Sailor Moon Museum Vol 1
Monday, August 21, 2023First of all, Happy 2023! I honestly wanted to make blogging a regular thing, and I was super committed for that month...then life got in the way again, and here we are all these months later. I have a lot of things I want to do, so I really need to catch up on my drafts before I'm able to move on. It's been over a year since this happened, so I figured that this was the best place to start my many overdue posts~
2023년이 반 넘었는데 이제 인사하게 되네요. 저번에 말한 것처럼 블로그를 더 자주 쓰고 싶었는데, 여러가시 바빠지면서 이렇게 늦어졌네요ㅠㅠ 하고 싶은 거 많은데 아직 안 쓴 글이 너무 많아서 못 하고 있어요. 오늘에 글은 작년에 갔던 이벤튼데, 여기서 시작하는게 제일 좋을 거 같아서, 여기부터 씁니다~ ㅋㅋ
In celebration of Sailor Moon's 30th anniversary, there was a Sailor Moon Museum in Tokyo♡ It was divided into three volumes, and you know that I had to go to all of them.
세일러문의 30주년을 위해 도쿄에 세일러문 뮤지엄이 생겼어요♡ 3기에 나눠서 진행했었는데, 당연히 다 가야했죠~
Volume 1 was from July 1st to September 4th.
1기는 7월1부터 9월 4일까지였어요.
I had to wait until my July shift schedule came out before I could buy my ticket. I work one Saturday a month, so I had to know which Saturday that was. I ended up going on July 23rd!
저는 표 사기전에 7월 일 스케줄이 나올때까지 기다려야 했어요. 매달 토요일 근무하는 날이 1-2개 있어서, 그날만 피해야 했으니깐. 7월 23일에 가게 되었어요.
Actually, I made my way to Tokyo the night before. As soon as I finished work, I went home to grab my bags and headed to Nagoya station to catch the bullet train. I booked two nights at APA HOTEL Roppongi Six for about $76, which is honestly a really good price, especially for a broke gal like me. Also, APA HOTELs are always so nice. I only need a room to sleep, so it does the job for me.
사실 전 날 밤에 도쿄로 올라갔어요. 퇴근하고 집에서 물건 챙기고 신칸센 타러 나고야역으로 출발~ 롯폰기에 있는 APA호텔 롯폰기 식스를 예약했어요. 2박3일이 ₩101700정도였어요. 돈이 없는 저에겐 너무 좋은 가격이었어요🥹 그리고 APA호텔은 항상 깨끗해서 저한테는 너무 좋았어요~
I had reserved a ticket for the 10:30 time slot. Since the museum was only a 12 minute walk from the hotel, I didn't have to wake up too early, which was great because I got to the hotel well after 11pm the night before.
저는 10:30 시간으로 표 예약했어요. 장소가 호텔에서 걸어서는 12분밖에 안 걸려서 그렇게 일찍 일어나지 않아도 됐어요. 다행이죠..전날에 밤 11시 넘어서 호텔에 도착했으니깐😅
It had been a while since I had such a big solo adventure, so I was lowkey anxious, but that quickly turned into excitement as I approached the museum.
오랜만에 이렇게 혼자 여행 가는 거였으니깐 조금 긴장했는데, 장소가 가까워지면서 설레는 마음이 더 컸어요.
I mean, how could I not be excited when this is what greeted me as I walked up to the museum?
아니, 이게 점점 보이는게 당연히 긴장감이 사라지죠🥹💕
Then this beauty was on display when I walked in and waited to enter.
들어갈때는 이 이쁜 그림이 있었어요~
As a super fan of the manga art style, more than the anime style, I was sooooo excited. And she was just so pretty~
원래 애니보단 만화 그림 스타일이 좋아하는 사람으로서 여러가지가 너무 기대가 됐어요. 너무 이쁘지 않아요? 🥹💕
Upon getting your ticket checked, you go through the doors of the Crystal Palace into a room with all the Inner Scouts' wands. I always imagined them to be small, probably because all the toys were, but these things were huge! And I will not deny, I wanted one.
표를 체크한 뒤, 크리스탈 팰리스 문을 통과해서 세일러 전사의 롯드를 볼 수 있었어요. 장난감은 항상 작아서 그런지, 이것도 작을 줄 알았어요. 근데 훨식 컸고...솔직히 갖고 싶었어요 ㅋㅋ
사진 찍을 시간은 줘요. 그 다음에는 원조 인트로가 나오는데, 여기서는 찍지 못해요. 완전 옛날 생각이 났었어요~ 끝나고 제일 최근에 나온 전사의 그림이들이 나왔어요.
This session included effects that matched the Scouts' attacks. It was really simple, but really made the images pop!
음성이랑 CG로 더 임팩트 있게 만들었요~
Once it's all finished, the staff opened the next door and you enter the holographic manga room.
