Huntington Library (Aug.19.23)

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

As both my parents work during the week, we only had weekends to spend together. While relaxing at home or going shopping is always fun, I also wanted to go somewhere and actually do something. After looking around online, I settled on the Huntington Library in San Marino   
부모님 둘 다 평일에는 일 하니깐, 주말에만 시간 같이 보낼 수 있었어요. 집에 쉬거나 쇼핑가는 것도 좋은데, 다른 것도 하고 싶었어요. 좀 검색하다가 산 마리노에 있는 헌팅턴 도서관을 픽했어요   

At this point, I think you have realized that I really like European art. If I had time, I would totally delve in to the world of art history because there is so much I'd like to learn... 
이쯤되면 제가 유럽 미술 엄청 좋아한다는 거 알죠. 시간만 있었으면 좀 공부하고 싶은데... 

Anyway, when I found this place, I thought it would be perfect! Nature and art, what a perfect combination! The art was for me and the nature for my parents.  
아무튼, 이 곳 찾아서, 우리한테 딱 좋을 것 같았어요! 자연과 미술, 너무 잘 맞는 조합! 미술을 나를 위해, 자연은 부모님을 위해.

The weather was absolutely perfect~ It was the day before Tropical Storm Hilary, I think. So it wasn't hot at all, but it wasn't chilly either. It made walking around outside pretty pleasant.  
이날 날씨가 너무 좋았어요~ 제 기억으로는 태풍 힐러리 전 날있었어요. 그래서 덥지도 않고, 춥지도 않았어요. 밖에 돌아다니기 딱 좋은 날씨였어요.

It was totally unplanned, but we all ended up wearing different shades of blue and were unintentionally matching 💙 How cute is that? 
맞춰 입은거 아닌데, 셋다 파랑색 입었더러고요 💙 너무 귀엽죠~

I know that now that my younger brother has also moved out, my parents don't go out together much, unless there is a specific purpose. So I hoped that this little outing was a fun day for them. 
제가 2018년에 나오고, 이제 남동생까지 독립하니깐 부모님은 딱 일이나 목표가 없으면 별로 안 나가더라고요. 그래서 이 나들이가 즐거웠으면 했어요.

I really enjoyed just relaxing and walking around. There were other people, but I think because the place is so big, we just weren't running into anyone. It very much felt like we were alone and had the beautiful gardens to ourselves.
그냥 쉬면서 천천히 산책하는게 좋았어요. 사람들이 제법 있었는데, 장소가 워낙 커서 그냥 안 만났던 거 같아요. 그냥 우리만  이 아름다운 곳을 즐길 수 있다는 기분이었어요.


I would definitely come back here. If I was living in Cali, I would even consider getting membership. The atmosphere was honestly just so relaxing and it could be a great escape from the business of working life.  
저는 다시 가도 좋을 거 같아요. 만약에 살고 있었으면, 멤버십까지 신청할까 해요. 분위기가 너무 좋았어요. 바쁜 일상에서 좀 쉴 수 있는 곳으로 좋을 거 같아요.

Aside from the different gardens, there was also a bunch of different art collections. We went to look at the European art collection, and I honestly fell in love😍 
가든 외에, 여러 미술 콜렉션도 있어요. 우리는 유럽 콜렉션 봤는데, 제가 진짜 사랑에 빠졌어요 😍

If I could have a visual representation of my aesthetics, I would be this building. I literally dream to have a house as beautiful as this. 
저 취향을 표현하기 딱이었어요. 언젠간 이렇게 이쁜 집을 갖을 수 있을까 🥺


We were at the Huntington for a good two hours, but definitely didn't get through all of it. We were just wandering around, rather than following the map. But I'm sure the parts we didn't see were just as beautiful~ 
2시간 정도 있었는데, 다는 못 봤어요. 지도는 안 보고, 그냥 자유럽게 돌아다녔어요. 우리가 못 본 곳도 얼마나 이쁠까요~

Huntington Library 

Lady Christiiney♡

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