GOT7 Fly in Los Angeles

Sunday, July 17, 2016

A week ago, I had one of the most amazing days of the year so far. I went to my 3rd GOT7 event!! FLY in LA!  
지난 주, 일요일이 제 여름에 하이라이트! 제 3번째 갓세븐 이벤트!! 갓세븐 미국 콘서트: 플라이 인 엘에이!

 I had been waiting for Sunday, July 10th to come since March. I was detemined to do everything I could to make sure that I'd go. There was NO way that I would miss GOT7 in LA. Who knows when they'd be back here?!
3월부터 7월 10일 (일)을 가다리고 있었습니다. 어떡해든 가야되니깐 ㅋㅋ 아니, 내 동내로 왔는데, 안 가면 바보죠 ㅋㅋ 언제 또 오겠어요?!!
 Obviously I wanted to get the P1 ticket...I really wanted to get that picture. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I was waiting on the AXS site more than an hour before tickets went on sale. I didn't get to buy my ticket until like 20 minutes later. Both P1 and P2 (GA) were sold out. I debated between P2 (seated) and P3 (GA). I went with P3 (GA).
당연히 P1 사고 싶었죠...갓세븐이랑 사진 찍고 싶었어요ㅠㅠ 아쉽게도, 못 샀어요ㅠㅠ 1시간 전 부터 기달렸는데, 그래도 못 샀어요.  P1 & P2 스탠딩이 제일 먼저 솔드아웃ㅠㅠ 진지하게 고민하고 P3 스탠딩 선택했어요. (사진엔 밑에 주황색 부분)
 The best friend flew in from Colorado a few days earlier, so I wasn't alone for the concert! 
친구가 몇일 전에 콜로라도 주에서 와서, 다행히 이번에도 혼자 아니였어요~

Even though the concert was scheduled to start at 7:30pm, we were at the venue before 2. We needed to pick up the charms we ordered from @/got_pang on Twitter. Can you see how cute they are?! I got Jackson (of course) and my friend got Junior. 
콘서트는 7:30 시작이였는데, 2시 전에 도착했어요. 트위터에 팡님께서 열쇠고리를 픽업해야되서 일찍갔죠. 너무 귀엽지않아요?! 팡님 그림이 항상 너무 이뻐요~ 저는 당연히 잭슨, 친구는 진영~
Pickup took a lot less time than I thought.. I don't know why but I thought we had to get there early in order to get the charms. Pickup took literally 5 minutes...
픽업이 생각보다 빨랐어요... 생각에는 더 오래 걸릴꺼라고... 왜 그렇게 생각했는지ㅠㅠ 진짜 5분 밖에 안 걸렸어유ㅠㅠ

So then the waiting game began~ I should have gotten a bigger tea...I literally finished this in 3 minutesㅠㅠ
그래서 가다림이 시작 됬죠. 제가 너무 좋아하는 스타벅스 망고 블랙티 레몬에이드! 너무 작은 거 샀어...3분 안에 끝났음 ㅠㅠ 

After eating a late lunch, we got in line around 4:00pm. We didn't pre-order any goods, and weren't really interested in getting any. While we were in line, Subkulture volunteers were selling the lightsticks, two for $15. Basically it was a 'buy one, get one free' deal!
늦은 점심 먹고, 4시 쯤에 줄 섰어요. 굿즈를 안 살려고 했는데, 결국 응원봉 샀어요 ㅋㅋ 원래는 하나에 17000였는데, 원악 사람이 안 사서, 1+1로 팔더라고요. 좋은 딜이니깐 샀죠~

So we were in line for more than three hours before it started moving. With the LA sun glaring down, it was so hot... On top of that, things were running lateㅠㅠ
3시간 넘게 같은 자리에 서있어요. 아는 사람은 우리의 고통을 아실거에요. 캘리 햇빛은 너무너무 쌔요ㅠㅠ 죽음입니다... 3시간 넘게 햇빛 아래 있어요. 너무 더운데, 그 위에 다 늦게 들어갔어요ㅠㅠ

We got into the venue around 7:20pm, after going through security.
검색대 지나고, 드디어, 7:20쯤에 들어 갔어요. 

We weren't as close as we would have liked...but we were close enough to be able to see the boys with our own eyes ;) The lightstick was a lot brighter than I imagined. I totally blinded myself (and probably the girl next to me) on multiple occasions because I held the stick wrong. 
더 가까웠으면..ㅠㅠ 그래도 얼굴 보일 만큼 가까웠어요 ;) 응원봉이 생각 밝았어요...계속 제 눈에 (옆에있는 여자도) 빛었어요..ㅋㅋㅋ

