A long overdue dose of Disney Magic (Feb.13.23)

Monday, January 15, 2024

 After having gone to Tokyo three times in six months for the Sailor Moon Museum back in 2022, I told myself that I would take a break. It's just too much to be going so often...but then something came up and I found myself having to go back up in February of 2023. Since I was already making the trip, I figured that I'd make the best of my time and do something I really wanted to do: a trip to Disney ♡  
 세일러 문 뮤지엄 위해서 6개월 사이에 도쿄 3번 갔잖아요. 돈 너무 많이 썼으니깐, 좀 쉬자 했는데...일이 생겨서 2월에 또 가게 되었어요 이왕 가는 거, 재밌게 놀기로 했어요. 너무나 가고 싶었던 디즈니갔다왔어요~ ♡

I really should have been saving money, but at the same time I thought I should be treating myself! 
진짜로 돈 모아야하는데, 그렇다고 아무것도 안 하고 살 수는 없잖아요!

So I planned my trip from February 12 to the 14th. I made my way to Nagoya station that Sunday morning, with plans to arrive in Urayasu around lunch time. At this point, you probably know who I'm meeting up with when I'm go to Tokyo~ 
이번에는 2원 12-14 갔다왔어요. 일요일 아침에 나고야 역 가서, 점심때쯤 우라야수 역 도착 할 예정이었어요. 이제는 도쿄가면 누굴 만나는지 알겠죠? ㅋㅋ

So the bestie and I met up at the hotel. After checking in and dropping off our stuff, we headed back to the mall by Shin Urayasu station to get some food~   
베프랑 호텔에 만나서, 짐 나두고 밥 먹으러 나갔어요~

We also got a bunch of snacks to have a late night party in our room. We stayed at the Hotel Emion Tokyo Bay~ We were on a budget, but also didn't want to be too far from Disney. Honestly, I think we made a good choice. 
나온 김에 저녁에 간식 파티하기 위해 간식 업청 샀어요. 이번 숙소는 호텔 에미온 도쿄 베이였어요~ 호텔에 돈을 너무 많이 쓰고 싶지 않았는데, 디즈니랑 너무 멀지 않았으면 했어요. 솔직히 잘 고른 거 같아요.

There was a free shuttle bus to the park, so we didn't have to worry about transportation. We weren't in that much of a rush in the morning. 
호텔에서 디즈니까지 무료 버스가 있어서 교통은 걱정 안 해도 됐어요~ 아침에는 여유롭게 나갈 수 있었어요.

We had debated on which park to go to when planning for this trip, but I was determined to get Stella Lou goods, so we ultimately decided on Disney Sea. We were lucky to see my favorite in the Mickey gang: Donald Duck 💕 Look as his cute outfit~ 
어떤 파크 갈까 엄청 고민했어요. 근데 제가 스텔라 루 굿즈 사고 싶어서 결국 디즈니 씨로 했어요. 운 좋게 제가 제일 좋아하는 도날드 덕 만날 수 있었어요 💕 너무 귀여운 코디~

It was a Monday, plus it was forecasted to be a rainy day, so there weren't too many people~ 
월요일이 었고, 비 올 예정이였으니깐 사람 그렇게 많지는 않았어요~

The first stop was the shops to get our accessories~ We had contrasting outfits again, but thought it would be cute to have matching hair bands. So we found one that would fit both of our looks.  
제일 먼저 들어간 곳은 머리띠 사러 가게로~ 이번에도 코디는 반대 색상이었으니, 머리띠는 똑같으면 귀여울 거 같아서 둘 다랑 어울리는 머리띠를 골랐어요.

We got these cute Minnie flower hat ears~ 
꽃 모자 미니 머리띠로 했어요~

After that, it was straight to get some food! We decided on the New York Deli. 
그 다음은 밥 먹으러 고고~ 뉴욕 델리로 갔어요.

We both got the Minnie Besties Bash! special set. It came with a sausage mac & cheese gratin sandwich, fries, and a drink. We also got the Little Green Men mochi dumpling set.  
둘 다 미니 베스티즈 배쉬 세트로 했어요: 소세지 맥 앤 치즈 샌드위치, 감자 튀김, 음료. 그 위에 외계인 모치 세트도 샀어요~

I'm a foodie, and I already know that theme park food is never amazing. But it's such an integral part of the experience!  
저는 먹는 거 워낙 좋아하니, 놀이공원 음식이 그렇게 맛있지 않다는 거 이미 알로 있었죠 ㅋㅋ 근데 안 먹을 수는 없잖아요! 