5명이 다 나온 다음에 직원이 문을 열어줬어요. 다음 방은 홀로그램 만화 방~
It's hard to see via the pictures, but everything was so pretty. I feel like holographic rainbows have been really in in Japan, especially in regards to fan/otaku related things. But I thought that this was such a nice touch to the artwork. It kept the beauty of the original B&W, but added that slight touch of color with the rainbows at certain angles.
사진으로 좀 보기 어려운데, 더 너무 이뻤어요~ 요즘에 일본에서도 홀로그램이 인기 많아진 거 같애요, 특히 덕 질 굿즈 관련해서. 근데 진짜 좋았던 거 같애요! 흑백한 그림에 작금 무지개 빛~
From there we entered the room of nostalgia, the anime room.
거기서 첫 추억의 방으로 들어 갔어요: 애니 방~
I was first introduced to Sailor Moon as a little girl in Korea, but other than knowing the theme song in Korean, I don't have much recollection of the Korean dub. Most of my memory is of the American dub that my dad got for me from the American store in Korea.
저는 애기때, 한국에 살았을때 세일러문 처음 만났어요. 근데 그때는 다 영어로 봐서, 애니송 빼고, 한국어 더빙의 세일러문에 대해 잘 몰라요 ㅋㅋ
I have watched all the seasons so many times and I love it all~ But I can't deny, my favorite will always be Sailor Stars.
저는 몇 번이나 봤는데, 볼 때마다 너무 좋아요. 근데 제일 좋아하는 시즌은 항상 스타스~✨️
I love Darien for Serena (is it weird that I prefer their English names), but I am a hardcore Seiya fan. He was just so cute~ And honestly, the Sailor Starlights are just too cool 😍
(한국 이름을 몰라서 그냥 일본 이름으로 할께요) 마모루는 우사기랑 너무 잘 어룰리는데, 저는 개인적으로 세이야 팬이에요 💕 그리고 세일러 스타 라이츠가 너무 멋있잖아요😍
I stayed in that area for quite a while, indulging in all the memories before moving on to the toy room.
많은 추억을 되돌아보면서, 좀 오래 있었어요. 다음이 추억의 방 2였어여: 장난감 방~
This area was interesting for me because so much of it was so familiar, but I never had any of these specific items. I didn't live in Japan when most of these things came out, but I think because there were definitely similar things in Korea, it was all nostalgic.
이런 거 나왔을 때 일본에 살지 않아서 분명히 갖지 않았는데, 물건이 다 너무 반가웠어요 😆 한국에 비슷한 거 있어서 그랬나봐요. 저는 다 한국 버전이 있었죠 ㅋㅋ
They had the Pulip dolls and I swear, every time I see them I want them more. I have my heart set on getting three: Sailor V, Black Lady, and Sailor Star Fighter. Hopefully one day I can achieve that goal.
여기서 풀립 인형들을 만날 수 있었어요. 볼 때마다 더 갖고 싶어요🥺 언젠가 세일러 V, 블랙 레이드, 세일러 스타 파이터 꼭 살 거에요!
In the same room where all the Sailor Moon wedding dresses.
같은 방에는 세일러문 웨딩 드레스들도 있었어요.
I honestly loved the Serenity dress. It was so elegant and not to over the top.
저는 개인적으로 세레니티 드레스가 너무 이뻤어요~ 아르다움과 엘레강스 그 자체였어요.
The other dresses were cute...but I couldn't imagine them as wedding dresses. They could maybe pass as prom dresses though!
다른 드레스들도 귀여웠는데, 웨딩드레스로는 좀 아닌 거 같았어요. 파티로는 괜찮지않을까?
From there, there was a small hallway with all the musical costumes~
거기서는 작을 복도에 뮤지컬 의상을 볼 수 있었어요~
The details were phenomenal! But I was surprised how small the outfits were. Like I know that Japanese girls are small, but these could not have been for anyone bigger than an elementary school girl.
디테일이다 너무 섬세했어요. 근데 너무 작았어요! 아니, 일본 여성은 좀 작다는 거 너무 잘 아는데, 이거는 진짜로 아동복이었어요! 커도 초등학생 사이즈...
I'm not into the musicals, so I just passed by pretty quickly. Next was one of my favorite parts: the Nakayoshi cover wall
저는 원래 세일러문 뮤지컬에 관심 없어서 빠르게 통과했어요~ 다음에는 제가 진짜로 좋아했던 작품: 나카요시 만화 커버 벽화
I was born in 1995, so Sailor Moon was still being released. But I was way too young (and also not in Japan) so I was never able to see these in all their glory. Honestly, every cover/manga insert was gorgeous~
제가 95생이라 세일러문이 아직 나오고 있었어요. 근데 너무 어렸고, 일본에 살고 있지 않아서 이걸 실제로는 못 봤죠. 진짜로 하나하나 다 너무 이뻤어요 ㅠㅠ
From there, you entered the main event: the original arts. This area was a No Photo zone, but it was honestly the best part. There were tons of works that I was familiar with, but the originals were on another level. Naoko Takeuchi was seriously so talented and I loved every part of this area.
