More USJ adventures

Sunday, June 30, 2019

In the last few months, I've gone to Universal Studios Japan twice.
이 지난 몇 개월동안 제가 유니버셜 스튜디오 재팬를 2번이나 갔다 왔어요.

I came back with a lot of fun pictures, and with nowhere else to post them, I've come here~ 
사진 많이 찍었는데 올릴 곳이 없어서, 여기에 올립니다~

So the first time was in early May. We had that crazy 10-day Golden Week...and I had no plans. I had been too busy getting ready to move and stuff to prepare any travel plans. By the time I settled in to do something, prices for transportation were crazy expensive and it just wouldn't have been worth it. After lazying around in my house for a week, I finally decided to do something worthwhile. 
첫번째 갔을때는 5월 초. 올해 일본에 그 긴 10휴일 있었잖아요...근데 저는 계획 하나도 없었어요 ㅋㅋ 이사준비 하느라 어떤 계획 짜지를 못했어요ㅠㅠ 이사하고 "어디갈까" 생각할 여유가 생겼을때 보니깐 어디가기에는 너무 비싸고, 돈이 아깝더라고요. 일주일 동안 그냥 집에서 뒹굴뒹굴 거리다가 드디어 좀 재밌는 거 했어요!

I went to USJ~ 

The last time I went to USJ was in the it had been about 9 months. I didn't really have anything I wanted to do at USJ, I just wanted to get out of the house. 
이전에 마지막으로 USJ간 게 여름, 그래서 9개월 전이었어요. USJ에서 특별히 하고 싶은 것이 없었어요...그냥 집에서 나가고 싶었어요 ㅋㅋ

I went pretty much dressed like a Minion. Would you believe me if I said that it was totally unintentional? xD I chose this sweater because if was something easy to put on and I wanted to match my Sailor Venus pouch! Minions didn't even cross my mind....then I got to USJ and realized xD Even the ticket vendor was like "How cute! You've very Minion-y" and I just had to laugh it off xD  
저도 모르게, 미니언처럼 입고 갔어요. 진짜로 일부러한 거 아니에요! 단지 제 세일러 비너스 가방 마쳐 입은 건데...미니언 전혀 생각하지 않았어요. 근데 도착하니깐, "아..." 싶더라고요 ㅋㅋ 거기 직원분들도, "미니언처럽 입고 오셨네요~ 너무 귀여워요!" ㅋㅋㅋ 그래서 저는 그냥 웃으면서 넘어 갔어요 ㅋ

I purposely didn't bring my Sailor Venus headband because the new Sailor Moon attraction wasn't out yet, so it would have been weird. I know I shouldn't have, but I ended up buying a Snoopy headband instead. It was super cute and I needed something to make me feel like I was at an amusement park. It just didn't feel right not to have one.  
새로운 세일러문 어트랙션이 아직 시작 안해서 제가 일부러 세일러 비너스 머리띠 안 갖고 갔어요. 그거하면 이상하니깐 ㅋㅋ 그러면 안되는데, 제가 다른 머리띠 샀어요 ㅋㅋ 진짜 귀여운 스누피 머리띠~ 아니, 놀이공원에서 머리띠 안하면 좀 심심하잖아요~ 

We really didn't do anything at USJ, except just walk around xD I think we watched one show and that was it xD
USJ에서 특별히 뭐하지는 않았어요...그냥 걸어 다녔어요. 쇼 하나 봤나? ㅋㅋ

We spend more time in the stores than in the actual park xD We probably left before 15:00... 
가게에서 시간을 제일 많이 보냈어요 ㅋㅋ 아마 3시전에 떠난거 같애요 ㅋㅋ

I wanted to take purikura, so we headed to the little arcade in Universal City. The machines there are ¥500 per session...which is a ¥100 more expensive than normal.
제가 스티커 사진 찍고 싶어서, 유니버셜 시티에 있는데 오락실갔어요. 근데 거기에는 평소보다 비싸요.

