My GOT7 Adventures

Thursday, March 10, 2016

I've been an IGOT7 since GOT7's debut, but this last winter was probably my most active period as a fan ;)
갓세븐 데뷔때부터 팬이였는데, 이 지난 겨울에 팬으로서 제일 많이 활동했던 것 같네요 ㅋㅋ

 So today, I'll be talking about my GOT7 adventures!
그래서 오늘 제 갓세븐 모험에 대해서 얘기할께요~ ㅋ
 Do you know how hard it is being an IGOT7 living in America? GOT7 promotes outside of Korea all the time, but unfortunately, it's rare for them to come to the states. For the few times they have been here, I've been too busy to go see them.
미국에서 사는 IGOT7이라는게 얼마나 힘든지 아세요?! ㅠㅠ 갓세븐은 해외 활동 많이 하는 편인데, 미국으로 거의 안 와요ㅠㅠ 몇 번 오긴했는데, 항상 내가 바쁠떼 와가지구...ㅠ 못 갔어요ㅠㅠ 
 After a while, you just give up. You just have to settle with merchandise and online videosㅠㅠ But this past winter! It was a winter of change! I got to see GOT7 not just once, but twice!
시간이 갈수록 포기하게되고, 굿즈이랑 영상으로만 만족하고 살아야되요ㅠㅠ 근데 이 지난 겨울! 변화에 겨울이였어요! ㅋㅋ 제가 갓세븐을 한 번도 아니고, 두 번이나 보게됬어요!

 The first time was at their 2nd Fan Meeting: Amazing Got7 World! I was in Korea at the time, so how could I pass on the opportunity?!
제 첫 갓세븐 이벤트, 2번째 팬미팅: 어메이징 갓세븐 월드! 아니, 한국에 있었는데 당연히 갔죠!

Since I don't have any friends in Korea, I had to go to this by myself. As a result, I didn't get to take a picture with my loves ㅠㅠ
한국에 친구가 없어가지구, 혼자 갔어요ㅠㅠ 그레서...내 사랑 갓칠이들이랑 사진 못 찍고ㅠㅠ

Not only did I not get a picture with the poster, I stupidly decided not to buy any merchandise. I don't know why I decided not to...but I regretted it so much..
포스터랑 사진 못찍었는데 굿즈도 안 샀어요ㅠㅠ 못 산게 아니라, 안 산거에요ㅠㅠ 왜 그랬을까?ㅠㅠ 너무 후회되더라구요...

My ticket~
내 티켓~
Met up with some of my Twitter friends~♡ Lizzy unni, Reia, & Moeka! 
트친 몇명 만났어요~♡ 리지언니, 레이아, & 모에카!

I had a pretty decent seat ;) It was a bit far, but I was close to the screen so I could see everything. On top of that! I got to see JB up close! So I was sitting at the last row of Section 13 and during one of the songs, when all the members went to different parts of the arena, he stood behind section 13. He was like three seats away from where I was so I got to see him, like REALLY see him! He was less than 15ft awayㅠㅠ 
제 자리가 괜찮았어요! 좀 멀었지만, 스크린 가까워서 다 보였어요! 그리고, JB를 진짜 가까이 볼 기회가 있었어요! 13구역 마지막 줄 좌석이였는데, 어떤 노래에 맴버들이 다 각자 다른 구역으로 갔는데. JB는 13구역으로 왔어요ㅠㅠ 나랑 거리가 한 4.5미터 밖에 안됬어요ㅠㅠ 

