Hongdae Day 🛍
Sunday, November 27, 2022
While I didn't do much, I of course did a little shopping while in Korea. In particular, I had a little Hongdae day ♡
많이는 못했지만 한국에서 쇼핑을 조금 했어요. 하루는 홍대에서 하루종일 보냈어요~♡
The baby bro wanted to get come unique souvenirs for his girlfriend and roommates. I figured that since they were all girls in their early 20s, they would enjoy some cute Kakao Friends goods!
동생이 여자친구랑 룸메 들한테 선물 사고 싶다고 했어요. 다들 20대 초반이라 귀여운거를 좋아할 거 같아서 카카오 스토어를 가자고 했어요.
After looking online, we decided on Hongdae because we found that there was a Harry Potter themed cafe. As two hardcore fans, we could not skip out on that~ (that will be the next post 😆)
좀 검색하다가 홍대 가기로 했어요. 홍대 에그 해리포터 테마카페가 있더라구요. 우리 둘 다 엄청난 해리포터 더 끌어서 안 갈 수는 없었어요~ ( 카페는 다음 글에서😆)
So we started at the Kakao Friends Hongdae flagship store!
시작은 카카오 홍대 플래그십 스토어였어요
From the entrance there's so many cute photo spots 😍
입구부터 이쁜 포토스팟이 너무 많았어요.
We spent some time snapping away before we actually looked at what they had.
쇼핑하기 전에 사진 좀 많이 찍었어요~
I don't think I could ever be disappointed in a Kakao store. I literally wanted to buy everything. It took so much self control. I could totally afford things, I just didn't have enough room in my suitcase 🥺
저는 카카오 스토어에 실망할 수 없어요. 제가 진짜 다 사고 싶었어요. 근데 꾸~욱 참았죠. 돈은 있었는데 가방에 자리가 없었어요🥺
I'm not too big on Jordy or Chun Sik, but they seem to be what they are pushing right now. I mean, they're cute...but I just prefer the original characters.
저는 조르니랑 춘식이가 별로인데, 요즘에 이게 인기인가 봐요. 귀엽긴 귀여운데, 그냥 원조 캐릭터가 더 좋아요.
When we were leaving, we noticed a sign about a sale section in the basement floor, but we had already bought things so we skipped in. Only to find out that there was so much more to see down there 😭 We definitely regretted missing out on that.
나갈 때 지하에 또 세일 공간이 있다고 봤는데, 벌써 많이 사서 그냥 안 가기로 했어요. 근데 나중에 보니깐 밑에요 훨씬 더 많이 있더라구요😭 너무 아까워요..
After the Kakao Friends store, I suggested the LINE Friends store. While Kakao is super cute, the characters are quite quirky. I feel like the main LINE characters are much more simple and cute.
카카오스토어 다음은 라인 프렌즈 스토어로 가기로했어요. 카카오는 귀여운데 캐릭터가 좀 특이하잖아요. 라인 캐릭터는 좀 더 심플하면서 귀여운 거 같애요.
I absolutely love the Minini line 😍 They're honestly so simple, but sooooooo adorable~
미니니 스리즈가 너무 귀여워요 😍 진짜 심플한데 그냥 너무 사랑스러워요~
But I was a little disappointed with how little LINE Friends goods there were. It was mostly BT21.
근데 아쉽게도, 라인 프렌즈 굿즈는 많지 않았어요. 대부분 BT21굿즈였어요.
Don't get me wrong, BT21 is super cute! But I'm just not that into BTS. There were a lot of cute things, but I just couldn't justify getting anything 😅 It kinda feels weird, you know?
아니, 귀웝긴, 진짜 귀여워요. 근데, 원래 방탄 그렇게 좋아하지 않거든요. 그래서 뭐 사기가 좀 그렇더라고요 😅
So we didn't get anything from there, and our Hongdae shopping actually ended there. We went to eat, then made our way back.
그래서 거기서는 아무것도 안 샀어요. 그 뒤에는 밥만 먹고 다시 집으로 갔어요.
We wanted to avoid rush hour for our 2+ hour train ride back. We knew that standing for that long, after having a long day of shopping, would be the worst.
최근 시간을 피하고 싶었어요. 2시간 넘게 기차를 타야 했었는데,서서 가기 싫었어요. 하루 종일 쇼핑해서 피곤한데 기차에서는 좀 쉬고 싶었어요.
Honestly, rather than a shopping day, it was a day to catch up with my brother. It was so nice to see how much he has grown, but at the same time, he was still my baby brother ☺
솔직히 쇼핑 보다는 그냥 동생이랑 데이트하는 날이었어요. 많이 컸다라고 느꼈으면서도 안직도 애기다라는 느낌도 있었어요 ☺
I will forever be grateful that we're close enough to go on these kind of dates together and share everything and anything with each other 💕 I hope that never changes~
이렇게 시간을 같이 보낼 수 있다는 게 너무 감사해요. 비밀 없이 편하게 얘기할 수 있다는 게 너무 좋아요 💕 앞으로도 계속 이렇게 사이좋게 지내고 싶네요~
Kakao Friends Hongdae Flagship Store
LINE Friends Hongdae Flagship Store
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