New Life in Koka
Saturday, June 29, 2019
It's been such a long time~♡
너무 오랜만이에요~♡
I finally got some free time, so I decided to make a new post :)
조금 여유가 생겨서 오랜만에 글을 올립니다 :)
A lot of things changed these last few months.
이 지난 몇 개월 동안 많은 변화가 있었어요.
Unfortunately, the town I had been working with decided not to renew their contract with my company. I had no choice but to move. In the year I was in Taka-cho, I had so much fun and made so many wonderful memories.
아쉽게도 제가 일하던 곳이 우리 회사랑 재계약을 안 하기로 해서, 어쩔 수 없이 제가 떠날 수 밖에 없었어요. 1년 동안 너무 재밌게 일하고 진짜 잊을 수 없는 추억을 많이 만들었어요.
This was my first time in a classroom with a really active role, and so it these kids were my first group of students...and I know that I'm never going to be able to forget them. I'm still so disappointed in the fact that I only got to be with them for a year. I felt like we had just finally gotten close with each otherㅠㅠ but I was really happy to know that the students were just as disappointed as I was that I was leaving
아무래도 제 첫 학생들이라서 그런지, 진짜로 평생 못 잊을 것 같애요. 제가 1년 밖에 못 있었다는 거는 너무 아쉬워요. 이제 막 친해졌다고 생각했는데 ㅠㅠ 근데 진짜 감사하게 아이들도 많이 아쉬워 하더라고요.
I was so touchedㅠㅠ I don't know what I did to deserve all this love. I was definitely lacking a lot as a teacher, I honestly didn't know what I was doing most of the time. I think that everything went well was all due to luck xD I hope I haven't used up all my luck for the year xD
저 너무 감동 받았잖아요ㅠㅠ 제가 진짜로 이런 사랑 받을 자격이 없다고 생각했어요. 많이 부족한 선생인데, 나를 이렇게 좋아해줘서 진짜 행운이라고 생각해요.
With a a heavy heart, I moved to my new place.
It a much more famous place than Nishiwaki was. Apparently it's famous for ninjas....not that I'm really interested to be honest xD But I still haven't had the chance to go out and fully explore yetㅠㅠ I haven't had time to do anything...but I really want to explore!
전에 살던 곳보다는 유명한 곳이에요. 닌자로 굉장히 유명하다네요...전 별로 관심 없지만~ ㅋㅋ 어째뜬 역사가 많은 곳이에요. 제가 아직 제대로 구경을 못 하고 있어요 ㅠㅠ 이사하고 시간이 너무 없어서...근데 여유가 좀 생기면 꼭 구경 하러 가도 싶어요!
I was so annoyed because after moving to Koka, I had to go to Nagoya for refresher training...and it was such a waste of time. This training as really for people people who were changing levels. I WASN'T. In Taka, I did kindergarten to junior high. Here in Koka, I'm only doing elementary. This isn't a level change -___-;; The most annoying thing, I went there and most of the people I talked to were like "Why are you here?" I already didn't want to go, but then to find out that I really didn't need to be there was so annoyed.
진짜 어이없게, 이사하고 바로 나고야가서 4일 트레이닝 가야했어요...완전 시간 낭비! 이 트레이닝은 학년 레벨 바뀌는 선생을 위해였는데. 전 안 바꿨어요! 저는 유치원+초등학교+중학교에서 그냥 초등하교만으로 바꿨는데...그거는 레벨을 바뀌는 거는 아니잖아요. 진짜 짜증나게, 거기 갔는데, 다 왜 왔냐고? 물어 보는 거 있죠. 저도 안 가고 싶었는데, 진짜 안 가도 됬었다니깐....
Thankfully I didn't have to go alone. I went with my friend~ She also moved to Shiga from Nishiwaki.
근데 다행히 혼자 안 갔죠~ 언니랑 같이! 언니도 전 곳에서 여기로 이사왔어요.
It been a few months since I've started working and I've finally started getting used to it. I work at three different schools...and there are just so many more students than back in Taka. I only had one class per grade in elementary, so two classes for the two schools. Then I had two classes per grade in junior high and kindergarten.
제가 일 시작한지 몇 개월 됐는데, 드디어 좀 적응한 거 같아요. 학교 3군대 다니는데, 전 곳 보다 애들이 너무 많아요. 작년에는 학년마다 1반, 그래서 2학교였으니깐 반이 2개. 그리고 중학교에서는 학년마다 반이 2개. 유치원도 2개.
But here, one of my schools has one class per grade, but the other two has two to three classes. I have between 120 to 180 kids per grade. That's a huge jump from the 30 to 50 I had in elementary last year. I am having such a hard time recognizing students, especially when I see kids outside of school.
근데 여기는, 한 곳은 학년마다 1반, 근데 나머지 2개는 반이 2개에서 3개. 학년마다 120명에서 180까지 있어요. 작년에 30 - 50명에 비해 너무나 큰 차이 ㅋㅋ 너무 많아서 애들을 못 알아봐요 ㅋㅋ 특히 학교 밖에서 볼때 ㅋㅋ
So this year, I live really close to one of my schools. It's barely a 5 minute sometimes, I walk halfway home with a bunch of kids xD Luckily none of them walk all the way to the direction of my least I don't think so. Anyway, so I sometimes see kids outside of school....and I really can't tell if they're mine sometimes xD Like they'll be some that stare at me or are really surprised to see me, but I'm never 100% sure that they're I just end up smiling and saying "HELLO" to a bunch of kids all the time xD
올해는 제 학교들이랑 좀 더 가까이 살아요. 하나는 걸어서 5분 기리...그래서 가끔 애들이랑 같이 하교해요 ㅋㅋ 다행히 제 집 근처에는 없는 거 같아요 ㅋㅋ 아무튼, 밖에 많은 애들 보는데...확실히 제 학생인지 모르겠어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 가끔 날 쳐다보거나 날 보로 놀라는 애들있는데....100% 내가 아는 애들인지는 잘 몰라요 ㅋㅋ 그래서 그냥 모들 아이한테 웃고 "헬로" 인사하죠.
It makes me a bit nervous though. I have no choice but to be cautious because I never know who is watching me -___-;;
근데 가까이 사는게 좀 긴장하게 되요. 누가 날 보고 있는데 모르니깐 어쩔 수 없이 진짜 조심하게 살아야해요 ㅋㅋ
Well, I guess it isn't necessarily a bad thing. I should be living a proper live regardless of who's watching me.
근데...뭐 좋은 거죠 ㅋㅋ 누가 보던, 착하게 살아야죠~
So that's a little update on my life! I have a lot of plans for the coming days, so hopefully I can get myself together and proper update.
좀 짧았는데, 제 인생 업데이트였습니다! 앞으로 많은 일들이 계획되어 있는데, 열심히 정신 차려서 제대로 글 올리도록 할께요~
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