I'm super we just decided to stop in Kusatsu on the way back and stop at the Sega there to take them.  
돈이 아까우니깐, 그냥 집에 가는 길에 잠깐 쿠사츠에 들려서 거기서 찍었어요.  

The second time I went to USJ was in June. My friend's year pass was expiring, so she wanted to go one last time. Also, they had just started the new Cool Japan attractions, meaning that there was a new Sailor Moon attraction!  
두번째로 간거는 6월. 언니 1년패스 만기가 오니깐 한번 더 가고 싶다고 했서... 그리고 새로운 "쿨 재팬" 어트랙션이 시작하니깐 드디어 세일러 문 어트랙션이 시작!

The start to the day was really chill. I woke up with just enough time to get all prettied up...and since I didn't eat breakfast, we had a nice big breakfast at Universal City. 
하루에 시작은 굉장히 여유러웠어요~ 아침 일찍 일어나서 이쁘게 차려 입고~ 가기전에 밥 먹을 시간이 없었어서 유니버셜 시티에서 먹었어요. 

I decided to get a year pass. 
제가 이번에 1년 패스 사기로했어요.
The price is equal to going about 3 times. I figured that I'd be going there quite a few times, so might as well save some money! I forked up the almost ¥26000 and just rolled with it lol 
가격이 3번 가는거랑 비슷하더고요. 어짜피 올해 많이 갈 예정이니깐 사는 게 더 좋을 거 같아서, 큰 마음 먹고 샀어요. 

The first thing we did when we got in, was head straight to the Sailor Moon attraction. 
들어가자마사 바고 세일러 문으로 직행!
This was literally the only reason I wanted to go to USJ. They had the Outer Scouts finally! Venus is my favorite, but I really like Neptune and Saturn~ I was so excited to see how they would look..
진짜 이거 때문에 간 거 였어요! 드디어 다른 캐릭터가 나온다는 소식에 너무 보고싶었어요~ 저는 비너스가 제일 좋은데 넵퓬이랑 사탄도 너무 좋거든요~ 어떻게 나올지 너무 궁금했어요.

The wait was an hour but I was super excited...too excited to even care that the humidity made my hair a mess xD Look at that frizzyness...
대기시간이 1시간, 근데 너무 신나가지고 시경 하나도 안 섰어요. 머리가 엉망이었는데 너무 신나서 신경 안 섰어요 ㅋㅋ (...근데 이제보니깐 좀 신경 섰으면 좋았었을 텐데 ㅠㅠ) 

The attraction itself wasn't amazing. If anything I actually preferred the previous one with just the inner scouts. I think because there were so many characters, the time each one got was way too short. You couldn't fully get hyped for anyone. Nonetheless, it was still Sailor Moon and I loved it♡  
어트랙션은 그렇게 대단하지는 않았어요. 오히러 저는 전 거가 더 좋았어요 ㅋㅋ 캐릭터가 너무 많으니깐 다 나오는 시간이 너무 짧았어요... 좋아하는 캐릭턱가 나왔다고 신나질려고 하면 다음 캐릭터가 나와요. 그래도 새일러 문이었으니깐 좋았어요

I was really excited to go look at the new goods...but the line for the store was insane! The line for the shop looked longer than the line for the attraction! So we decided to just pass, and figured that we'd just go look the next time we went.  
새로 나온 굿즈 너무나 보고 싶었는데...줄이 너무 길었어요! 어트랙션 줄보다 더! 그래서 이번에는 그냥 패스하기로 했어요. 나중에 보면되니깐~

We wandered around a bit and snapped some nice pictures here and there~ Then we headed to the always beautiful Hogsmeade. 
돌아다니면서 사진 많이 찍었어요~ 그리고 언제나 아름다운 호그스미드로 갔지요.

