Weekend Getaway: USJ

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Now we all know, I love USJ 💕 
다들 아실 텐데, 제가 유니버셜 스튜디오 재팬을 너무 좋아해요♡ 

It had been way too long since my last visit, so back in the spring, I made plans to go. 
마지막으로 간 게 너무 오래돼서 오월달에 갔다 왔어요.

Back in April I met up with a friend and while we were talking, we both expressed our desire to go to USJ. She wanted to go to Super Nintendo World and I wanted to go to the Sailor Moon event. I hadn't missed any of the Sailor Moon things up until this point and I was lowkey worried that I'd miss the latest one. 
4월달에 친구 만났는데, 얘기하면서 둘 다 유니버셜 가고 싶어 했어요. 친구는 슈퍼 닌텐도 월드 가고 싶어 했고 저는 세일러문 쇼를 보고 싶었어요. 여태까지 있었던 세일러문 이벤트를 다 갔는데 이번 거를 안 가면 너무 후회할 것 같았어요.

But since we both wanted to go, we decided to actually make plans. Instead of spending money on the bullet train, she offered to drive. Though a bit far, it's a totally drivable distance. We thought that we could use the money we saved from the transportation on a nice hotel. 
둘 다 가고 싶어 했으니까 진짜로 가기로 했어요. 근데 신칸센에 돈 쓰기보다, 친구가 운전해주겠다고 했어요. 쪼끔 먼데 충분히 차로 갈 수 있는 거리였거든요. 아꼈던 돈을 호텔에 쓰기로 했어요.

We decided that we'd go on a Friday night, go to the park all day on Saturday, and then relax on Saturday night, before going back on Sunday. There are quite a few right in Universal City, and we ended up choosing the Park Front hotel. I can't remember exactly how much we paid for the two nights, but I do know that we were both pleasantly surprised with how affordable it was. 
금요일 밤에 도착해서 토요일에 유니버스를 놀고 그리고 토요일 밤에 호텔에서 한번 더 시기로 계획을 세웠어요. 유니버셜 시티에 호텔이 많은데 우리가 결정했던 호텔은 파크 프런트 호텔이었어요. 정확히 얼마였는지 기억이 안 나는데, 생각보다 저렴해서 놀랐어요.

We also paid a little extra for tickets. We paid ¥8900 for 1-Day Studio Passes, ¥12800 for Express Passes for four attractions, and ¥2600 for the Sailor Moon express pass. So total, ¥24300 each...which is the most I've ever spent on a ticket for USJ. For our express passes, we chose 1) Mario Kart, 2) Attack on Titans XR Ride, 3) Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, and 4) Amazing Spiderman the Ride 4K3D. The main purpose of getting the express Passes was to make sure that we could get into super nintendo world. While it is possible to get in for free, there is no guarantee, especially during the weekend. So by paying extra, we were able to insure that we would get in during our specified time. 
티켓에 돈을 좀 많이 썼어요. 스튜디오 패스는 ¥8900, 놀이기구 4개의 익스프레스 패스 ¥12800, 마지막으로 세일러문 익스프레스는 ¥2500. 1인당 총 ¥24300이었아요. 이렇게 돈 많이 쓴게 처음이었아요. 익스프레스 패스는 1) 미리오 카트, 2)진격의 거인 XR Ride, 3)해리 포터 앤드 더 포비든 저니, 그리고 4) 어메이징 어드벤처 오브 스파이더맨 더 라이드 4K3D로 했어요. 익스프레스 패스 산 이유가 슈퍼 닌텐도 월드로 갈 수 있게 였어요. 잘하면 무료로 들어갈 수 있는데 주말에는 진짜 힘들어요. 근데 돈을 좀 내면 들어갈 수 있는 보장이 있어요.

So our day started with the Sailor Moon show. We went to the park a little before 10:00am, but our show was scheduled for 10:50am. So we did some looking around in the general area to get our accessories.  
하루는 세일러문 쇼로 시작했어요. 10시 좀 전에 들어 갔는데, 쇼는 10:50이었어요. 그래서 기다리면서 샵 구경했어요.

We already had an idea of what we wanted: Big Bird and Moppy, mainly because of the colors~💛💕 For our outfits, we discussed our color scheme, but not our actual outfits. We ended up matching really well with each other~  
우리는 벌써 어떤 머리띠가 원했는지 알았어요: 빅 버드랑 모피~ 💛💕 코디는 그냥 색갈로 얘기했는데 생각보다 너무 잘 매칭하는 코디였어요~

Anyway, the Sailor Moon show was okay. I'm never super impressed with this these. I'm a hardcore 90s anime and original artwork Sailor Moon fan, so this kind of 3D animation isn't too much of my thing. But I never miss the chance at seeing my loves~ 
세일러문 쇼는 그냥 그랬어요...근데 항상 그래요 ㅋㅋ 개인적으로 90년대 애니랑 만화를 좋아하는 사람이라 이런 3D 애니메이션을 별로 안 좋아해요. 근데 내 사랑이들을 안 볼 수는 없죠.

