Love Live Sunshine Movie
Sunday, February 10, 2019
A few weeks ago, I finally went to go watch Love Live Sunshine Over the Rainbow♡
몇 주 전에 제가 드디어 러브라이브 영화♡ 보러 갔어요~
I have been waiting for this movie for months! I was so happy when I found out that I'd actually be in Japan when it came out!
제가 이 영화를 진짜 애타게 기다렸어요! 개봉할때 제가 일본에 있을거라고 알았을때 너무 기뻤어요~
I went to the movies with friend. We actually went to Costco first in the morning, and since we were already in Kobe, we figured that we'd go to Sannomiya to watch it.
친구랑 보러 갔어요. 사실 아침에 먼저 코스트코 갔는데, 벌써 고베이 있으니깐 그냥 산노미야 놀러 가기로 했어요.
I actually was a bit annoyed when we found the theater, because it was right in Sannomiya. I was actually in Sannomiya on January 4th, when the movie came out. I looked at movie times on Google and they said that the only showing of the movie was all the way in Harborland at like 6pm. I was ready to go home at 2, so I just decided to skip it. If I had know there was a movie theater showing it so close by I would I watched in on the release day!
사실 산노미야에 영화관이 있다는 거 알고나서 좀 짜증났어요. 영화 개봉한 날 제가 산노미야에 있었거든요. 제가 구글에 검색했는데, 고베 하버랜드 6시에만 한다를 거에요. 저는 2시에 집에 갈 준비 다 됬는데....그래서 그냥 집에 갔죠. 그렇게 가까운 곳에 볼 수 있었다면 제가 개봉 날에 봤겠죠ㅠㅠ
Anyway, so on January 19th we went to watch Over the Rainbow. Look at how cute my girlies are~
아무튼, 1월 19일에 오버 더 레인보우를 봤어요. 우리 애들 얼마나 이뻐요~
I wasn't really impressed with these looks when they first came out, but they really grew on me! Just look how cute Hanamaru is~ and Yoshiko always pulls off her outfits so well.
이 디자인이 처음 나왔을때 좀 별로였는데, 보면 볼수록 마음 들게 됬어요! 우리 하나마루가 너무 이쁘죠~ 그리고 요시코도 항상 이쁘고~
I wasn't really in the mood for popcorn, but they had these super cute sets~ I almost bought some popcorn I was sure I wasn't going to finish, but my friend was nice enough to buy the 1st years set so that I could take it home afterwards.
저는 그다지 팝콘 먹고 싶지는 않았은데, 너무 귀여운 세트가 있는 거에요~ 제가 다 못 먹을 팝콘을 살뻔했는데, 언니가 나를 주기 위해서 1학년 세트를 샀어요.
As we went in, everyone one got a random autograph board. It was the 1st years, so I was really hoping to get a Hanamaru.
들어가면서 다 사인 보드 받았어요. 이번에 1학년 보드니깐 당연히 하나마루 원했죠.
We went in and I was so excited~ There was a little photo session! Basically for every showing, there'd be a different unreleased photo. For this showing, it was Yoshiko!
그래서 들어갔는데, 너무 신났어요~ 영화 전에 사진 촬영 시간이 있었어요! 매번 영화 시작하기 전에 다른 비공개 사진을 보여준다는 거에요. 이번에는 요시코!
I was definitely hoping for Hanamaru, but I was not disappointed. Yoshiko is always super cute~~ This picture was no different! The camera shutters going off in the theater was insane! I don't know why people had to take so many pictures... I took two, only because I knew my first shot would be blurry xD
저는 당연히 하나마루 바랬죠, 근데 전혀 실망하지 않았어요. 요시코는 항상 이쁘잖아요~~ 이 사진도 너무 이뻤어요! 핸드폰 카메라 소리가 장난 아니었어요 ㅋㅋ 왜 그렇게 많이 찍었는지... 저는 첫번째 거는 백퍼 흐렸을거라고 예상하면서 2번 밖에 안 찍었어요 ㅋㅋ
The movie was amazing~ I absolutely loved it! I was not disappointed at all. The plot was pretty predictable...then again all the previews literally told the whole story xD The songs were okay. They were typical Aqours songs. My favorite song from the movie was actually the Saint Snow song, "Believe Again".
