Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Back in December, a friend from California came to Japan for vacation~  
작년 12월에 미국에서 친구가 놀러왔어요~

She came down to Osaka for a day and we went to the Osaka Aquarium!
오사카로 와서 같이 수족관 갔어요!

I hadn't been to an aquarium in years, so I was really excited to go. My friend had heard that there was a "Fat Seal" and so she wanted to go see it.   
저는 수족관 안 간지 진짜 오래되서 기대 엄청 많이하고 갔어요. 친구가 오사카 수족관에는 "뚱땡이 물범" 있다고 들어서 걔를 보고싶다고했어요.

We didn't realize that tickets were so expensive. $26. We hesitated going in...but ultimately decided to because we did go all the way there.  
티켓이 이렇게 비쌀 줄은 전혀 몰랐어요. 26000원. 고민을 좀 했어요. 근데 거기까지 갔는데...결국 들어가기로 했어요.

We quickly forgot about the price though. We were excited to see what was inside~ 
들어다기깐 바쌌다라는 것을 빨리 잊어버렸어요. 안에 뭐가 있는지 너무 궁금해서 신났었어요 ㅋㅋ

Saw some cute penguins~ 
귀여운 펭귄 보고~

Also saw some seals and dolphins! 
물개랄 돌고래도 봤어요!

Then we saw this... 
그리고, 그 다음에는 얘...

It's a Capybara. I don't know if it's just me, but I didn't know that these things were so big. I was thinking that they were these small rodents that could fit in your hands. This thing was huge...and I'm not gonna lie, it creeped me out xD It's so creepy looking.. 
카피바라라고...저만 모랐던 건가요, 얘네들이 이렇게 크다는 것. 저는 손에 들을 수 있는 작은 동물인 줄 알았어요. 얘 진짜 컸어요...솔직히 좀 징그러웠어요 ㅋㅋ

Despite it being pretty crowded, the atmosphere was so relaxing~ 
사람이 많았는데, 분위기가 너무 좋았어요~
It was probably because it had been so long since I've been to an aquarium, but there was just so much to see! 
오랜만에 수족관을 가서 그런지, 볼 것이 너무 많더라고요!

I personally liked the jellyfish section the best. They were all so pretty~ 
저는 해파리 공간이 제일 좋았어요. 다 너무 이뻤어요~

After looking at like 8 floors of fish, it was finally time to see what we went there for. The aquarium strategically had the Fat Seal at the every end. You had to walk through the whole aquarium before you could get to it. 
8층 다 구경하고 드디어 보러 온 애를 보게되었죠. 얘가 제일 마지막에 나오더라고요, 바로 출구 옆에. 얘를 볼려면 수족관 다 봐야되요.

LOOK AT THIS CUTIE! It was really too cute~ I think we were there for like 10 minutes just looking at it. 
이 귀요미 좀 보세요! 진짜 너무 귀여웠어요~ 10분이나 본 거 같아요.

It was just laying there, scraping the ice and then eating it. Is that why it's so fat? Because it eats all that ice? 
저누워서 계속 얼음을 캐서 먹더라고요. 그래서 그렇게 뚱뚱한가? 얼음을 계속 먹어서? 

The aquarium tour ended there xD 
수족관은 거기서 끝났어요 ㅋㅋ

No reunion is complete without some purikura~ One of the machines had a really cute Sanrio collaboration going on, so we chose the Cinamoroll one♡ 
친구를 만났는데 스티커사진을 안 찍으면 안되죠~ 한 기계가 산리오 콜라보 하고 있더가고요, 그래서 제일 귀여운 시나무롤 테마를 골랐죠♡

길 안내
It's fairly easy to get to. We took the Umeda - Honmachi - Osakako route...because Osaka/Umeda station is the only station I know how to navigate xD  
가는 길을 그렇게 어렵지 않아요. 우리를 우메다 - 혼마치 - 오사카코 길로 갔어요...제가 오사카/우메다 역만 잘 알아서 ㅋㅋ

Once you get to Osakako, there are various signs that direct you to the aquarium. Once you see the big ferris wheel, you're practically there!  
오사카코 도착하시면, 수족관 가는 길을 알려주는 표시가 많아요. 관람차가 보이면 거의 도착했어요!

If you have the chance to stay until the evening, DO IT! The ferris wheel lights up and it's really pretty. We actually wanted to ride it, but my friend had to go back up to Yokohama so we had to pass. 
저녁까지 있을 수 있으면 꼭 거기 계세요! 관람차 불이 켜지는데 진짜 이뻐요. 사실 우리는 타고 싶었는데, 친구가 요코하마로 다시 올라가야해서 못 탔어요.

I really enjoyed my time at the aquarium. Aquariums are always fun~ But with how much the tickets are, I don't think I'm going to be going very often. I doubt that there are very many changes in the aquarium anyway.  
오사카 수족관 진짜 재밌었어요. 수족관은 항상 재밌잖아요~ 근데, 표가 좀 비싸서 저는 개인적으로 자주 안 갈 거 같아요. 아차피 수족관음 많이 변하지는 않잖아요.

Lady Christiiney♡

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