Grocery Shopping in Haijima & Fussa

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Days 2 and 3 where pretty uneventful, if I'm being completely honest. 
솔직히 말하면 2째, 3째 날은 별일 없었어요.

We just stayed around the area....and went grocery shopping xD
그냥 동내에서 지내면서....장 봤죠 ㅋㅋ

Yeah, you're not reading that wrong. All we did was grocery shopping for 2 days xD We did a lot of shopping at convenience stores initially, then we finally decided to go to an actual supermarket xD 
잘 못 읽으신 건 아니고...진짜 이틀동안 장만 봤어요. 주로 편의점 많이 갔는데, 드디어 진짜 마트 갔어요 ㅋㅋ

We went on base to do some shopping too. Even though all the stuff in the BX and the commissary were things that I can easily find in the states, the whole atmosphere was so nice It was so nostalgic. It's been over 10 years since I've been on base in Japan, heck it's been like a year since I've been on any base. It brought back all these memories...the life of a military brat. I felt right at home at a base I've never been to before xD   
부대도 갔어요. 솔직히, 부대에 있는 물건들은 다 미국 물건이니깐 그렇게 기대하는 것 없어요. 그냥 부대라는 분위기가 기대됬죠. 하고 역시, 실망하지 않았어요 ㅋㅋ 너무 좋았어ㅠㅠ 일본에 있는 미군 부대를 10년, 거의 11년만에 갔어요...아니 부대 자체는 1년만이었어요ㅠㅠ 옛날 생각 많이 나더라고요. 난 뼈속까지 군인 애야...처음 간 곳이 그렇게 편할수가 ㅋㅋ ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

While the purpose of most of our outings were to satisfy our hungers xDD We also spent some time just walking around. All the trees were changing colors and it was so pretty~
그 이틀동안 나간 이유는 오직 배고파서 ㅋㅋ 근데 가을이다 보니깐 나무들이 다 너무 이뻐서 산책도 가끔했지요~

We went around to a bunch of different 100 Yen stores. I've already given up on dollar stores here in the states, but now I don't think I'll ever be satisfied with DAISO here in California anymore. 
그리고 여러 100엔 가게 구경했어요. 전 이미 미국 1달러 가게는 포기했는데, 이제는 미국에 있는 다이소 갖고 만족 못 할거같에요. 

I think we spent a good 2 hours in one of the stores....and we barely bought anything xD
한 가게에서 2시간이나 보냈나봐요....산 것도 거의 없었는데 ㅋㅋ

It was probably really unhealthy, but all our meals were from the convenience store...
되게 건강에 안 좋게 밥은 다 편의점에서 샀어요...
We drank three days in a row xD Granted, it wasn't any strong alcohol...but for people who don't drink on a regular basis, three days is quite a lot. I drank more in those three days than I did in 2017 to be honest xDD
3일 계속 술 마셨어요 ㅋㅋ 뭐 쎈 술은 아니였지만....술을 잘 안 마시는 사람한테는, 3일 마셨으면 되게 많이 마신거죠 ㅋㅋ 아마, 2017년 내내 마신 술보단, 그 3일동안 더 마셨을껄요 ㅋㅋ 

There's a reason we kept it simple for these days, and that's because day 4 was going to be a very eventful day. Day 4 BIG EVENT #1 of this trip! We needed to be in our best condition for it! 
우리가 이렇게 간단하게 보낸 이유는 4째 날이 중요한 날이었기 때문이었어요. 이 여행에 빅 이벤트 #1! 제대로 즐기려면 컨디션이 좋아야되서~  

Lady Christiiney♡

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