So while we weren't completely satisfied, our hearts were definitely very full~ 
그래서 배는 차지 않았는데, 마음은 행복했어요~

While we were eating, the rain definitely started picking up. Before we knew it, it was pretty much pouring. But that didn't stop us from when we were going to do~  
밥 먹는 동안 비가 많이 내리기 시작했어요. 근데 비 때문에 안 놀 수 없으니깐, 우산 챙기고 나갔어요 ㅋㅋ

The only ride that I knew that I wanted to go on for sure was Toy Story Mania. So to make sure that we could get on, we ended up buying the Premier Access pass. 
꼭 타고 싶은 기구는 하나 있었어요: 토이 스토리 매니아. 무조건 탈 수 있게 프리미어 액세서 샀어요.

We didn't want to have to rush back for our time, so we just stayed in the vicinity. Thinking back, I think we could have totally just waited in the regular line... 
급하게 가고 싶지 않아서, 그 주변에 기다렸어요. 지금 생각하면 그냥 줄에 서도 됐었을 거 같아요 ㅋㅋ

But there was a ton of things to do in the area outside of the entrance, so we weren't too bored~ 
근데 입구에 할게 많아서 너무 심심하지 않았어요~ 

We hung around, sheltering ourselves from the rain. Then it was finally time to go in! 
비 피하면서 놀다가, 어느새 들어 갈 시간이 었어요!

This ride is always a ton of fun~
이 놀이기구는 항상 재밌어요~

From there we went right next door to the Tower of Terror. 
그 다음에는, 바로 옆에 있는 타워 어브 테러 타러 갔어요.

The bestie had never been on it so she wanted to challenge it. I knew what it was, but I don't know why I was so calm while we were waiting. Our wait was a bit over an hour, but because the line kept moving it really didn't feel that long.
친구가 타본 적이 없다고 해서 갔어요. 저는 옛날에 타서 알았는데, 왠지 너무 여유러웠어요. 1시간 좀 넘게 기다렸는데, 계속 움직여서 그렇게 나쁘지 않았어요. 

It wasn't until we were actually sitting in the ride that I started getting nervous. I was honestly shaking when I got off. Like my mind enjoyed it...apparently not my body 🙃
근데 딱 자리에 앉을 때 긴장하기 시작했어요. 나갈때 몸이 떨고 있었어요. 머리로는 즐겼는데, 몸을 싫었나봐요 🙃

We just walked around after that, popping into stores to avoid the rain here and there. 
그 다음에는 그냥 돌아다녔어요. 비 피하러 가게에도 가끔 들어가기도 했어요.

Of course we took some pictures along the way too~ 
당연히 사진도 많이 찍었죠~

I think the next ride we did was Indiana Jones. The wait was 90 minutes, and it's NEVER that short, so we jumped right in~ The one is also a very fun one, so we had a good time.
다음 탄 기구는 인디아나 존스였어요. 대기 시간은 90분이었는데, 아는 사람은 알 거에요. 인디존스가 90분 대기면 꽤 괜찮은 거 갆아요! 이것도 엄청 재밌게 탔어요.

Then we headed to the Arabian Coast. We got on Sinbad's Storybook Voyage to take a little break. It's a pretty long ride, so we got to just chill and relax. Then we got on the Genie carousel~ When at a theme park, you have to ride the carousel!
다음은 아라비안 코스트로 갔어요. 좀 쉬러 신바드 놀이기구 탔어요. 생각보다 길어서 잘 쉬었어요. 다음으로 탄거는 지니 캐러밴 캐러셀~ 놀이공원 오면 캐러셀 타야죠!

