Kimono Rental

Sunday, December 27, 2020

It took me almost 3 years, but I finally got around to doing the whole Kimono experience 
거의 3년 걸렸지만, 드디어 기모노 체험 해봤어요!

I've never been one to do touristy things. It took me almost 2 years to do any Kyoto sightseeing when I live in Kansai. I also didn't have friends that were interested in stuff like this. So when I finally made some friends who were a) interested and b) had never tried it before, we decided to do this together~
제가 원래 관광을 잘 안해요. 칸사이에 사는데 불구하고 교토 구경하는게 거의 2년 걸렸어요 ㅋㅋ 이런 거에 관심있는 친구가 없어서 더 그런 것 같아요. 그래서 드디어 관심이 있고, 해본 적이 없는 친구가 생겨서 같이 하기로 했어요~

I originally went in thinking that I wanted a yellow + burgundy theme, but I decided on this one. It's kinda hard to explain the design, but the overall color seemed to be a coral color.
원래는 노랑 + 버건디 색상을 생각하고 갔는데, 결국에는 이것을 선택했어요. 디자인 설명하기는 좀 어려운데 약간 코랄 색이었어요. 

Our adventure started off a little late, but after we finished putting everything on, we were off to take a bunch of pictures~
생각보다 늦게 시작했는데, 다 입고 사진 찍으러 갔어요~

It always amazes me how an outfit can make the simplest of streets into a nice background.  
참 신기하죠! 뭐 입었는데 따라 사진 분위기가 많이 달라질 수 있다는 것.

We had intentions of going up to Kiyomizu dera...but the uphill walk was too much. We ended up just hanging around Higashiyama, taking a bunch of pictures around there.  
기요미즈데라 갈 예정이었는데...오르막 길이 너무 힘들었어요. 그래서 그냥 히가시야마에서 놀았어요.

Here's a nice close up of my Kimono's design. 
여기는 제 기모노의 클로스업.

It's during times like these when I'm less annoyed with the Covid situation. Kyoto is always crazy packed. It's a big reason that I avoided Kyoto for as long as I did. Now that there are less tourists, I have been able to enjoy Kyoto to the fullest!  
이럴때에는 이 코로나 사태가 들 짜증나요. 교토는 항상 사람이 너무 많았어요. 그래서 제가 오랫동안 안 갔어요. 근데 요즘에는 진짜 사람이 없어서, 너무 좋아요~

Along with the many pictures, we took quite a few videos as well! I thought it was a waste to keep them to myself, so I made a little vlog. This was my first IGTV video~ 
사진도 많이 찍었는데, 영상도 많이 찍었어요! 저만 보기에는 아까워서 브이로그 만들었어요. 이게 제 IGTV 첫 영상이었어요~ 

The rental company we used was Nanaya Kimono Rental. If you're thinking about going here, check out their Instagram: @nanayakimonorental. They upload pictures of some of the designs they have, and there is usually a coupon code!
우리가 사용했던 회사는 나나야 기모노 렌탈이었어요. 여기 갈 생각이시면, 꼭 인스타를 보고 가세요. 있는 다자인 소개하고 할인 코드도 있어요!  

They have a great selection. The only thing is that the store is tiny. There's barely any room to move around and the limited space caused many delays. Our appointments were originally 11:45 (my friends) and 12:00 (me), but I don't think we went in until more than an hour later. There are only two changing areas, so even if you only take a few minutes to pick out your kimono you have to wait for at least 30 minutes before you're able to change. On top of that, if you're also doing hair you have to wait for that. 
기모노가 진짜 많아요! 근데 가게가 엄청 작아요. 너무 작아서 엄청 느려요. 예약 시간이 11:45, 12시였는데, 1시 넘어서 들어갔어요. 탈의실이 2개 밖에 없어서, 가게 들어가도 입은 수 입기 전에 최소한 30분은 기다려야돼요. 머리까지 하면 거기서도 시간 추가.

So if you have a tight schedule to follow, I suggest you make your appointment super early. There is no guarantee that you are going to be able to go in at your appointment time. 
시간이 없으면 최대한 빨은 시간을 예약하세요. 예약했다고 그 시간에 할 수 있는 보장이 없어요. 

I was really glad that I did this. I don't know how long I'm going to be in Japan, but I should try this at least once! I don't know if I'm going to do this was quite stressful xD The only reason I got through it was because I was with good company. I definitely recommend that you try it out at least once in your lifetime! It's a really nice experience~
제가 이거를 해서 너무 기뻐요. 언제까지 일본에 있을지 모르니깐 한 번 쯤은 해봐야죠! 다시는 할지는 모르겠어요...진짜 힘들었어요. 친구들이랑 재밌게 놀 수 있어서 잘 버텼을 뿐 ㅋㅋ 근테 교토오면 꼭 해보는 것을 추천해요! 진짜 좋은 경험이에요~

Lady Christiiney♡

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