Nagoya Adventures
Tuesday, December 29, 2020I have been to Nagoya quite a few times since moving to Japan. My company is based in Nagoya, so I sometimes go for work seminars and training.
제가 일본으로 온지 거의 3년 되는데, 그동안 나고야를 몇번 갔어요. 회가사 나고야에 있느니깐 세미나나 연수 때문에 가끔 가요.
I've been to Nagoya 3 times and I am still unfamiliar with the place. I don't know the first thing about this city, but I always hear about how nice it is. So back in November, I decided to go on a little Nagoya weekend getaway♡
3번이나 갔는데 아직도 너무 몰라요. 뭐가 있는지, 뭐가 재밌는지...근데 항상 진짜 좋다고 들었어요. 11월에 시간이 좀 있어서 나고야 주말 나들이 하기로 했어요♡
To get to Nagoya from Koka, it takes between 2 to 4 hours, depending on the method of transportation. By train and shinkansen, it takes about 2 hours for about ¥5000 - ¥7000. By normal train only it takes anywhere from 2.5 to 4 hours for ¥2000 - ¥3000 one way.
고카에서 나고야까지는 어떻게 가는냐에 따라서 2-4시간 걸려요. 전철 + 신카센 타고 가면 싸면 ¥5000 비싸면 ¥7000에 2시간 정도 걸려요. 전철만 사요하면 2사간 반에서 4시간 걸리는데 가격은 거의 반이에요 (¥2000 - ¥3000).
I was in no rush, so I just took the normal train. The shinkansen is a lot more comfortable, but there's really no point in spending almost double the money only to get there at most 40 minutes faster. My trip took a little less than 3 hours and it was only ¥2500.
저는 급하지 않아서 그냥 전철 타고 갔어요. 신칸센이 확실히 더 편한데, 40분 일찍 도착한다고 돈 2배 더 내는 게 너무 아까울 거 같은 거예요. 제가 선택한 루트는 3시간 좀 안되서 ¥2500였어요.
My trip was from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Saturday was the only day I had plans~
제 여행은 2박 3일이었어요, 금요일 저녁에서 일요일까지. 근데 토요일에만 계획이 있었어요~
I met up with an online friend! We had been talking for quite a while and we finally got to meet!
앱에서 사귄 친구 만났어요! 우리는 꽤 오랜시간 얘기하고 지냈는데 드디어 만나게 되었어요!
We went to Amelie Cafe. It's a super cute chain cafe. We went to the PARCO store~ I was pleasantly surprised with the food! It's really hard to find a cafe with good aesthetics AND good food!
아메리 카페 갔어요~ 체인 카페인 거 같은데, 진짜 귀여워요! 우리는 PARCO점 갔어요. 생각보다 좋았어요! 이쁘면서 음식도 맛있는 카페 찾기 어려운데, 여기는 분위기도 좋고 음식도 진짜 맛있었어요!
We were in the cafe for a good few hours before we headed out to walk off all the calories we ate. We did some window shopping around Sakae~
We found a purikura shop so naturally we went in to take some~
프리 가게가 있길래 당연히 찍으러 들어갔죠~
We also went up to the Spaceship Aqua. It was a really nice view~ I imagine that it's really pretty at night when all the city lights are on.
스타쉽 아쿠아에도 갔어요. 뷰가 너무 좋았어요~ 밤에는 얼마나 이쁠까
Everyone up there was taking pictures, so we kinda felt like we should take one too xD
거기있는 사람들이 다 사진 찍길래 우리도 하나 찍었어요 ㅋㅋ
And that is basically all I did in Nagoya xD With how accessible it is, once this Covid business is over with, I think I'll go a bit more :)
나고야에서 한 것은 이게 끝이에요 ㅋㅋ 코로나가 없어지면 좀 더 자주 가고 싶어요~
Amelie Cafe
Spaceship Aqua
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