So that ended at 11:10, but our next event wasn't until noon. We kinda just strolled around, slowly inching towards our next area: Super Nintendo World. 
11:10에 끝났는데, 슈퍼 닌텐도 월드 입장은 12시였어요. 그래서 그냥 구경하면서 천천히 갔어요.

And oh my goodness, it was the cutest thing! 
진짜로 너~무 귀여웠어요

I can't believe that I had been so indifferent the last time I was there, and missed out on the area! It was like a real world Mario game~ They honestly did such a good job with everything. 
저번에 그냥 넘어 갔던게 너무 아쉬워 ㅠㅠ 진짜 마리오 게임 세계로 들어간 거 같았어요. 진짜로 너무 잘 만들었어요.

There are two rides, Mario Kart: Koopa's Challenge and Yoshi's Adventure. Both are great! Mario Kart is an interactive game and Yoshi's Adventure is a nice stroll around the park in a Yoshi. 
놀이기구 2개 있어요, 마리오 카트: 쿠파의 도전장하고 요시 어드벤처. 둘 다 너무 좋아요! 마리오 카트는 인터랙티브 게임이고 요시 어드벤처는 요시 타면서 월드 구걍하는 놀이기구예요.

We had a good 2+ hours until our next one, so we hung out in Super Nintendo World for a little bit more before venturing out! 
그 뒤에 2시간 정도 시간이 있어서, 닌텐도 월드에서 좀 더 있다가 나갔어요.

Looking around at the souvenir shops is such a big part of the USJ experience~ I always like trying on the different accessories. It helps me get ideas for the next one I might buy xD 
USJ에서 숍 구경 안 할 수가 없어요. 저는 특히 악세사리를 보는 걸 좋아해요. 다음에 올 때 뭐 살까 생각하면서~ ㅋㅋ

The Attack on Titans XR Ride was next at 15:10...but honestly, I can't tell you much about it. I don't know anything about the series to start with. It was just one of the things that came as part of the ticket. I do remember having a good time though! XR rides are always really fun~ 
진격의 거인 XR라이드는 15:10이었는데, 솔직히 할 얘기가 없어요. 원래 이 시리즈에 대해 전혀 몰라서...그냥 티켓에 있어서 탔죠. 근대 재밌었어요! XR라이드는 원래 재밌으니깐~

From there, we had almost two hours until the Harry Potter ride. Honestly, this was the only downside of the express passes. There was a lot of time between the rides. But because it was a Saturday, there wasn't actually enough time to do anything. 
거기서 다음 어트랙션까지는 또 2시간 있었어요. 이게 익스프레스 패스의 단점인 거 같아요. 어트랙션 사이에 시간이 많았는데, 토요일이라서 솔직히 뭘 할 수 있는.시간은 아니었어요.

Anyway, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is always lovely~ A USJ trip isn't completely without it! 
아무튼, 해리포터 월드는 항상 좋죠~ 저는 진짜 USJ 갈 때마다 가야 하는 곳이에요.

After the ride, we got some Butterbeer and just relaxed in Hogsmeade for a bit. 
더 포비든 저니 다음에 버터비어 마시면서 쉬었어요.

I've come to learn that while the regular one is more aesthetically pleasing, the frozen one tastes so much better! 
아이스 거가 더 이쁜데, 얼려 있는 게 훨씬 더 맛있어요.

The last of our attractions was a choice between the Spiderman ride or Jurassic Park. Since I had never been on the Spiderman one, we decided on that one!  
마지막 어트렉션은 스파이더맨 아니면 쥬라기 공원에서 골라야했어요. 스파이더맨 거 탄 적이 없어서 그냥 그걸로 하기로 했어요!

To end the day, we had a nice little photo session, like most people who were left at the park xD We were able to get a lot of cute shots~ I really can't get over how cute we were 💕 
하루의 마지막은 사진 찍기~ 남아있던 사람들이 거의 다 그러고 있었어요 ㅋㅋ 예쁜 사진 엄청 많이 찍을 수 있었어요. 진짜 너무 귀엽게 나오지 않았어요? 💕

I spent so much more than I usually would on a USJ trip. But honestly, I have no regrets! Express passes are so convenient! I don't know if I'll ever be able to go back go a basic studio pass...which means that I'll have to save up the next time I go. Hopefully, that will be soon! 
USJ에 돈을 이렇게 많이 쓴게 처음이었는데 후회가 전혀 없어요. 이젠 일반 스튜디오 패스로 돌아갈 수는 없을 거 같아요...그래서 앞으로 돈을 많이 모아야하겠어요. 다시 오는 날이 빨리 왔으면 좋겠네요~

Lady Christiiney♡

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