Big Announcement!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

I have a big announcement to make.... 
제가 오늘 굉장히 큰 안내 말쓸 드릴려고하는데...

So...this announcement...

Guess who's MOVING TO JAPAN in March? 
3월에 일본으로 이사가는 사람 누구~게? ㅋㅋㅋ

That's right! This girl here finally got a full time job!
맞아요~ 제가 드디어 취직했습니다!

To be honest, I actually got the job back in October, but nothing was official so I didn't tell anyone besides my family.  
사실 지난 10월부터 알았는데, 확실하지 않아서, 가족 외엔 아무한테도 얘기 안했어요.

I know what you're thinking, "How could you not tell us?!!"
여러분이 어떤 생각 하는지 잘 알아요, "어떻게 우리한테 얘기 안 하냐?!!"
(Well, at least I hope you were thinking that... Thank you for continuing to be interested in meㅠㅠ)  
(진짜로 그렇게 생각하셨으면 감사해요 ㅠㅠ 저한테 관심 주셔서 감사합니다 ㅠㅠ)

I wanted to tell everyone as soon as I found out. You don't understand how hard it was to keep it all in.  
알자마자 얘기 하고 싶었는데... 참는게 얼마나 힘들었는지 ㅠㅠ

So what is this new job, you ask? Well, I got the job that I wanted! I got a teaching job in Japan. 
무슨 직업이냐구요? ㅋㅋ 제가 원하는, 영어 선생!

I might make a separate post about the whole application process (not sure if I'm going to, to be honest xD), but I'll give you a gist of what happened. So back in September, I submitted my application through and in less than 2 weeks, I was contacted for an interview. My interview was on October 1st, with the recruiting manager. Basically at the end of the interview, he told me that if I do well on my Japanese speaking interview on Skype with his colleague, I got the job. The Skype interview wasn't too definitely wasn't great because my Japanese is so bad xD But I guess it was good enough for the interviewer because she said that she looked forward to seeing me in the Spring. 
제가 인터뷰에 대해서 글 따로 쓸까 생각 중인데, 여기서 대충 말해줄께요 ㅋㅋ 지난 9월에 jobsinjapan.com에 일력서를 넣서, 2주도 안되서 인터뷰 요청 받았어요. 인터뷰를 10월 1일에, 채용 부장님이랑 했어요. 1시간 좀 넘게 인터뷰하고, 끝날때, 그 분이 자기 일본인 동료랑 일본어 인터뷰 통과하면 합격이라고했어요. 화상으로 일본어 인터뷰했는데...나쁘지 않았는데, 그렇게 좋지도 않았어요ㅋㅋ 제 일어가 그렇게 좋지 않거든요 ㅋㅋㅋ 근데 그 면접관이 보기에는 외국인 치고는 잘했나봐요 ㅋㅋ 끝나고 나서, 봄에 보자고했어요. 

At that point, everything was just by word of mouth. I didn't have anything that showed that I was hired and so, honestly I couldn't say with 100% confidence that I actually got this job. I didn't want to get my (or others') hopes up just for them to come crashing down. 
그때에는, 그냥 말로만 합격이였잖아요. 진짜로 합격한 증거가 없어서 자신있게 "취직합니다!" 라고 얘기를 못 하겠더라고요.. 괜히 얘기하고 많은 사람들이 기대하는데, 갑자기 안 될 수 있잖아요...

What if they found someone else more qualified and decided not to go with me?
저보다 이력서, 스펙이 훨씬 좋은 사람 찾아서 저를 안 뽑으면?!

Obviously that didn't happen because I am writing this post xD 
뭐, 그렇게 안 됐지만 ㅋㅋ 그랬으면, 제가 이 글을 안 썼겠죠 ㅋㅋ 

I actually got the official approval email while I was in Japan, but I didn't say anything xD I needed to get my work visa and that would take months. I wouldn't find out where I was going until February or March. It wouldn't have been really exciting if I didn't have much information to tell you.
사실, 일본 여행때 합격 이메일 받았는데, 글을 안 올렸어요 ㅋㅋ 아직 일 비사를 받아야하는 상황이었는데, 비사 받을려먼 몇 개월 더 기달려했었어요. 일본 어디 가는 지는 2월이나 3월에 알게된다고해서, 글 올릴 필요없다고 생각했어요. 글 올려받자 그렇게 재밌지 않을 거 같았어요 ㅋㅋ

With all that said, I guess I should tell you the most exciting part. I did find out where I will be going! Where in Japan will I be moving to? 
아무튼, 제일 중요한 뽀인트~ ㅋㅋㅋ 어디 가는 지 알게됐어요! 일본 어디로 가냐면요...

I will be going to Taka, Japan! 
타카라는 곳으로 갑니다~
According to Wikipedia it's a small town with a population of a little over 20,000. Well, technically, I'm apparently only going to be working there. I've been told that I'll likely live in the next town over in Nishiwaki.
위키피디아에 보면, 타카의 인구가 20,000 좀 넘어요. 근데, 사실, 아마 일만 타카에서 할 것 같아요. 채용 부장님이 아마 사는 거는 옆 소도시 니시와키일꺼라고 얘기했어요.

Nishiwaki is about 2x bigger with a population of about 41,000. Still a really small town, but I don't really mind. I've never been a city person anyway. But it's still not finalized at this point. I don't know where I'll be living yet, but I assume that I'll find out in the coming days...I hope xD
니시와키는 타카보다 2배정도 커요. 인구가 41,000 정도. 진짜 소도시인데 오히려 저한테 더 좋아요. 저는 큰 도시를 별로 안 좋아하거든요 ㅋㅋ 근데 아직 몰라요. 정확히 어디 살지는 모르는데, 좀 있으면 알겠죠? ㅋㅋ  

I've never been to either of these places, so I'm excited!
둘 다 가본적이 없어서 엄청 기대돼요!

I leave California on March 22, so I have less than a week left. You know, I keep telling people that I'm not nervous and that I'm just excited, but as my departure date gets closer, the nerves are starting to kick in.  
3월22일에 미국을 떠나니깐, 1주도 안 남았어요. 제가 계속, 긴장 안된다고 그냥 기대된다고 말했는데, 떠나는 날이 다가 올 수록 너무 긴장돼요 ㅠㅠ 

Not only will I be in a new place...I'll be all alone. My first time living on my own...
새 곳으로 가는건 둘째치고...제가 혼자가잖아요. 제가 생에 처음으로 혼자 사는 거 잖아요...

Will I be okay..? xD
저 괜찮을까요...? ㅋㅋㅋ 

So from here, my posts are probably going to make a drastic change. We'll be going from Chri's boring life in Cali to Chri's new life in Japan. I'm hoping for a lot of exciting adventures that I can share with you :)
그래서, 이제부터 제 글 주제가 많이 달라질겁니다. 재미없는 크리의 캘리 생활에서, 크리짱의 새로운 일본 생활로 넘어 갈거에요. 여러분이랑 공유할수있는 재밌는 일이 많이 있기를 바라고있어요~ :) 

So look forward to some interesting posts to come! 
그렇니깐, 재밌는 글 많이많이 기대해주세요!

Lady Christiiney♡

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