영화는 너~~~~~무 좋았어요! 저 하나도 실망하지 않았어요. 내용은 어느정도 예상했어요...아니 영화 CF가 스토리를 미리 거의 다 얘기했는데 ㅋㅋ 노래도 그냥 그랬어요. 평범한 아쿠아 노래였죠. 제가 제일 좋아했던 곡을 세인트 스노우의 "빌리브 어게인" 이었어요.
I usually like Saint Snow's songs better than Aqours xD
저는 원래 아쿠아노래 보다 세인트 스노우 노래가 더 좋아요 ㅋㅋ
The visuals in this movie were so nice. They're outfits were so on point! Hanamaru is always cute, and I went in excited to see all her cuteness and I was not disappointed! She was so cuteeee~ And she had so many cute glasses looks. I'm so sad that I don't have any to upload here.
영화 비주얼이 너무 좋았어요. 캐릭터 옷이 너무 이뻤어요! 하나마루는 언제나 귀여우니깐 당연히 영화에서도 이뻤죠~ 안경 스타일링이 너무 귀여웠어요. 보여드릴 사진 없어서 너무 아쉬워요 ㅠㅠ
I was most pleasantly surprised with Yoshiko. Her outfits were amazing! They were so cute....again I'm sad I don't have anything to upload.
제가 계인 적으로 제일 놀랐던 거는 요시코. 요시코가 제일 이뻤어요! 아....진짜 올릴 사진 없어서 ㅠㅠ
I really enjoyed the movie. I actually planned to go watch it again on Monday since I had to go to Kobe again to go to immigration....but I ended up getting my times mixed up and I missed it.
저 이 영화 진짜 재밌게 봤어요. 사실, 그다음 월요일에 다시 고베가야해서 간 김에 또 볼려고 했는데...시간은 잘 못 봐서 못 갔어요 ㅠㅠ
I ended up getting the Ruby autograph board. I just had no Hanamaru luck that day.... But I'm not too sad. Ruby is super cute too~
제가 루비 보드 받았어요. 그 날 진짜 하나마루 운이 없었어요....근데 루비도 귀여우니깐 괜찮아요~ ㅎㅎ
After the movie, my friend and I went around Sannomiya. We found this really cool vintage anime building that had a bunch of different stores. We were actually looking for a game center when we came across it.
영화 끝나고 언니랑 산노미야 구경했어요. 진짜 신기한 빈티지 에니메이션 건물을 찾았어요. 사실 오락실 찾고 있었는데 ㅋㅋ
Because of the movie, there was Love Live Stuff everywhere!
영화 때문에 어디 가든 러브라이브 굿즈가 있었어요!
It was so hard not to buy everything....I was really tempted to though xD Everything was so cute~ I spent so much time in all the stores looking at everything.
진짜 다 사고 싶다는 마음을 참는게 힘들었어요 ㅠㅠ 이쁜게 너무 많았어요...진짜, 여러 가게 하나하나 다 봤어요 ㅎㅎ
I caved and ended up buying a bunch of things that I didn't need xD
근데 못 참고 필요하지 않은 것 좀 샀어요 ㅋㅋ
I don't know for how much longer the movie is going to be in theaters, but if I get the chance, I do want to go see it again. If I don't get to see it in theaters, I guess I'll just buy it when it comes out on DVD~
언제까지 극장에서 하는 지 모르는데, 가능하면 또 보고싶어요. 극장에서 못 보면 그냥 DVD로 나올때 사야죠~ ㅋㅋ
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