Home Sweet Home (Aug. '23)

Sunday, January 28, 2024

In August of 2023, after four loooonnng years, I was finally about to take a legit vacation, and of course I took this chance to go home for the summer 
2023년 8월에 너무나 길었던 4년 만에 제대로된 휴가 갈 수 있었어서 당연히 미국으로 갔지요

When I tell you that I was counting down the days for this trip🥺
 제가 이 여행을 얼마나 기다렸는지 🥺

When I decided to move to Japan, the plan was to spend my summer vacations in California. That way I could see my family, but also continue to have a social life back home. Obviously, the world had other plans. I was able to do that once, in the summer of 2019...then we all know what happened🙃
제가 취직해서 일본으로 가는 길 확신이 됐을 때, 매년 여름방학을 미국에서 보내기로 계획을 세웠어요. 이렇게 하면 가족을 만날 수 있고, 미국에서 어느 정도 사회생활을 할 수 있을 거 같았어요. 근데 세상이 다른 생각이 있었더라고요. 2019년에 계획대로 한번 하고...뭐, 다 아시잖아요🙃

 After going to Korea in September 2022 and seeing how easy it was to travel, I started making plans to go to California.   
드디어 여행 갈 수 있게 되고, 2022년 9월에 가족 만나러 한국으로 가서 생각보다 쉽게 갈 수 있다는 거를 알게 되었어요. 그때부터 캘리포니아 갈 계획을 세우기 시작했어요.

I know that it's extremely hard to get so much time off of work, and I most likely won't get this much time off again, but my principal was gracious enough to let me take all of August off. I decided to just take unpaid time off (which I would come to regret after I got back). Nonetheless, I am so thankful that I was able to do it. So after four years, I made the long trip. It had been so long since I've taken a long haul flight...yeah, I did not miss that at all.  
이렇게 길게 휴가 내는 게 어렵다는 게 알고, 아마 앞으로도 이렇게 못 낼 거 같애요. 근데 이번 여행은 원장 선생님이 너무 흔쾌히 1달을 주셔서 8월을 다 쉬기로 했어요. 그냥 1달 무급으로 쉬었는데, 나중에 엄청 후회했잖아요🥺 근데, 그래도 가게 해줘서 너무 감사했어요. 그래서 4년만에 긴 거리를 갔죠. 너무 오랜만에 이렇게 긴 비행시간...이건 진짜 안 그리웠어요.

I really didn't have much planned for this trip. I just wanted to be surrounded with my loved ones, reconnect with everyone, and eat all the American food that I have been missing for the last few years.  
이번 여행에는 큰 계획이 없었어요. 그냥 가족이랑 시간 보내고,  친구 만나고, 4녕 동안 못 먹었던 미국 음식을 많이 먹고 싶었어요.

I think I was pretty successful with accomplishing all of that! When I tell you that I ate so much food, 
 다 이루어졌어요! 얼마나 많이 먹었는지,

More than anything, I was excited to eat some home food. I was especially looking forward to some Filipino food 🇵🇭  
무엇보다는 집밥이 너무 기대가 됐어요, 특히 필리핀 음식 🇵🇭

I of course ate out a lot too~ I've been away for so long, I got reverse culture shock. Why is everything so big?! I was either so full after every meal, or I had to take most of the dishes home.  
당연히 외식도 많이 했지요. 너무 오랜만이라 약간 반대 문화 충격을 받았어요. 왜 다 이렇게 크지? 항상 너무 먹어서 배가 터질 거 같거나, 남은 음식을 싸고 집에 갔어요. 

But none of that is being said with negativity! I enjoyed every single one of my food adventures~ I ate everything without a care in the world. My tummy was very happy that month 
근데 전혀 나쁜 마음으로 얘기하는 건 아니에요. 먹었던 음식이다 너무 맛있었고, 한 달 동안 배가 너무 행복했어요.

And I was also able to spend lots of time with family💕 
그리고 가족이랑 시간에 많이 보낼 수 있었어요💕

As well as friends~ It most cases, we were just too invested in catching up to remember to take pictures🙃  
친구들도 많이 만나고~ 근대 거의다 말하느라 바빠서 사진을 못 찍었어요🙃

Of course there lots of other things that I did, some of which will be getting their own posts~ 
당연히 다른 것도 많이 했죠! 그 중에 몇 개는 그를 따로 쓸게요~

can honestly say, this was such a healing trip. I think I needed this more than I realized. I didn't even do much, but my heart was genuinely so full by the end of the month. It took me almost two months to fully recover from this trip. As much as I enjoy having my own place, after having spent a month with my parents, coming home to an empty home can be really lonely.  
이번 여행은 진짜 힐링 여행이었어요. 생각보다 필요했던 여행이었던 거 같애요. 많이 하지도 않는데, 한달 끝나니까 마음이 너무 꽉 차 있었어요. 솔직히 후유증 없어지는게 2달 걸렸어요. 혼자 사는 건 좋은데, 한 달 동안 엄마 아빠랑 있다가 아무도 없는 집으로 돌아가니까 좀 많이 외롭더라고요.

But I acknowledge that my time in Cali was so great because I was on vacation. If I move back...I don't think I would enjoy it as much as I did  
근데 이 여행이 너무 좋았던 이유가 여행이었으니까. 제가 미국을 다시 들어가서 산다고 해서 여행 갔을 때 같이, 좋을까?

Nonetheless, this trip was the pick-me-up I needed to continue to work hard in my daily life! I think put enough fuel to push through until my next vacation, whenever that will be☺️
아무튼 너무나 좋았던 여행이었어요. 이렇게 충전해야 일을 더 열심히 하죠! 다음 여행까지 열심히 할 수 있을 거 같아요, 그게 언제일지 모르지만☺️

Lady Christiiney♡

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