have more solo adventures~
언니와의 재결합도 성공적이었는데, 제 첫 솔로 일본 나들이도 성공! ㅋㅋ 생각한 것 보단 하나도 안 무서웠어요 ㅋㅋ 나중에 일본 갈때 더 자주 혼자 다녀야지~ 

Lady Christiiney♡

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