거기서 메인 이벤트: 원작 작품😍 여기는 촬영 금지얐는데, 제일 좋은 공간이어서 못 찍었다는게 너무 아쉬워요 🥺 진짜 다 너무 예뻐서 감동했어요.
I think I spent a good 45 minutes looking at everything before heading out.
한 45분 하나하나 보고 나왔어요.
Even at the very end, you're greeted with more wonderful art~ This was huge and again, I was amazed by her talents
마지막에 이쁜 그림 또 있었어요~ 진짜 컸어요! 근데 커서 디테일이 자세히 다 볼 수 있었어요~
The only downside to how big everything was, was how hard it was to take pictures. I have an older phone, so I don't have a wide lens. The area itself is pretty small, so I didn't have the space to step back to get the pictures I wanted
한 가지 아쉬운 점은 너무 커서 시진 찍기 좀 어려웠어요ㅠ 이때 제 폰이 좀 오래된 모델이라 와이드렌즈가 없었어요. 공간도 그렇게 큳지 않아서 찍고 싶은대로 못 찍었어요ㅠㅠ
I live for the manga art, but I also really loved the original arts created for the event. The drawings and the sparkle details were just so beautiful~
저는 만화 스타일 제일 좋은데, 이렇게 원작을 볼 수 있어서 너무 좋았어요. 반짝반짝 거리는게 너무 이뻤어요 ✨️
There was also this cute piece~
이 귀여운 기름도 있었어요~
After this, it was off to the gift shop~
마지막은 굿즈 샵!
When I say that I was here for the longest time.
진짜 긴시간 있었어요~
I was in there debating on whether to buy everything. Thankfully I had my head on right, and was not willing to go bankrupt. After thinking over things multiple times, I left there spending less than ¥5000. I didn't even buy everything that was in the basket in the picture.
그냥 다 질러버릴까 고민 했는데, 정신 차리고 진짜 갔고 싶은 거만 샀어요~ ₩46000도 안 썼어요. 바구니에 사진에 있는 굿즈도 다 안 샀어요!
From there, it was the bathrooms and cafe.
나가기 전에 화장실이랑 카페를 지나갔어요.
Look at the details for the bathroom! It was such a subtle addition~
아니 화장실 디테일🥺 너무 귀여웠어요~
I wasn't able to go to the cafe this time because I had plans. I ended up going when I went for Volume 2, so look forward that post!
1기때 카페는 못 갔어요. 근데 2기에 갔으니깐 그 글 기대하세요~
While that was the end of my Sailor Moon Museum Vol. 1, it was honestly just the start of my Tokyo adventure~
제 세일러문 뮤지엄 1기는 이렇게 끝났어요, 근데 제 도쿄 이야기는 그냥 시작이었어요~
I got to meet up with the bestie~ Even though we've been living in the same country, it has proved difficult to meet up. The last time we hungout was in 2019, so this was long delayed. It's crazy to think that we've been friends for more than half our lives and we still get along as well as we do~
그 날 절친도 만났어요~ 같은 나라에 사는데도 만나기 어려워요ㅠ 마지막으로 본게 2019이었으니깐 너무 오랜만이었죠~ 초등학생때 만나서 인생 반 넘게 친하게 지내고 있다는게 너무 신기해요 ㅋ
We ended up hanging out again the next day too, before I headed back home.
결국 다음 날도 만났어요~
I had genuinely been nervous about this trip. It was my first time taking the shinkansen up there, and new routes just make me nervous in general. But I discovered how easy it was and now the only thing stopping me from taking as many vacations as I want is money
이 여행 전에 솔직히 진짜 긴장했어요. 신칸센 타는게 오랜만이었는데, 표를 혼자 사는게 처음이었어요. 저는 새로운 것 안좋아하는 인프제 ✌🏻 그래서 이번 여행을 위해 처음 가는 길, 몇 번이나 체크 했는지 ㅋㅋ 근데 생각보다 쉬워서, 더 다니고 싶은데...그렇게 할 돈이 없지ㅠㅠ
In regards to the event itself, I loved every single moment of it. It didn't even matter that I was alone, because I was surrounded by something that I genuinely love. I had such a good time and I was so excited for the next one~
무지엄은 당연시 만족스러웠죠~ 내가 사랑하는 것을 마음껏 볼 수 있어서 행복한 하루였죠. 다음 기도 너무 기대가 됐어요!
Sony Music Roppongi Museum
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