Obviously the one at Sea isn't as cute as the princess one, but this one has Genie! I knew I wanted to get on it, but I also was very specific and wanted the light blue one. 
랜드에 있는 프린세스 캐러셀 만큼 귀엽지는 않지만, 이건 지니가 있잖아요 ✨️ 저는 꼭 하늘 색 지니 토고 싶었어요 ㅋㅋ

After saying goodbye to the area, we headed to Ariel's Playground~ 
여기 떠나고 에리얼의 플레이그라운드로 갔어요~ 

I am obsessed with underwater/marine themes, so this area was such a treat. Everything was just so pretty~ We rode everything here too, even though it was mainly targeted towards kids 
저가 마린/바다 테마 원악 좋아하니깐 여기가 엄청 좋았어요🐚 다 너무 이뻤어요~ 여기는 기구가 다 아이 위주였는데도, 다 탔어요 ㅋㅋ

But then hunger took over, and we scrambled back to Arabian Coast to get dinner. 
배가 고파져서 밥 먹으러 다시 아라비안 코스트로 갔어요~ 

We both got the same thing again 😆 We got the curry sampler with beef and shrimp curries, plus nan and tandoori chicken. It was definitely a good choice because it had started to get really cold.
이번에도 같은 거 시켰어요 😆 둘 다 소고기 / 새우 카레 + 난 빵 + 탄두리 치킨 세트~ 날이 추워져서 따뜻한 음식이 딱 좋았어요.

I can't recall whether it was before or after this, but we also rode the Journey to the Center of the Earth. We were seated with a bunch of high school ish boys that were so stoic through the ride. We ended up being sooo noisy 😅 By then, we had already been at the park for over 10 hours. So we were pretty ready to go. All that was left was to get my Stella Lou~    
이 전이었는지, 다음이었는지 기억이 안 나는데, 센터 오브 더 어스도 탔어요. 고딩 남자들이랑 탔는데, 다들 너무 조용해서 우리 둘만 엄청 시끄러웠어요 😅 끝나고 보니, 벌씨 10시간 넘게 있었더라고요. 할 것 다 했고, 피곤하니 가기로 했어요. 마지막으로 제 스텔라 루만 사고~

When I was here 5 years ago, I super regretted not getting the Stella Lou head pass case. I really wanted to get it this time, but unfortunately I couldn't find it. So I settled for the whole doll. It wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be! Not that I wouldn't have bought it anyway. I had told myself that I was coming home with her in any shape or form! 
제가 5년 전에 갔을때 스텔라 루 머리 패스 케이스 안 산게 너무 후회했거든요. 그래서 이번에는 꼭 사기로 결정했는데, 못 찾았어요 ㅠㅠ 그래서 그냥 인형을 샀어요💜 생각보다 가격이 괜찮았어요! 근데 비쌌어도 샀을 거에요. 이번에는 꼭 사야했거든요~

We both did out fair share of shopping, but no regrets~ 
둘 다 제법 샀는데, 노 후회~ 

Because it was raining the light show was cancelled. So there was no reason to stay at the park any longer. 
비가 와서 라이트 쇼가 취소됐어요🥺 그래서 더 있을 이유가 없었어요.

We said goodbye to Disney Sea, and made our way to the mall to take some pictures~
디즈니 씨랑 빠이빠이 하고, 사진 찍으러 쇼핑몰로 갔어요~

We never take full outfit pics together anyway, but the rain made it impossible to do so. We had to make do with some purikura~
우리는 항상 옷 사진 안 찍는데, 이번에는 비도 오니깐 못 찍었어요🥺 그냥 스티커 사진으로 만족하기로 했어요~

Again, the photoshop never fails to amaze us...but all our shots came out super cute, so I'm not complaining~
뽀샵이 장난 아니죠 ㅋㅋ 근대 잘 나와서 만족스러웠어요~

Since coming to Japan, I have just been going to USJ. As much as I love it, I'm truly a Disney girl 🏰✨️ It's probably because of my love of cutesy things, and there's definitely more of that at Disney. If transportation wasn't so expensive I would go so much more 🥺😭
일본으로 이사 오고나서 계속 유니버셜만 갔는데, 저는 진짜로 디즈니 덕후인 거 같아요 🏰✨️ 제가 귀여운 거 좋아하잖아요~ 확실히 디즈니에 귀여운 것이 더 많아요. 교통이 비싸지않았으면 더 자주 갈텐데 🥺😭

I don't know when I'll be back next, but I know for sure that the next time I come, I need to make it a two day affair: one day for each park.
언제 또 갈 수 있을지 모르는데, 나중에는 꼭 이틀 잡아야겠어요: 하루 한 공원!

Even just writing this makes me want to go...so hopefully my next trip comes soon~ 🙏🏻✨️ 
이 글 쓰면서 다시 가고 싶어졌어🥺 갈 수 있는 날이 빨리 왔으면 🙏🏻✨️

Tokyo Disney Sea

Lady Christiiney♡

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