I always thought JB was good looking in pictures and videos, but he's really good-looking in real life tooㅠㅠ I also got to see Yugyeom, Bambam, and Junior up close...and I got a glimpse of Jackson as he was running past. Out of the 5 members I got to see, Junior was the most good looking, to be completely honest. I was always very indifferent about Junior. He wasn't ugly, but he wasn't THAT handsome in my eyes. This fanmeet totally changed that for me. Pictures don't do him justice!! It shocked me how good looking he wasㅠㅠ I will never look at him the same way again..
저는 원래부터 제이비가 잘 생겼다고 생각했어요. 사진이나 영상 볼 때, 잘 생겼는데, 실물도 너무 잘 생겼어요ㅠㅠ 완벽합니다ㅠㅠ JB뿐만 아니라, 유겸이, 뱀뱀, 하고 주니어도 봤고, 잭슨이 뛰고 지나갈때 잠깐 봤어요. 다들 너무 반짝반짝 거렸어요ㅠㅠ 이쁘고 얼국도 너무 작고ㅠㅠ 근데, 제가 가까이 본 5명 중에, 주니어가 제일 잘 생겼더라구. 아니, 사진/영상 볼때는, 별로 잘 생겼다고 생각하지 않았거든요. 못 생기지 않았는데, 내 눈에는 잘 생기지 않았다고 생각했는데...지녕오빠는 실물이 훨~~~~~씬 잘 생겼어요! 놀랐어요! 진짜로! 막 아이콘택트 했는데....설래더라고요ㅠㅠ 그 날부터 주니어수니로~ ㅋㅋㅋ 장난입니다! 전 영원히 내 홍콩왕자님 잭슨수니일껍니다잉~ ㅋㅋ

 The only free things I managed to get was the two sets of stickersㅠㅠ and the Jackson photo & chocolate from Lizzy unni. I attempted to get some fansite stuff...but it was way too chaoticㅠㅠ
받은 공짜 나눔: 스티커 하고 리지언니한테 받은 잭슨 사진이랑 초코릿~ 나눔 더 받고 싶었는데, 너무 정신없고 좀 무서워서 빨리 포기했습니다 ㅋㅋㅠㅠ 

 My first ever GOT7 experience was a 10/10! It was so much funnnn~
제 첫 갓세븐 경험은 10점 만점에 10점~ 너무 재밌었어~~~~엉~

Fast forward to the next week and I was ready to see my loves again~ This time in Japan! That's right, I went to Japan to see GOT7. GOT7 Japan Tour 2016 Mori Agatteyo in Sapporo!
일주일도 안 지나고, 내 사랑이들 또 보게 됬어요~ 이번에는 일본에서! 맞아요~ 갓세븐보로 일분까지 갔어요. 갓세븐 일본 투어 2016 모리 아갓떼요 삿포로!

Of course GOT7 wasn't the only reason I went to Japan! I went to see my bestest bestie~ This time, I wouldn't be jamming out to GOT7 alone! ;)
갓세븐 너무나 사랑하지만, 당연히 갓세븐만 보러 일본 간 거 이니죠! 내 베프 보러 갔지~ 이번에 혼자가 아니고, 내 제일 친한 친구랑~ ;)

So our hotel was right next to the concert venue! It was literally a 2 minute walk to Zepp Sapporo from our hotel~ While the concert wasn't until 5:30, we were there at 12:15ish to stand in line for goods. It was so cold, but we needed to get the merch!
친구의 엄마가 잡은 호텔이 콘서트장 바로 옆이였어요! 진짜로, 제프 삿포로에서 2분도 안 되는 거리였어요~ 콘서트가 5:30 시작이였는데, 굿즈사러 12:15쯤에 갔어요. 너무 추웠는데, 굿즈은 사야죠!

After seeing the Japan tour goods, I thought it was a good thing I didn't by any goods at the fanmeet xD Jackson + Pink is way better than anything they were selling at the fanmeet ;)
일본 투어 굿즈보고 나서, 팬미팅에서 아무것도 안 산게 좋았다고 생각했어요. 잭슨 + 핑크! 완전 내 취향저격~

I bought two trading cards, but got Jackson and Bambam, so bestie's mummy traded her Jackson for my Bambam~
트레이딩 카드 2개 샀는데, 하나는 잭슨, 하나는 뱀뱀...그래서 베프 엄마랑 바꿔서 잭슨 트카드 2개!

My number was 47~
제 번호는 47번~ 

Unintentionally matching with my prince~ ;)
스니오빠랑 핑크색 깔맞춤 ;)
And then the waiting game~ Almost 4 hours of free time before the concert
그리고 기달려야했죠... 4시간이나 나마서, 당연히 셀카놀이 했죠 ㅋㅋ
And finally it was time!

