Kyoto Sightseeing

Saturday, April 25, 2020

I'm very late to the game, but after 2 years in Japan, I finally took the time to do some touristy things. 
엄청 늦었는데, 2넌만에 관광 좀 했어요.

I decided to go explore Kyoto! 
교토 구경 하기로 했어요! 

I think I always stayed away from Kyoto because of how crowded it is. It's always crazy crowded and you really can't enjoy the views. But I figured that I had to come see what it was all about at least once. I'm already living in Japan, I need to take advantage of it. 
교토가 항상 사람이 너무 많아서 저는 피했어요. 너무 정신 없어서 제대로 구경 못 해요. 근데 일본에 사는데 한 번쯤은 가봐야죠.  

First stop was Yasaka Shrine.  
첫번쨰로 간 곳은 야사카 신사.

It looked like how I expected the shrine to look like xD I really went with no expectations and have seen plenty of pretty buildings in my I wasn't super impressed, but definitely not disappointed. 
이뻤는데, 그냥 평범하게 이뻤어요 ㅋㅋ 예상한데로 생겼어요~

I don't believe in these things...because they always tell me that I have bad luck. I just did it for the experience~ 
저는 이런 것 안 믿는데 그냥 해봤어요~ 항상 운 안좋다고 나와요...

I really like how all the shrines have the orange details. They really make everything stand out amongst the brown that's all around. 
이 오랜지 디테일 진짜 좋았어요. 주변이 다 갈색이라서 오랜지가 확 띄더라고요.  

After Yasaka Shrine, I headed towards Gion. 
야사가 신사 다음에는 기온으로 갔어요.

Gion was truly gorgeous. I loved walking through the streets and alleyways. Unfortunately, you can't take pictures in a lot of Gion. It's an actual residential area, so I understand that the residents want their privacy. There were plenty of people that were ignoring the "NO PHOTOGRAPHY" signs, but I didn't want to take the chance. Knowing me, I'll be the one to get caught and then I'd have to pay a fine. I already don't have money as it is, I don't need to waste in on something stupid like a fine for breaking a rule. 
기온 은 진짜 이뻤어요. 여러 골목 걸어 다녔는데, 진짜 좋았어요. 아쉽게도 기온에서는 사진을 많이 못 찍어요. 여기가 주택가라서 이해가 됬는데...너무 아쉬웠어요. 근데, 그렇게 많은 표시가 있었는데도 사진 찍는 사람들이 많았어요. 근데 저는 그냥 참았어요. 괜히 하다가 걸리면, 벌금 내야되는데...이미 돈 없는데 이런 벌금 내는게 너무 아까워요.  

Through Gion, I made the uphill trek to Kiyomizu Temple.  
기온 지나서 열심히 오르막 길 오르면서 기요미스데라로 갔어요.

I have heard about this place from my 6th grade students every year. They take their school trip to Kyoto and Nara, and Kiyomizu Temple is one of the places that they always go to.  
매년 6학년 애들이 수학 여행으로 교토랑 나라로 가요. 그리고 항상 기요미즈데라 얘기가 나와요. 

Unfortunately, I didn't get to go up to the actual temple. It's under construction and I heard that you don't get the real view. So I decided against it. Maybe I'll go one day when construction is finished. If I have to pay to go up there, I am going to make sure that I get the best of it. 
아쉽게도 끝까지는 올라가지는 않았어요. 공사 중이라 올라가도 풍경을 제대로 안 보여요. 돈 내고 올라가는데 안 보이면 돈이 아깝잖아요. 

After, it was off to Fushimi Inari Taisha~ 
그 다음은 후시미 이나리 신사~

....I didn't go all the way to the top xD I had already done so much walking and I just didn't feel like making this hike. I know that this is a famous place and that everyone wants to get that picture here...but I really wasn't that interested. It was dark and cold. I don't have a camera so any pictures that I did take here probably would not have come out that great.  
...여기도 끝까지 올라가지 않았어요 ㅋㅋ 하루종일 걸어 다녀서 여기서 또 올라가기가 좀 힘들거라고 생각이 들었어요. 여기가 진짜 유명한 곳이라는 건 아는데...저는 그냥 그랬어요 ㅋㅋ 어둡고 춥고...그래고 카메라도 없어서 사진 찍어도 이쁘게 안 나올 거라는 생각에 그냥 좀 구경하고 집에 갔어요.

The atmosphere really changes when it gets dark. All the places were really pretty during the day, but as soon as the sun gets dark everything lights up and the orange/red really stands out against the dark sky.  
교토는 밤이 되면 분위기가 진짜 달라져요. 낮에는 이쁜데, 밤에는 너무 아름다워요. 그 어둠속에 그 빨간색이 너무 이뻐요. 

And that was the end of my Kyoto sightseeing~ 
교토 관광은 이렇게 끝났어요~

Lady Christiiney♡

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