GOT7 TURN UP Concert Diver City Tokyo

Monday, February 05, 2018

(This took longer than expected to upload because I had a little mishap. I had this all written out and I had saved it so that I could review it once more the next day before uploading it. Well, the next day, I couldn't find the post anywhere. It was deleted for some reason...and I was so mad. So because I had to rewrite this, I'm uploading this now...even though it was ready weeks agoㅠㅠㅠ
(제가 이 글 한참 전에 올릴려고 했는데, 사고가 있어서ㅠㅠ 제가 글을 다 쓰고, 그냥 다음 날 한번 다시 읽어 보고  올릴려고 그냥 저장하고 잤어요. 다음 날 보니까 없는 거에요! ㅠㅠㅠ 얼마나 열심이 썼는데ㅠㅠㅠ 진짜 열 받아 가지고 그냥 포기했어요. 처음부터 다시 써야해서 이렇게 올래 결렸어요...몇 주 전에 준비됬었는데ㅠㅠㅠ)

BIG EVENT #1 of Chri in Japan Season 2 was none other than the GOT7 TURN UP Concert in Diver City Tokyo
크리짱 인 일본 시즌2 빅 이벤트 #1은 바로 갓세븐 턴업 다이버 시티 콘서트였습니다!  

You know, it's not a real "Christiiney travel" if GOT7 isn't involved xD My last trip to Korea, I went to their 2nd fanmeeting in Seoul, then I went to their concert in Sapporo. In a way, you can say that I flew in from LA just to see these boys. 
이제는 갓세븐이 없으면, 제데로 된 "크리 여행"이 아니죠 ㅋㅋ 저번에 한국 갔을때 팬미팅 갔지, 콘서트보러 삿포로까지도 갔죠. 어떻게 보면, 이번에 일본 간건, 갓세븐 보러 간거에요. 


......why am I like this? I'm already 22 and I'm still following these seven crazy boys.
.....제가 왜이럴까요? (만)22살에 아직도 이 덕질 하고 있다니...
(Maybe I need to hurry up and find a boyfriend.....but then again, that doesn't mean I'll stop following GOT7 just because I have one...xD)
(빨리 남자친구 사겨아되나...근데 남친이 있다고 덕질을 그만 한다는 보증이 없잖아요.... ㅋㅋㅋ)

Anyway, back to this concert! We woke up early that morning to get prettied up~ Up until this point, we hadn't had a chance to dress up, so figured this was a good day to do it!
아무튼, 다시 콘서트 얘기! ㅋㅋ 아침 일찍 일어나서 이쁘게 차려 입었어요~ 여태까지 그냥 대충 입고 다녀서 이 날에는 꼭 이쁜 옷을 입어야겠더라고요 ㅋㅋ

It took about an 1 hour to get to Odaiba.
오다이바까지 가는 게 1시간 정도 걸렸어요. 

We went straight to Zepp Diver City. It was the place with the famous, life-sized Gundam! We went there first because I wanted to look at the concert goods. We weren't sure when the sales would open, so we just headed there. We still had a bit of time so we decided to look around the mall a bit. 
도착하고, 바로 제프 다이버 시티로 갔어요. 그 유명한 건담있는 곳! 바로 간 이유가, 제가 콘서트 굿즈를 보고싶어서 ㅋㅋ 언제 시작하는 지 몰라서 그냥 바로 갔어요 ㅋㅋ 아직 시간이 좀 있어서 거기 있는 쇼핑몰 구경했어요. 

We decided to be cute and go for a couple look~ Our theme was burgundy!
귀엽게 커플룩~ 그날 코디는 버건디!

After looking around for a bit, we went back downstairs to look at the goods. 
구경하다가 다시 내려가서 굿즈 보러 갔어요. 

