Disney California Adventure (Aug.26.23)

Monday, February 26, 2024

While I didn't have much planned for my Cali trip, there was one thing that I absolutely had to do: go to Disney ♡ 
이번 미국 여행은 계획 없이 갔다고 했는데, 꼭 하고 싶은 것 하나 있었어요: 디즈니 ♡

I'm already a Disney gal in general, but having started 2023 with a Tokyo Disney trip, the Disney desires we strong~ When in California, Disney is a must! 
원래 디즈니 덕훈데, 2023를 디즈니로 시작해서 그런지 더 가고 싶은거에요. 그리고 캘리포니아 가면 디즈니 가야지!

After a long internal debate, I chose to go to California Adventure. 
긴 고민 끝에, 캘리포니아 어드벤처 가기로 했어요.

I basically used the same reasoning I did for going to Disney Sea, there's Disneyland in lots of places so I can always go next time. I don't know why I keep doing this because I like Land more 🥺 But at the same time, I was super interested in California Adventure. I haven't been for probably more than 15 years, so I was excited to see all the new things~
도쿄 디즈니 갔을 때랑 똑같은 생각으로, 랜드는 여러 곳에 있어서 언젠가 갈 수 있으니, 믹국에만 있는 곳으로 가자. 왜 계속 그렇게 결정하는지 모르겠어요...난 랜드가 더 좋은데 🥺 근데 캘리포니아 어드벤처도 가고싶었어요. 안간지 15년이나 지났으니 여러가지 궁금했어요.

I went with my baby bro~ I figured that California Adventure would be more enjoyable for the both of us, especially with Avengers Campus and all the Marvel stuff ✨️  
남동생이랑 갔어요~ 어드벤처면 둘 다 즐길 수 있을 거 같았어요, 틀히 어벤져스랑 마블 공간이 있으니깐 ✨️

I came to learn that my baby bro is as chill as I am when it comes to trips. He was okay with anything and everything. Since I didn't have much of an itinerary, we kinda just wandered around. 
이번 나들이 통해 남동생이 저랑 되게 비슷하다고 알게 되었어요. 저처럼 딱히 하고 싶은게 없어서 둘이 그냥 편하게 돌아다녔어요.

I'll be honest, I did do some research on what there was to do prior to the trip. I mean, we were paying some big bucks for this, I wanted to make sure that we'd get the most of it! So while I didn't have much of a plan, there were two things that I really wanted to do. The first was the Animation Academy drawing workshop. 
솔직히 가기전에 좀 검색했어요. 아니, 돈을 그렇게 믾이 쓰는 거 였는데, 뽕을 뽑아야죠! 큰 계획은 없었지만, 꼭 하고 싶은 거 2개 있었어요. 첫번째는 애니메이션 아카데미에서 그림 수업을 뜯는 것.

At first, we were thinking about doing Buzz Lightyear because our dad joking said that he wanted something with Buzz. But it was at 5:00pm, and we weren't sure we were even going to still be at the park. We were there just before 11:00am, and since we both liked Stitch, we decided to do that one 🌺
처음에는 버즈할까 했어요. 아침에 아빠가 장난으로 버즈 굿즈 사오라고 하셔서, 우리도 장난으로 그림을 드릴까했는데, 수업이 오후 5시였어요. 우리가 그때까지 있을까 싶어서, 포기했어요 😅 11시 좀 전에 있었는데, 딱 스티치였어요. 둘 다 좋아하는 캐릭터니깐 흔쾌히 결정했어요 🌺

Can we talk about how cute the inside was?! I was loving the retro feel~ This was actually super fun! I don't do well in rushed settings, and was highkey worried I would walk out of there with an embarrassingly deformed Stitch...  
안이 너무 귀여웠어요😍 이 레트로 감송 너무 좋았어요~ 수업도 너무 재밌었어요! 제가 원래 급하게 뭘 하는 것 안 좋아해서, 재대로 못 그리면 어떡하지 했는데..

But it wasn't that bad! It actually looks like Stitch~👍🏻 
생각보다 잘 나왔어요! 진짜 스티치처럼 나왔어요~👍🏻

Look at these artsy siblings~ 
이 미술적인 남매 보세요~ 

After that fun experience, we went to the second thing that I wanted to do: Web Slingers~ I'm not a roller coaster person. I've just never understood enjoying that thrill. I am all for the kids rides and I absolutely love the interactive game rides! I figured that we'd both enjoy this, so we hopped in line while the wait was less than an hour. 
즐거운 수업 듣고, 2번째로 하고 싶었던 곳 하러 갔어요: 스파이더맨 웹슬링어~ 제가 원래 롤러코스터 좋아하지않아요 😅 왜 타는지 잘 모르겠어요... 제 취향은 애들이 좋아하는 놀이기구랑 게임 놀이기구! 그래서 당연히 이거 하고 싶었어요~ 둘이 좋아 할거 같아서, 대기시간이 1시간 이하였을때 줄을 섰어요.