I always love coming here~ It's just so pretty! 
저 여기 오는 거 너무 좋아요~ 너무 이뻐요!

I'm not a huge fan of Butterbeer...but I got it for aesthetic reasons xD You can't go to Hogsmeade and not get Butterbeer! 
저는 버터비어를 그렇게 좋아하지는 않은데 사진을 위해서 샀어요 ㅋㅋ 아니, 호그스미드 가서 버터비어 안사면 안되죠~ 

We actually rode a ride xD It was actually an accident. We got in line to do the castle walk because it was only a 10 minute wait...and I led us in the wrong direction and we ended up in the line for "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey" ride. I personally enjoyed it. It was fun to actually ride something xD
우리 드디어 놀이기구 하나 탔어요 ㅋㅋ 실수로 ㅋㅋ 사실 캐슬 워크하러 줄 섰어요. 대기시간이 10분이길래...근데 제가 잘 못 들어가서, 결국 "해리포터 앤드 더 포비든 저니" 줄에 서게됬어요. 저는 재밌었어요. 드디어 뭐 타서 좋았어요~ ㅋㅋ

After the fun adventure in Hogsmeade, we ventured out to the rest of the park~ 
호그스미드에서 재밌게 놀고, 다른 곳 구경하러 갔어요~

I've decided that this Hello Kitty wall is my official photo spot~ At this point, it would be weird if I didn't take a picture here...since I've done so for three out of four times I've been to USJ~
제가 이 헬로키티 벽이 제 포토 스팟으로 정했어요~ 이제와서 여기서 안 찍으면 뭔가 허전해요...USJ간 4번중에 3번 여기서 찍었는데 ㅋㅋ

We ventured off to the Snoopy section of the park. I never understood Japan's obsession with Snoopy. I mean, sure he's super cute....but I just don't get what the hype is xD 
다음은 스누피 존으로 갔어요. 저는 일본사람들이 왜 스누피를 이렇게 좋아하는지 모르겠어요. 귀엽긴한데....왜 이렇게 인기 많은지 진짜 모르겠어요 ㅋㅋ
I really liked my outfit for the day. I bought the dress from Hotping and it's so comfortable! I really liked that they have sizes. A lot of the Korean clothes that I like come in "Free size" and they never fit in the chest area. I'm not particularly big, but Korean sizes are a bit smaller than US ones. Anyway, my outfit simple and the highlight was my yellow shoes~
저은 이 날에 옷이 너무 좋았어요. 홋핑에서 산 드레슨데, 너무 편해요~ 사이즈가 있다는 게 너무 좋아요. 한국 옷은 "프리 사이즈"가 많잖아요...근데 저한테는 가슴이 안 맞아요. 제가 그렇게 크지는 않은데, 한국 사이즈는 미국 사이즈보다는 좀 작잖아요. 아무튼 제 심플룩에 포인트는 노란 신발~

I definitely took a lot more pictures this time around. There are just so many nice photo spots at USJ. You could literally go there just for that! I'm pretty sure that one day I will go just to take pictures xD 
이번에 사진을 훨씬 많이 찍었어요. USJ에서 이쁜 포토 스팟이 너무 많아요~ 진짜 사진만 찍으러 가도 좋은 곳이에요! 저도 아마 언젠간 그냥 사진만 찍으러 갈 거 같애요~ ㅋㅋ

And that's the end of my two USJ adventures. I always go with the same person, so each time is literally the same thing. I really need to make more friends so that I have more people to go with. Maybe next time I talk about USJ I'll have some new things to talk about~ 
제 USJ모험은 이렇게 끝났습니다. 저는 항상 언니랑만 가서 갈때마다 거의 똑같애요. 진짜 친구 더 사겨서 같이 갈 사람이 많아졌으면 좋겠어요ㅠㅠ 나중에 USJ얘기 할 때 좀 더 새로운 얘기가 있으면 좋겠네요~

Lady Christiiney♡

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