I was never a Barbie girlie growing up. I was a Bratz gal all the way. But there's just something about the pink aesthetics that just pull me in~ So when I came across the ad for the World of Barbie, I bought tickets so fast ♡
저는 바비 인형보다는 브랏츠 좋아했어요. 인형은 무조건 브랏츠였는데, 바비의 그 핑크 세계가 너무 눈에 들어와요. 그래서 월드 오브 바비 광고 봤을 때 바로 표 샀어요 🎟
I have absolutely no regrets spending as much money as I did for this.
좀 비쌌는데, 전혀 후회가 없어요 🤭
As both my parents work during the week, we only had weekends to spend together. While relaxing at home or going shopping is always fun, I also wanted to go somewhere and actually do something. After looking around online, I settled on the Huntington Library in San Marino ♡
부모님 둘 다 평일에는 일 하니깐, 주말에만 시간 같이 보낼 수 있었어요. 집에 쉬거나 쇼핑가는 것도 좋은데, 다른 것도 하고 싶었어요. 좀 검색하다가 산 마리노에 있는 헌팅턴 도서관을 픽했어요 ♡
At this point, I think you have realized that I really like European art. If I had time, I would totally delve in to the world of art history because there is so much I'd like to learn...
이쯤되면 제가 유럽 미술 엄청 좋아한다는 거 알죠. 시간만 있었으면 좀 공부하고 싶은데...