Initially, I wanted to just enjoy the show and I wasn't going to film anything. It was so crowded where we were standing that I thought it would be difficult to film anyway. (On the topic of where I was standing, there was a family in front of me, a girl and her parents. This dad had earplugs in... Who puts earplugs at a concerts?! He literally spent the whole concert taking pictures of his daughter. I was getting so frustrated because he would not stay still. Look, I'm sure he loves his daughter very much, but a concert in not the place to be admiring your child. I wish he would have just stayed in the backㅠㅠ)
사실, 안 찍을려고 했어요. 사람도 너무 많고 찍기 힘들어서... (사람 많다는 얘기 하는 동안 이것도 얘기할께요. 제 앞에 가족이 있었어요: 부모님과 딸. 아버지는 이어플러그 하고 있어요...아니 콘서트 왔는데 이어플러그 하는 사람 어디있어요?! 그리도 콘서트 내내, 딸 사진만 찍었어요. 아니, 딸을 너무나 사랑한다는건 이해가는데, 이게 매너 아니 잖아요. 갓세븐 관심 없으면, 그냥 뒤에 섰어야죠...ㅠㅠ)

Anyway, after a bit, I decided that I needed to film xD I needed something to watch when I got home to remind me of the most magical 3+ hours of my summer xD
아무튼, 몇 곡 지나서 '찍어야겠다' 결심했어요 ㅋㅋ 아니, 이 소중한 3+시간은 기억해야되잖아요 ㅋㅋ 제 여름에 하이라이튼데 ㅋㅋ

This Star
이. 별


My videos are very short and choppy xD I didn't have the arm strength to hold my gigantic phone (I have a Galaxy Note 5) up for very long, and I felt bad for the people behind me. Most of my videos focus on Jackson and Youngjae. Jackson wore a stupid cap throughout the whole concert and you couldn't even see his faceㅠㅠ But Youngjae was the cutest things ever! He looked really tired though...poor baby..
제 영상들이 좀 짧아요ㅠㅠ 제 폰이 원악 커서 (노트 5입니다 ㅋㅋ) 들기 힘들고, 뒤에 있는 사람한데 좀 미안하더라고요. 주로 잭슨오빠이랑 영재 찍었요~ 근데, 오빠가 콘서트 내내 모자 썼어ㅠㅠㅠ 근데 우리 오빠 얼굴 못 보는 대신, 영재가 너무 사랑스러웠어~ 근데 너무 피곤해 보이더라구ㅠㅠ

Look at that shadow on his face... But he still looked amazing~
봐봐요ㅠㅠ 모자 그림자 때문에 얼굴이 잘 안 보였어요ㅠㅠ 근데, 그래도 멋있어요ㅠㅠ 역시 우리 잭슨오빠, 내 와자님~♡ ㅋㅋㅋ


I was too far to get a good video of the choreography ㅠㅠ
제대로 못 찍어서 너무 아쉬워요ㅠㅠ 후렴부분 안무 찍었어야되는데ㅠㅠ

I like you
난 니가 좋아

This will forever be the best GOT7 song xD Up until this point, it was all GOT7 songs. As much as I enjoyed those, I was really excited for the next ones: the unit songs! 
갓세븐 촤고 노래 아닌가요? ㅋㅋ 여기까지는 다 갓세븐 노래였는데, 드디어, 제가 기대한 무대들이 시작됬습니다! 유닛 무대!

1:31 AM - JB & Youngjae
1시 31분 - 제이비 & 영재

It was as perfect as I imagined it would be. Youngjae was great as always, and JB was amazing. JB's voice always sounds so much better live~ 
재가 상상했던 만큼 완벽했습니다. 영재는 항상 잘 하고, 재범오빠는...사랑입니다 ♡ ㅋㅋ 재범오빠는, 라이브 너무 좋아요ㅠㅠ 

Higher - Junior & Mark
Higher - 주니어 & 마크 

I think this was the cutest song/stage of the whole concert. Everything was so cute! Junior in his sky blue suit, Mark in pink. Then their mic stands were decorated with flowers~ I really liked this song! It was really catchy and fun~
콘서트에 제일 귀여운 무대였던거 같에요. 너무 사랑스러웠어요! 진영은 하늘색, 마크 핑크핑크~ 마이크 스테드는 꽃이 샤라라 다말려 있어요! 노래도 너무 좋았어요! 중독성있고 재밌었어요~  

Intro, Love It, WOLO - Bambam, Jackson, Yugyeom
인트로, Love It, 월로 - 뱁뱁, 잭슨, 유겸
This was what I was waiting for This performance was pretty intense. The songs were amazing and the choreography was on point. Everything was amazing! I just hated that they used the red lights. It was already hard to see, but the red lights made it even more difficultㅠㅠ 
드디어! 제가 제~~~~일 기대했던 무대 너무...와~ 말로 표현 못하겠어요. 진짜 대박! 너무 멋있었어요! 한 가지 안 좋았던게, 빨간 불빛...벌써 잘 안 보이는데, 빨간 조명 때문에 더 안 보였어요ㅠㅠ 

Commentary! They discussed the unit songs. I love their English, especially Youngjae's~ He seriously can't get any cuter! My sunshine~ He was literally the highlight of all the commentary throughout the concert
유닛 맨트! 다 영어로 했는데, 역시 영재가 제일 귀웠어요~ 괜히 '내 선샤인' 아니죠~ ㅋㅋ 진짜, 멘트 내내 영재만 본거 같에요 ㅋㅋ 
I really hope that they release these songs soon. They're too good just for them to keep to themselves! They need to share~~ xD
빨리 유닛 노래 나왔으면 좋겠어요~ 너무 좋아~ 갓세븐만 혼자 갖고 있으면 뭐해요?! 공유해야지~~ ㅋㅋㅋ

