World of Barbie (Aug.18.23)

Thursday, February 15, 2024

I was never a Barbie girlie growing up. I was a Bratz gal all the way. But there's just something about the pink aesthetics that just pull me in~ So when I came across the ad for the World of Barbie, I bought tickets so fast  
저는 바비 인형보다는 브랏츠 좋아했어요. 인형은 무조건 브랏츠였는데, 바비의 그 핑크 세계가 너무 눈에 들어와요. 그래서 월드 오브 바비 광고 봤을 때 바로 표 샀어요 🎟 

I have absolutely no regrets spending as much money as I did for this.  
좀 비쌌는데, 전혀 후회가 없어요 🤭

I went with my mummy dearest, and I think the tickets were like $40 per person...and she was definitely a bit skeptical about the whole thing. But my reasoning was, when are you going to be able to enjoy the Barbie world? 
우리 엄마랑 갔다 왔어요. 한 사람당 ₩53000정도 여서 엄마가 좀 의아했어요. 너무 비싼거 아니냐고. 근데, 저는 반대로, 지금 안 가면 언제 또 바비의 집에 갈 수 있냐고.

When we first went in, there were so many people. We honestly couldn't enjoy it much. Thinking back, I guess we could have just chilled in the area until everyone got through...but we did the opposite.  
입장할때 사람이 너무 많아서 별로 즐길 수 없었어요. 지금 생각하면 그냥 좀 기달렸으면 사람이 다 빠지는데, 우리는 그냥 빨리 지나갔어요 😅 

We snapped a few shots there before quickly heading to the next area: the doll boxes(?) 
당연히 사진 좀 찍고 다음 공간으로 갔어요: 인형 박스(?)로

I am always a bit awkward when it comes to taking pictures, but I came to realize that my mummy doesn't know how to take them😅 It was kinda sad to realize, because it means that we really haven't done things like this. If we went to more places, we would both have such good photo skills... 
저는 원래 사진 찍을 때 좀 어색하는데, 여기서 엄마가 사진을 못 찍는 다는 걸 알게됬어요😅 좀 슬펐어요...우리가 이런 것 얼마나 안 했길래 🥺 우리가 더 많이 다녔으면 둘 다 사진 기술이 좋았을텐데...

But these slight lacks in skill made things more fun! There were definitely a bunch of awkward photos, but some were actually pretty good too! 
근데 뭔가 어색해서 더 재밌었어요! 이상한 사진 많았는데, 이쁜 사진도 많이 나왔어요!

We honestly had a ton of fun~ It was the perfect activity for the girly pair that we are💕 Also, who wouldn't enjoy being surrounded by so much pink?  
진짜 재밌었어요~ 우리처럼 여자여자한 사람한테 딱 좋은 이벤트였어요💕 그리고 이런 핑크 세상에서 안 행복할 수 가 없죠~

I don't think I've ever taken so many pictures with my mummy after middle school, maybe even elementary school. Why is it that we stop taking pictures with our parents as we get older? 
초중학교 이후로 엄마랑 사진 이렇게 많이 찍은 거 처음인 거 같아요. 커질수록 부모랑 사진 안 찍을까요? 

Then might be a good thing, because I definitely went through some awkward phases, some that I really don't want to remember 🙃 I'm definitely pretty comfortable in my looks and style now, which is why I've grown to enjoy snapping away~  
근데 한편으로, 다행이다고 생각해요. 중학생 때 내 모습을 생각하면...기억하고 싶지 않아요 🙃 지금의 외모랑 스타일이 너무 좋으니깐~

So I encourage you to bring your parents to those silly events and take a bunch of photos~ You definitely won't regret it 🌱
근데 부모랑 이런 재밌는 이벤트 자주 가는거 추천해요! 가서 사진 많이 찍으세요~ 후회하지 않을 거에요 🌱

Lady Christiiney♡

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