It went just as I expected. I loved it~ It was so much fun...even though I was really bad at it 😆
예상한데로 너무 좋았어요~ 진짜 못 했는데, 진짜 재밌었어요 😆

So I got through what I wanted to do in the first two hours we were there. Though after the Spiderman ride, I wanted to do the Toy Story one too... 
들어간지 2시간 안에 히고 싶은 것 다 했어요🤭 근데 스파이더맨 다음에 토이 스토리도 하고 싶더라구요...

So from there, we kinda just wandered around, looking at things and getting food.  
그래서 타기 전에 그냥 구경하고 먹고 돌아다녔어요~

I obviously had to take a bunch of pictures along the way~ I had looked at what the Ear selection was, and I knew that I had to get these super cute Churro Minnie Ears 💛 So I based my outfit on what would match with it~ I ended up with a very easy fit in my favorite color scheme. 
당연히 사진도 많이 찍었죠~ 미리 알아봤는데, 츄로스 미니 머리띠가 있었어요. 당연히 그걸로 했죠 💛 옷을 머리띠랑 맞췄어요. 제가 제일 좋아하는 노란색이여서 너무 좋았어요~

We of course went to the most popular photo spot in the park and took a ton of pictures ✨️ 
당연히 제일 유명한 포토스팟으로 가서 사진 엄청 찍었죠 ✨️

I was expecting for there to be a lot of people, but it was surprisingly empty! There were only a handful of people, and it was so easy to get pictures without having anyone else in the background or photo bombing. 
사람 많을 거라고 생각했는데, 전혀! 사람이 너무 없어서 사진 엄청 많이 찍을 수 있었어요 👍🏻 

I was honestly so thankful for this. I knew that I absolutely wanted to take pictures here, but I hate taking pictures in front of people. I didn't want to have a bunch of people staring as I awkwardly posed.. 
너무 다행이다라고 생각했어요. 아시잖아요, 제가 시진 찍을 때 엄청 어색하다는 것 😅 많은 사람 앞에서 사진 찍기 싫잖아요.. 

From here, we slowly made our way to Pixar Pier. We had bought Genie+ with our tickets, so I had reserved Lightning Lane for Toy Story Midway Mania! As we were going, we also made a little stop to meet Jessie  
거기서 토이 스토리하러 픽사 피어로 갔어요. Genie+있었으니깐 미리 예약해서 갔어요. 가는 중에 제시도 만나고~

I actually wanted Woody, we got to the area just as he was leaving😭 But Jessie is super cute too, so I was happy~ 
사실 우디 만나고 싶었는데, 딱 끝날 때 가서 아쉽게 사진은 못 찍었어요😭 근데 제시도 귀여우니깐 행복했어요~

From there we went to the ride 
거기서 바로 타러 갔어요

As expected, it was a ton of fun! I was lucky to have gotten the yellow team, much suited for my look for the day 
당연히 너무 재밌었어요! 노란팀이어서 럭키 💛

Afterwards, there really wasn't anything else we really wanted to do 😅
그 다음에는 딱히 하고 싶은 거 없었어요 😅

So when there was truly nothing else to explore, it was time to head to the gift shops before going home~ So inflation is super a thing, and the yen exchange rate sucked (it still does), so I wasn't able to buy much. Also, the goods just weren't that cute. I think I've grown accustomed to Japan standards for Disney. I would much rather spend my money on goods from Tokyo Disney...  
진짜 볼 거 다 봤다고 느꼈을 때, 바로 쇼핑하러 갔어요~ 엔이 너무 약해서 사실 돈이 많이 없어서, 많이 못 샀어요🥺 근대 다행히 미국 굿은 그렇게 귀엽지않았어요. 일본 굿즈이 훨씬 이쁘니깐, 도쿄 디즈니에서 돈 더 쓰고 싶어요..

I think I got my fill of California Adventure this time. I enjoyed it, but don't have a strong desire to go again anytime soon... The next time I'm here, I'm definitely going to go to Disneyland 🥺
이번 계기로 캘리포니아 어드벤처 제대로 즐긴 거 같아요! 너무 재밌었는데, 딱히 다시 가고 싶다는 마음은 없어요.. 다음에 미국 갈때 무조건 디즈니 랜드로 가야지 🥺

I honestly don't know when that time will be...but I really hope it isn't too long from now 🙏🏻
그때가 언제일지 모르지만, 너무 먼 미래만 아니였으면해요 🙏🏻

Disney California Adventure Park 

Lady Christiiney♡

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