Experiencing some Ninja history
Sunday, June 30, 2019
As I've mentioned before, I live in a ninja town! There's a very rich ninja history where I live...and it's a bit of a shame that I'm not interested in it xD
제가 전에 얘기 했었을 거에요, 근데 제가 닌자 마을에 살아요! 제가 사는 곳에 깊은 닌자 역사가 있어요....제가 거기에 관심이 없다는 것이 좀 아까워요 ㅋㅋ
I finally took the time to explore some of that history. I went to a ninja house!
제가 드디어 그 역사를 좀 볼려고 닌자 집로 갔어요!
So this place was really close to one of the schools I work at...but a bit far from my house. After a short train ride, there was a 22 minute walk to this place.
이곳은 제가 일하는 곳이랑 굉장히 가까운데, 집에서는 좀 멀어요. 기차 좀 타고, 22분 걸었어요.
I got a lot of nice pictures, so I don't really mind that long walk. The ninja house was in Konan-cho. Everytime I'm in Konan, it just takes me back to Taka. They give off the same feels, it's like I never left!
거리가 좀 있어서 이쁜 사진 많이 찍었어요~ 닌자 집이 고난-초라는 곳에 있었어요. 저는 여기 올때마다 전 곳 (타카)가 너무 생각나요ㅠㅠ 너무 비슷해서 그냥 안 떠난 거 같애요! ㅋ
So we finally get to this place. We were low-key worried that we went all this way and it would be closed or that it wouldn't exist xD
드디어 도착! 가는 길에 이런 생각이 나는 거에요, "오늘 쉬는 날이면 어쩌지?" "여기 이제 없는 거 아니야?" ㅋㅋ
But there was none of that. It was a small house amongst other normal houses. We paid the ¥600 entrance fee and were led into this room with a TV. There was a short informational video about the history of ninjas in Japan, with a focus on Koka Ninjas. After the video, it was time to explore!
근데 다행히 그렇지는 않았어요. 일반 집들 사이에 작은 집이었어요. 입잘료 ¥600내고, 직원이 TV가 있는 작을 방으로 안내 해주셨어요. 거기서 닌자, 그리고 더 집중적으로 고카 닌자의 역사를 조금 설명하는 영상을 보여줬어요. 영상으로 닌자 집 구경 시작!
The house itself was really small, but there were a lot of fun little spaces here and there.
집이 진짜 작아는데, 숨겨져있는 곳이 여기저기 많더라고요.
There were these mannequins all around the house showing exactly how the ninjas would have moved around in the house.
곳곳에 마네킹이 닌자가 어떻게 돌아다녔는지 보여줬어요.
If I had been more interested in ninjas this would have been a really cool experience...but since I'm not, it was just okay. It definitely was cool to go and climb into all these secret places, but since I didn't really care for the significance I got bored quickly xD
제가 좀 더 여기에 관심이 있었으면 더 좋았었을텐데... 나쁘지는 않았는데, 저한테는 그냥 집이었어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 아니 비밀공간 같은데 들어가는 거 재밌었는데, 시간이 갈수록 지루했어요 ㅋㅋ
There was also a shriken throwing experience for ¥300.
¥300내면 수리검 던지는 채험도 있었어요.
I'm really bad at anything exercise related, but I figured that since I was already there why not try it~ As expected, I did really bad xD
저는 운동을 못 하는데, 어짜피 왔는데 해보자 했어요~ 예상한데로 진짜 못했지요~ ㅋㅋ
Overall, the place was nice. I was looking online, it seems like there a few outdoor activities to try. I went on a rainy day so none of that was out. Maybe I'll go back on a nicer day to see what they have...but I doubt it xD I think I've seen all the ninja stuff I wanted to. I don't think there's anything for me to really go back for.
전체적으로는 좋았어요. 보니깐 야외에서 하는 체험도 여러가지 있는 거 같은데, 제가 비오는 날에 갔으니 그런 거 없었어요. 뭐있는지 궁금하면 다시 갈텐데...솔직히 저는 볼 거 다 봤어요 ㅋㅋ 재밌었는데, 다시는 안 갈 예정입니다~ ㅋㅋ
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