I originally wasn't planning on buying anything. I only collect Jackson goods, but because he wasn't participating in this tour, they didn't have any. But at the same time, I wanted something to remember the concert by. I ended up buying these:
원래는 아무것도 안 살 예정이었어요. 잭슨 굿즈만 모으는데, 이번 투어에 참여 안 하니깐, 잭슨 굿즈가 없었어요. 근데, 거기까지 간 김에 뭐라도 사고싶기도하고. 그래서 결국 이거 샀어요:
I also got the Youngjae name badge xD I thought about just getting Youngjae, but then Jinyoung's character was so cute. 
영재 이름표까지! ㅋㅋ 그냥 영재꺼만 살려고했는데, 진영이꺼도 너무 이쁜거에요~

After buying my goods, we decided to go sit outside. It was a bit chilly, but the trees were pretty 
굿즈 사고 그냥 밖에 나갔어요. 좀 추웠는데, 너무 이뻐서 좋았어요 ㅋㅋ

Then we went back into the mall xD There were a lot of other malls in the near area, but we were too lazy to walk to them, so we just stayed in the same one for like 4 hours....
좀 있고, 다시 안으로 갔어요 ㅋㅋ 주변에 여러 쇼핑몰이 있었는데, 걸어가기 귀찮아서 그냥 그 한 몰에 4시간을 보냈어요 ㅋㅋ
Isn't my best friend the cutest? ♡♡
제 베프 너무 귀엽죠? ♡♡

We went to Round 1 too! We looked at all the games and UFO catchers.....without trying any of them xD I have a love-hate relationship with UFO catchers. I always love the prizes inside, but I know I'm never going to get one so I don't tryㅠㅠ I'd spend so much and not get the prize....I think that's just frustrating! 
라운드 원도 갔어요! 게임랑 뽑기기게 구경했어요...구경만 ㅋㅋㅋ 저는 뽑기를 너무 좋아하면서 너무 싫해어요. 안에 있는 물건을 너무나 좋은데, 실력이 없어서 못 이길거를 알아서 그냥 안해요ㅠㅠ 아무것도 못 이기고 그냥 돈만 엄청 쓸 거 같아.....너무 짜증나게 ㅋㅋ 
I saw these figures in every arcade that we went to. I really wanted to get the Hanamaru one, but I didn't want to spend that much money. Knowing me, I wouldn't be able to stop until I got her...can you imagine how much money I would have spent?! I resisted through out my trip, but eventually I gave in to temptation and I ordered one online for about $13 which really isn't that bad of a price xD I figured that I'd just get myself an Xmas present ;)
제가 이 러브라이브 피규어들을 엄청 많이 봤어요. 하나마루 피규어 진짜 갖고 싶었는데, 뽑기에 돈을 쓰기 싫은 거에요 ㅋㅋ 제 성격상 아마 이걸 이길때까지 포기 못 했을꺼에요....상상만해도 돈을 많이 썼을거에요. 여행동안을 잘 참았는데, 결국에는 그냥 주문했어요 ㅋㅋ ~₩14000에 샀는데 괜찮은 가격이잖아요 ㅋㅋ 그냥 내가 날 위해 산 크리스마스 선물! ㅋㅋ  

After looking around, we took some purikura! Our first since my arrival~
구경하고 스티커 사진도 찍었어요! 이 여행에 첫 프리쿠라!

As always, our first set were really awkward xD
항상 그랬듯이, 처음 찍은 사진들이 진짜 어색했어요 ㅋㅋ

But thankfully by the second one, we got more comfortable and this set came out really nice :)
다행히 두번째 도전은 좀더 익숙해져서 이쁘게 나왔어요~

While I liked our second set pictures better, I really liked the first machine because you could make a chibi version of yourself!
두번째 사진이 더 좋았는데, 첫번째 기게가 좋은게 캐리커처를 만들 수 있었어요! 
How cute is this?! It's me~~
너무 귀엽지않아요?! 이게 나라니~~ ㅋㅋ 

After that, we went back downstairs because I had to meet up with Moeka♡ 
사진 다 찍고, 다시 내려갔어요. 모에카 만나러~♡
Moeka is a twitter friend I've known for a few years. We first met up in Korea during the fanmeet, and we've gotten closer since then. When we found out we were both going to this concert, we knew we had to meet up! We had a nice little chat before she had to go back to her friends.
모에카는 제 트위터 친구예요~ 트위터에서 몇 년 전에 사귄 친구. 처음으로 만난 건, 2016 갓세븐 팬미팅! 이번에 둘다 이 콘서트 간 다는 걸 알아서 당연히 만나기로 했죠! 좀 얘기하고 모에카는 다시 친구를 만나야해서, 그렇게 헤어졌어요. 

