GOT7 Fly in Los Angeles
Sunday, July 17, 2016
I had been waiting for Sunday, July 10th to come since March. I was detemined to do everything I could to make sure that I'd go. There was NO way that I would miss GOT7 in LA. Who knows when they'd be back here?!
3월부터 7월 10일 (일)을 가다리고 있었습니다. 어떡해든 가야되니깐 ㅋㅋ 아니, 내 동내로 왔는데, 안 가면 바보죠 ㅋㅋ 언제 또 오겠어요?!!
Obviously I wanted to get the P1 ticket...I really wanted to get that picture. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I was waiting on the AXS site more than an hour before tickets went on sale. I didn't get to buy my ticket until like 20 minutes later. Both P1 and P2 (GA) were sold out. I debated between P2 (seated) and P3 (GA). I went with P3 (GA).
당연히 P1 사고 싶었죠...갓세븐이랑 사진 찍고 싶었어요ㅠㅠ 아쉽게도, 못 샀어요ㅠㅠ 1시간 전 부터 기달렸는데, 그래도 못 샀어요. P1 & P2 스탠딩이 제일 먼저 솔드아웃ㅠㅠ 진지하게 고민하고 P3 스탠딩 선택했어요. (사진엔 밑에 주황색 부분)
The best friend flew in from Colorado a few days earlier, so I wasn't alone for the concert!
친구가 몇일 전에 콜로라도 주에서 와서, 다행히 이번에도 혼자 아니였어요~
Even though the concert was scheduled to start at 7:30pm, we were at the venue before 2. We needed to pick up the charms we ordered from @/got_pang on Twitter. Can you see how cute they are?! I got Jackson (of course) and my friend got Junior.
콘서트는 7:30 시작이였는데, 2시 전에 도착했어요. 트위터에 팡님께서 열쇠고리를 픽업해야되서 일찍갔죠. 너무 귀엽지않아요?! 팡님 그림이 항상 너무 이뻐요~ 저는 당연히 잭슨, 친구는 진영~
Pickup took a lot less time than I thought.. I don't know why but I thought we had to get there early in order to get the charms. Pickup took literally 5 minutes...
픽업이 생각보다 빨랐어요... 생각에는 더 오래 걸릴꺼라고... 왜 그렇게 생각했는지ㅠㅠ 진짜 5분 밖에 안 걸렸어유ㅠㅠ
So then the waiting game began~ I should have gotten a bigger tea...I literally finished this in 3 minutesㅠㅠ
그래서 가다림이 시작 됬죠. 제가 너무 좋아하는 스타벅스 망고 블랙티 레몬에이드! 너무 작은 거 샀어...3분 안에 끝났음 ㅠㅠ
After eating a late lunch, we got in line around 4:00pm. We didn't pre-order any goods, and weren't really interested in getting any. While we were in line, Subkulture volunteers were selling the lightsticks, two for $15. Basically it was a 'buy one, get one free' deal!
늦은 점심 먹고, 4시 쯤에 줄 섰어요. 굿즈를 안 살려고 했는데, 결국 응원봉 샀어요 ㅋㅋ 원래는 하나에 ₩17000였는데, 원악 사람이 안 사서, 1+1로 팔더라고요. 좋은 딜이니깐 샀죠~