Sailor Moon Museum Vol 2 & 3
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Like I said, I was going to every volume of the Sailor Moon Museum, so 3 months later, I made my way to Tokyo again for the Sailor Moon Museum Volume 2♡
제가 말한 대로 진짜로 3기 다 가기로 마음 먹고, 1기가고 3개월 뒤, 세일러문 뮤지엄 2기를 위해서 다시 도쿄로 갔어요♡
Volume 2 was from September 10th to November 6th.
2기는 9월10일부터 11월6일이었어요.
I went on October 22nd. Again, I needed to check my work schedule. In addition, I needed to coordinate everything because this time, I was going to be joined by someone else.
저는 10월22일에 갔어요. 저번 처럼 일 스케줄 체크도 해야했고, 이번에는 혼자 아니라서 여러가지 스케줄 맞춰야했어요.
My partner for this was none other than my bestie~ After hearing my gush about it last time, she was interested in going, so we decided to go together!
이번에는 제 배프랑 같이갔지요~ 저번에 제가 하두 얘기해서 궁금했나봐요 ㅋㅋ 그래서 다음 갈 때 같이 가자고 했어요~
I think we chose the right time for her to come, because Volume 2 was largely focused on the Outer Scouts, which was very much more of her vibe.
2기에 오기 딱 좋았던 거 같애요. 2기는 외행성 전사들에 더 집중했는데, 친구가 더 좋아할 분위기였어요.
My favorite is Sailor Venus, and nothing is ever going to change that. But honestly speaking, the Outer Scouts are so much more of my aesthetic. They have this elegance that I genuinely admire.
저는 세일러 비너스가 제일 좋고, 평생 그럴거 같앵요 💕 근대, 솔직히 외행성 전사 전체적으로 더 좋아요. 잘 모르겠는데, 그냥 뭔가 우아하다고 해야하나? 그게 너무 좋아요~
Sailor Neptune is a close second for me, in terms of the characters. I was honestly there for her this time around~
비너스 다음에 넵튠이 좋아하는데, 이번에는 진짜 넵튠을 보기 위해 왔어요~
Other than the original arts area, everything was the same as the first time. While the bestie isn't a fan as I am, she also grew up with Sailor Moon, and she was hit with the same nostalgia that I was. I know I said that I enjoyed it alone last time, but it was honestly so fun to talk about everything with someone~
원작 작품 외에 1기랑 달라진 거 없었어요. 베프는 저처럼 덕후는 아니지만, 세일러문 보고 자라 왔기 때문에 같이 추억에 빠졌어요. 저번에는 혼자서 잘 즐겼는데, 누구랑 같이 가니깐 훨씬 더 재밌었어요~
We went to the café this time! There was a bit of a wait, but I knew that I would regret it if I passed on it, and the bestie was happy to tag along~ Details of the café will come in a separate post!
이번에는 카페도 갔어요! 안 가면 분명히 후회할 거 알아서 ㅋㅋ 카페는 글 따로 쓸 예정이에요!
The only thing I'll say about it here is that the food was for aesthetic purposes only. It was not filling at all. We ended up going to Harajuku and eating to our heart's content at TGI Fridays.
여기서 짧게 얘기하면, 카페는 오직 비주얼. 맛은 그냥 그랬고, 전혀 배가 차지 않았어요. 결국에 하라주쿠가서 TGI 프라이데이에서 엄청 먹었어요.
Can we appreciate our contrasting outfits? We're always like this. We pick and theme and end up with two completely different styles that somehow still complement each other so well!
우리 코디 너무 잘하지 않았어요? 항상 이렇게 스타일이 반댄도 잘 어룰리네요~ ☺️
Honestly, I think my Volume 2 adventure was the most fun~ But of course I had to see it to completion! So in December, I made the trip to Tokyo again, for Volume 3♡
2기가 제일 재밌었던 거 같애요~ 근대, 끝까지 다 보기 위해서 12월에 다시, 3기를 위해 도쿄로 갔어요♡
Volume 3 was from November 12th to December 30th. I went on December 17th. I went alone again this time, and honestly didn't know what to expect.
3기는 11월12일부터 12월30일까지 였어요. 저는 혼자서 12월17일에 갔는데, 솔직히 클 기대하지 않았어요 ㅋㅋ
The description said there were would be a lot of unseen and new works, and there was definitely a lot of those! Again, in the no phone zone.
설명 글에는 그냥 아직 보여지지 않았던 작품이랑 새로운 것이 많다고 써 있었거든요. 근데 진짜로 그랬어요! 아쉽게도 다 촬영금지 존에서ㅠㅠ
Another new part was the stationery!
한가지 새로웠던 거는 문구 코너!
A lot of these were freebies that would come with the Nakayoshi monthly comics.
많은 것들은 나카요시 만화에서 무료로 나왔던 굿즈였어요.
Like I said before, I'm a bit younger than this generation. I'm from the generation that enjoyed Mermaid Melody and Shugo Chara, and I bought my fair share of the magazines to get the freebies. Even though I didn't get any of these Sailor Moon goods, these were all designs that I had seen online years ago, so it was actually kind of nostalgic.
저는 점 어려서 이런거 못 즐겼죠 ㅠㅠ 저는 피치피치랑 캐릭캐릭 체인지를 즐겼던 세대~ 여러가지 받기 위해 저도 만화 많이 샀는데. 제가 이 세일러문 굿즈는 못 받았지만 많은 디자인은 쉽게 인터넷에서 찾을 수 있었던 거 였어요.
After this, it was the the exit and into the gift shop~ For both Vol 2 and 3, I didn't buy much. I only bought clear files and postcards for the most part. Again, I didn't spend that much money. I think it was because while all the good were overwhelmingly cute, there wasn't much that stood out that much to me.
이 다음은 굿즈 샵이랑 출구~2기랑 3기때는 굿즈를 거의 안 샀어요. 그냥 파일이랑 엽서 정도. 돈 많 쓰고 싶지않은 마음도 있었지만, 그렇게 눈에 티는 굿즈가 없었어요.
Of course I met up with the bestie again this trip~ At this point, it would have been weird if we didn't.
이때도 운 좋게 베프랑 시간이 맞춰져서 또 만났어요~ 안 만나면 좀 이상하겠더라고요 ㅋ
We had a nice little Christmas party together~
둘이서 작은 크리스마스 파티 했어요~
With this, my Sailor Moon Museum adventure came to an end. It was honestly really fulfilling. Being surrounded by something that I hold so dearly in my heart was honestly such a good experience.
그렇게 세일러문 뮤지엄 경험이 끝났어요. 진짜로 너무 만족스러웠고, 행복한 시간이었어요. 내가 너무나 좋아하는 것을 마음 편하게 볼 수 있다는게 너무나 lucky죠~
Sony Music Roppongi Museum
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