After that, Katie and I just loitered around the venue for a while xD 
그리고 나서, 베프랑 그냥 뒹글뒹글 있었어요 ㅋㅋ
At this point, we had been in Odaiba for like 7 hours...we were so tired. The concert hadn't even started but we were drained xD
이때까지, 오다이바에서 7시간을 보내서, 엄청 피곤했어요. 콘서트 시작도 안 했는데 너무 피곤했어요 ㅋㅋㅋ

To be honest, we had been treating this as our last GOT7 concert. You know, we're getting older. We kinda need to get our priorities straight. I'm not gonna lie, we were kinda getting over GOT7 anyway. We were salty about Jackson not coming, and just the nonstop Japan concerts were draining Katie's wallet xD
솔직히, 우리는 이게 우리의 마지막 갓세븐 콘서트처럼 생각 했거든요. 그니깐...우리가 이제 나이도 들었고, 이제 좀 철 들어야된다고 생각했어요. 그리고, 솔직히, 갓세븐에서 좀 졸업했어요. 이번에 잭슨 안 와서 좀 씁쓸했고, 끝없는 일본 투어가 친구(의 지갑) 한테 너무나 부담스러웠어요ㅋㅋ 

So back to the concert. Our ticket numbers were 237 and 238. We were a bit worried about not getting good spots because these numbers were far compared to Sapporo (I think we were 47 and 48). It actually wasn't that bad! We were in the same place we were at the Sapporo venue: the second section of the pit.
아무튼, 다시 콘서트 얘기로! ㅋㅋ 우리 번호가 237번, 238번이었어요. 삿포로에 비해 훨씬 뒷 번호여서 좀 걱정했어요 (삿포로 번호가 47번 그리고 48번). 근데 생각보다 좋았어요! 삿포로때랑 같은 자리었어요: 스탠딩 2번째 칸!
I was able to take this without zoom, so we were really close! We had originally wanted to get as close to the stage as we could, because like I said, we had planned for this to be our last xD Well, I'm so glad that we didn't go to the front. The first section of the pit was sooooooo crowded and people were just constantly shoving each other. I felt so bad for the tiny girl in front of me. By the end of the concert, she was practically bend over backwards over the bar separating the sections...
이거 줌 없이 찍었는데, 얼마나 가까웠는지 상상 가나요? ㅋㅋ 처음엔 무대에서 제일 가까이 갈 수 있는 자리로 가고싶었어요. 어쩌면 이게 우리의 마지막 콘서튼데, 제일 좋은 자리로 가야죠 ㅋㅋ 근데 더 가까이 안 간게 다행이에요. 스탠딩 첫 칸에 사람이 너무 많았어요. 다 서로 밀고 난리였어요. 제 바로 앞에있는 진짜 조금한 중국여자 있었는데, 너무 불상했어요 ㅠㅠ 콘서트 끝날떼 거의 뒤로 꺼껐어요....

Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures or photos or videos. Japan is really strict about these things, and I didn't want to risk getting kicked out. In a way, I guess it's a good thing. I could just focus solely on the concert :)
아쉽게 다른 사진이나 영상은 없어요ㅠㅠ 일본에는 촬영이 불가능해요. 굉장히 깐깐 하더라고요. 근데 좋았어요. 촬영 안 하니깐, 콘서트에 집중할 수 있었어요 ㅋㅋ

Everyone was super happy throughout the whole concert! They were all so cuteeeee. Even Bambam! Maybe they were trying to make up for the lack of Jackson craziness....and it could also be because it was Yugyeom's birthday that day xD But I really liked how happy they all were.
콘서트 내내 멤버들이 다 너무 귀여웠어요~ 뱀뱀까지! (제가 원래 뱀뱀 별로 안 좋아해요 ㅋㅋ) 잭슨이 없어서 더 분위기 때울려고 했나? 그리고 유겸이 생일이기도 했고 ㅋㅋ 근데 다들 너무 신나고 기분 좋아서 나도 너무 좋았엉~ ㅋㅋ

As cute as they all were, my MVPs had to be Youngjae and Jinyoung. 
다 귀여웠는데, 제 MVP는 영재랑 진영!

