Exploring Shiga
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Last weekend, I met up with a new friend that I met online!
저번 주에 온라인에서 만나 친구 만났어요!
I'm such an awkward person, so first meetings are always the worst. But I am seriously lacking friends...and it's been really lonely. So I sucked it up and I decided to put myself out there more, and that led me to meet a really nice girl.
저는 워낙 어색한 사람이라서, 첫만남이 항상 너무 어색해요. 근데 제가 진짜 친구가 너무 없어서 너무 외로워요ㅠㅠ 그래서 마음 먹어서 좀 노력해서 진짜 좋은 친구 만났어요.
We met on the app MEEFF. After talking for a few weeks, we decided to meet up! She lived in Gifu, which is about 3 hours away, so we decided to meet in the middle in Maibara.
MEEFF라는 앱에서 만났어요. 몇 주 동안 문자를 주고 받고 만나기로 했어요. 이 친구는 기후현에 살아요. 여기서 3시간 거리...그래서 중간에 만나기로 했어요.
The plan was to go to Kurokabe Square in Nagahama.
우리가 나가하마에있는 쿠로카베 스퀘어 가기로 했어요.
Kurokabe Square is known for the architecture. Basically all the shops looks like this. It's very old school and the aesthetics are really nice~
여기는 건축이 유명하다고 하네요. 가게들이 다 이런 식이었어요. 완전 옛날 느낌, 너무 이뻤어요~
It's also known for glasswork. There were a few shops selling tons of handmade glass goods. Some things were really pretty....I just wasn't looking to buy anything. I really didn't need anything and it was all expensive. I was afraid I'd break something.
여기 유리도 유명하데요. 핸드메이드 제품이 많았어요. 너무 이뻤는데...뭐 살 예정 전혀 없어서 그냥 구경했어요. 어짜피 너무 비싸서 그냥 조심스럽게 구경만~
Things with this friend were really awkward. Like, I didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to say. There were some awkward silences. But we did have some fun chats.
이 친구랑 많이 어색했어요 ㅋㅋ 어떤 얘기할지 모르겠는거에요. 그래서 좀 어색했는데...가끔 재밌는 얘기 했어요 ㅋㅋ
There really wasn't much to do in Kurokabe Square. It was just a nice relaxing place to look and walk around.
쿠로카베 스퀘어에서는 그렇게 할 거가 많지않아요. 그냥 편하게 걸어 다니는 거죠.
There were a lot of cute stores selling all kinds of things so it was fun to look around.
구경하는 거 재밌었어요~ 여러가시 파는 곳이 많아서 구경하는 게 재밌었어요 :)
After a while, we had already circled around the whole area twice and so we decided to go somewhere else.
근데 얼마 안 지났는데, 벌써 2번 돌았더라고요 ㅋㅋ 그래서 딴 곳으로 가기로 했어요.
We went to La Collina in Omihachiman.
다음은 오미하치만에 있는 라 콜리나로 갔어요.
This place was absolutely gorgeous! The nature aesthetics were seriously on point!
여기는 진짜 너무 이뻤어요! 이 자연~ 진짜 짱이었어요.
There were a lot of sweets for sale. I bought a few small things...and I regret not buying more. Everything was so good!
여기를 간식을 많이 팔았어요. 저도 몇개 샀는데, 더 살껄 ㅠㅠ 진짜 너무 맛있었어요~
Apparently the Baum was what's most popular at La Collina. The lines to buy them were super long and it was like a madhouse.
여기는 바움이라는게 제일 유명하데요. 이걸 살려고 사람들이 엄청 줄 서더라고요.
I just settled for the ice cream.
저는 그냥 아이스크림 샀어요.
It was purely for the Instagram xD It wasn't anything amazing. It was just vanilla ice cream with the cookie. 이건 완전히 인스타를 위한ㅋㅋ 그냥 바닐라 아이스크림에다 쿠키를 얹은거에요.
I had a fun time here....but I was a bit annoyed with all the couples. I think it's the loneliness stemming from having no friends, but lately I've been wanting to meet someone. I want to go on cute dates too~~
재밌었는데... 커플이 너무 많았어요. 제가 하두 외로워서 짜증이 나는 거 있죠 ㅋㅋ 나두 귀여운 데이트 가고 싶어~~ ㅠㅠ
Anyways, I had a really fun day overall! Definitely could have done without the awkwardness, but how can there not be any awkwardness with someone you just met?
아무튼 재밌는 하루 였어요! 들 어색했으면 더 좋았었을텐데...근데 첫 만남이 안 어색하면 더 이상하죠 ㅋㅋ
This was my little adventure with a new friend! Hopefully there are a lot more to come~
이 날이 이렇게 끝났어요~ 앞으로도 많이 놀 수 있었으면 좋겠네요 :)
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