Home Run

See the Light

More commentary~ featuring some sexy dance ;))
또 멘트! 그리고 마크, 재범, 잭슨 색시 댄스 ;)) 


Stop Stop It

If You Do


Youngjae, Junior, & JB's vocals were amazing in 'Everyday'. This video is probably my favorite out of the ones I took because of how great they sound. The video doesn't do justice to how they sounded live! It was spectacular~
제가 찍은 영상 중에 제일 좋아하는 영상이에요. 영재, 진영오빠, & 재범오빠의 보컬...진짜 좋았어요. 어메이징~~~ 라이브가 너무 좋았어요! 영상보다 100배! ㅋㅋ

Closing (Youngjae)
클로징 멘트 (영재)

What can I say, even his ending was so cute~~ 
클로징까지 귀여운 우리 영재~~ 

Closing (Junior)
클로징 멘트 (주니어)

Junior's English was really good! I mean, I always heard fan accounts about how good he was, but his skills are much better than I thought xD
진영오빠 영어 너무 잘했어요~ 영어 좀 한다고 들었는데, 생각보다 잘 하네 ㅋㅋ 멋있어 멋있어

Closing (JB, Jackson)
클로징 멘트 (제이비, 잭슨)

Leader JB was so cool and chic, as usual~ xD Jackson was cool too! He always says the sweetest things~ There's a reason I love him so much~ xD 
리더님 역시. 멋져멋져~ ㅋㅋ 잭슨오빠도 멋졌고...사랑합니다~ ㅋ 

Closing (Yugyeom)
클로징 멘트 (유겸)

To be honest, I only put this in because of that beginning part. He's so cute~ I didn't get to film much of Yugyeom because he was standing on the far right and out of my view. I had to physically move to film this. 
사실 그 첫 부분 때문에 이 영상을 올린거에요 ㅋㅋ 막내답게 귀여워서~~ ㅋ 유겸이가 끝 오른쪽에 있어서, 사실 많이 못 봤어요. 자리를 옮겨야 이 영상을 찍을 수 있었어요. 

I didn't get Bambam or Mark's closing statementsㅠㅠ
뱀뱀이랑 마크 클로징은 못 찍었어요ㅠㅠ

After the closing, the members got off stage. There was this 'Dance Roulette' game that we had to win in order for the encore to happen. Basically, the camera would stop on different fans and they'd have to watch the dance clip on the screen and copy it. It was really cute! Except for Mark's friends who were totally making a fool out of themselves. They were too busy trying to take off their clothes to actually pay attention.. But anyway, the encore was the best part of the show! 
클로징 멘트 끝나고 맴버들이 무대 뒤로 갔어요. 다음 '댄스 룰렛' 시작했어요. 우리가 이겨야 앙코르가 시작! 어떤 게임이였나면, 카메라가 랜덤으로 팬 1명에 멈첬어요. 이 팬이 갓세븐 춤을 쳐야 이기는 거 였어요. 진짜 귀여웠어요! 마크 친구들 빼고...취했다는 소문이 있어요. 그래서 정신 없었나봐요. 옷 벗을려고 난리났었어요... 아무튼, 앙코르가 제일 신났어요!


It's a miracle that I was even able to film any of 'Bounce'. (I think I filmed this to send to my friend xD) So we moved from our spot and moved to the back where there was so much room. We could see more of the stage actually. We were rocking out and having our own dance party in the back. It's was really fun xD
이 영상을 찍었다는게 대단한거에요. (베프한테 보낼려고 찍었나..? ㅋㅋ) 앙코르때, 친구랑 자리를 옮겼어요. 좀 더 뒤로 갔어요. 뒤로 가니깐 오히려 더 잘 보이더라고요 ㅋㅋ 사람이 없어가지고 자리는 넉넉했어요. 친구랑 신나게 춤추고 놀았어요~ ㅋ

Before the Full Moon Rises (Jackson Focus)
보름달이 뜨기 전에 (잭슨 포커스)

Like I have been saying throughout this whole post, this concert, the 3 hours I spent in the Novo, was the highlight of my summer. I was so sad when it was over. I mean, when will I be able to see my boys again? ㅠㅠ 
계속 얘기하는데, 진짜로, 이 콘서트, 노보에 있었던 3시간이 제 여름방학에 하이라이트였어요. 끝났은 때 너무너무 슬펐어요. 내 사랑이들 언제 또 만나겠어요ㅠㅠ

I can't wait for the next GOT7 event I go to xD Next time, I hope I get a better spot. One day I'll get to be in the day.
다음 갓세븐 이벤트 기대되네~ 나중에는 더더더 좋은 자리였으면 좋겠다. 엔젠간 맨앞에 슬 수 있겠죠? ㅋㅋ 

Anyway, thanks for letting me share my fan account! xD I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it~
제 글 읽어 주셔서 감사감사~ 제가 쓸때 느겼던 기쁨이 그대로 전해졌으면 좋겠어요~ ㅋㅋㅋ

Lady Christiiney♡

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