Youngjae gets award for just being there.
영제는 그냥 있어도 MVP예요. ㅋㅋ
My sunshine~~ He was so adorable throughout the whole thing! I was so happy that he was in front of my section for most of the concert♡
내 선샤인~~ 너무 사랑스러워♡ 콘서트 내내 너무 해피해서 보기 너무 좋았어. 그리고 계속 제 색션 앞에있어서 너무 행복했어염~♡

And then Jinyoung....
그리고 진영....
He's literally the definition of perfection. He gets prettier every time I see him. I'm telling you, pictures/videos DO NOT do him justice. I was already shook because of his beauty, but then during "Angel" he just killed me. We had some intense eye contact (I'm sure he wasn't looking at me specifically, but I can imagine can't I? xDD)...and I literally could not look at anyone else for the rest of the concert. If you don't know the choreography for "Angel," you need to look it up to understand what I'm talking about. You can't make eye contact with someone while performing that song and expect the other person to be okay. 
진짜로 완벽함에 그 자체. 볼수록 더 이뻐지는 거 같아요. 진짜로 실물이 훨씬 좋아요ㅠㅠ 너무 아까워ㅠㅠ 저는 이미 심쿵했어요...너무 이뻐가지고, 근데 "앤젤"때, 전 거의 심장마비였어요. 코러스 부분에 눈이 마주쳤는데 (아마 저를 보는 거 아니였을꺼에요...근데 그렇게 상상해도 되잖아요 ㅋㅋ)....그 뒤로 다른 멤버 아무도 안 보였어요. "앤젤" 안무를 모르시면 검색해보세요. 그 안무를 알아야 제 마음을 이해하실 수 있어요. 아니 그 노래 부르면서 눈을 마주치면 상대방이 어떻게 괜찮겠어요?! 

....this boy is not good for my weak heart. I've spent so much time and money on Jackson, I CANNOT afford to change my bias now....ㅠㅠ
....아휴 심장아, 내 약한 심장. 여태까지 잭슨한테 쏘든 시간과 돈이 얼만데, 이제와서 갈아타면 안되지...ㅠㅠ

Overall, all the songs were amazing! The majority of them wouldn't be songs I listen to outside, but for a concert they were great! I recommend "WHY." You don't have to listen to any of the other songs, but you NEED to listen to this song. I was a bit nervous about the JB + Mark pairing because I'm not a big Mark fan, but this song is amazing. It's sooooo good~
전체적으로 음악이 너무 좋았어요! 걔인적으로 제가 밖에서 들을 음악이 별로 없었는데, 콘서트에서 듣기 너무 좋고 신나는 음악이었어요! 저는 "WHY"라는 곡을 강추해요! 다른 곡 안 들어도, 이 노래는 꼭 들어야되요. 제가 이 JB + 마크 조합을 좀 걱정했거든요. 제가 마크 랩을 별로 안 좋아해서 ㅋㅋ 근데 이 노래는 너무 좋아요~~ 꼭 들으세요!

The concert finished in 2 hours...and we were so tired by the end of it xD
2시간 뒤에 콘서트가 끝났어요.....끝나니깐 너무 피곤했어요 ㅋㅋ

We spent over 12 hours for these boys. There was no reason for use to spend that much time that day. I still don't understand why we went to Odaiba so early..
아니 이 6 남자를 위해서 우리가 12시간 넘게...아니 진짜로 그렇게 많이 안 했어도 됐는데. 지금도 아직 이해 안 가요. 우리가 왜 그렇게 일찍 갔지? ㅋㅋ

But there's no regrets! We ended up having a better time than we expected xD
근데 후회는 없어요! 생각 한 것 보다 너무 좋았으니깐 ㅋㅋ

So, a big thank you to GOT7 for the amazing time~
그래서 갓세븐한테도 너무 감사해요, 너무나 좋은 시간을 줘서~ 

Lady Christiiney♡

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