The fact that I was able to take this photo without zooming it, should tell you how close we were ;) We were close enough to see each members face, but far enough to be able to see them all without hurting our necks~ It was a concert full of eye contact >///<
줌없이 찍은 사진인데, 얼마나가까웠는데 알겠죠? ㅋ 맴버들 얼굴 보일 정도로 가까우면서, 목이 안 아플정도로 멀었어요~ 콘서트 내내 아이콘택트~ >///<
So, being completely honest, my expectations weren't too high for both this concert and the album. All their Japanese songs up until this point were really bad. Like, I don't understand what was going on, but the songs were so bad... I was not a fan of their Japanese music. So expecting the worst, I didn't preorder the $30 album. I passed on the opportunity for the after event because I didn't want to buy have no idea how much I regretted that. 
솔직히 말하면, 이 콘서트랑 첫 일본앨범 기대치가 그렇게 놉지않았어요. 엿때까지 나온 일본 싱글들이 원악...촤악이라서 ㅋㅋㅋ 원래 갓세븐 일본 노래 안 들었어요 ㅋㅋ 당연히 이 앨범이 별로라고 예상하고, 선주문 안 했어요. 앨범이 3만 원이였는데... 너무 후회했어요ㅠㅠ 그때 선주문했스면 콘서트 끝나고 한 15분 정도? 갓세븐을 더 볼 수 있었는데ㅠㅠ 

All the songs on this album were AMAZINGGGGG! It was ridiculous! I was so mad...
이 앨범! 모리 아갓떼요 너무 좋았어요ㅠㅠ 아니 갑자기 이렇게 좋아지면 어떻가냐구ㅠㅠㅠ 너무 짜증났어요...

The concert overall was so good. The whole experience was amazing! First of all, our spots were amazing! And we got noticed by the members...well maybe not we, more like my bestie and her sister got noticed xD Jackson even tried to throw his towel at my friend's sister...but the girls behind her snatched away from herㅠㅠ We were so mad about that...even Jackson got disappointed because she didn't catch it (No Towel, No Love). But anyway, again, I was in awe of how good looking everyone was. This time I got to see all of them! Youngjae absolutely stole my heart~ He was soooooo cute~
전체로 콘서트는 너~~~~무 좋았어요! 첫째로, 아까 말한 거 처럼, 자리가 진짜 좋았어요! 그리고, 원악 가까이 있어서, 맴버들이 우리를 계속 봤어요! ....사실 우리는 아니고, 제 베프랑 베프 여동생만 봤죠. (외국인이니까 튀잖아요...난 일본갈때는 그냥 다들 제가 일본사람이라고 생각해요...) 잭슨이 수건을 여동생한테 던젔는데, 뒤에있는 중국여자들이 뺐었어요ㅠㅠ 얼마나 화난는지... 심지어, 잭슨 이 실망한 표정을 지었어요!ㅠㅠ  너무 속상속상ㅠㅠ 아무튼, 그건 너머 가고, 좋은 점! ㅋ 이번에 또 알게됬어요...우리 갓칠이가 얼마나 잘생겼는지 >///< 이번에는 7명 다 볼 수 있었어요! 영재가 너무 이쁘고, 왜 이렇게 사랑스러울까요? 제 마을은 완전 뺐어갔어요~ 

I seriously didn't want the concert to end...
진짜 안 끝났으면 했어요... 

But it's okay because I'll be seeing GOT7 again this summer ;) WORLD TOUR!
근데 괜찮아요, 왜냐면, 여름에 또 볼꺼니깐 ;) 월드투어!

At least I hope so... It's their first concert, so I have to go! ...but life has a way of messing up my plans. Let's keep our fingers crossed ;) 
...갔으면 좋죠ㅠㅠ 첫콘인데 당연히 가야지! ...근데 항상 일이 일어나서ㅠㅠ 아니야! 잘 될꺼야! 같이 제가 갈 수있게, 아무 문제 없길 바랍시다!

So now, all that's left is to wait~
이젠 남은 것은 기다림일 뿐~

Lady Christiiney♡

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