Chri in Japan: the BEGINNING
Sunday, January 07, 2018
Hello everyone :DD
여러분 안녕하세요~
It's been a while since I've gotten back from my trip...and I am just getting around to posting about it. I know I took so long updatingㅠㅠ I'm sorry to keep you all waitingㅠㅠ
여행에서 돌아온지 좀 됐는데....이제 여행 글 쓰네요 ㅋㅋ 너무 오래 걸렸죠ㅠㅠ 기다리게해서 죄송죄송ㅠㅠ
The plan originally was to post while I was there, but that didn't happen. I was so busy in Japan that I just didn't have time to blog. In Korea, I had plenty of time...but I couldn't charge my laptop while I was thereㅠㅠ I brought an adapter, but it didn't work with my charger. So my laptop died during day 2 of Chri in Korea.
원래 계획은 여행 다니면서 글 올리는 거였어요. 근데 일본에서는 하도 바빠서 그냥 시간이 없었어요. 한국에서는 시간이 많았는데, 제가 노트북을 충전 못했어요 ㅠㅠ 제가 갖고 간 아답터가 제 노트북 춘전기랑 안 맞았나봐요. 그래서 "크리인한국" 2번째 날에 노트북이 죽었어요 ㅠㅠ
I got back to California on Dec 10th, then got sick, and then had to go back to work on the 13th. I have been so busy that I just haven't had time to writeㅠㅠ I also had to go through all my pictures so choose which ones to post on here. I just barely got through the Chri in Japan photos... I'll just get to the Chri in Korea ones later xDD But anyway! Without any further ado, let's get into Chri in Japan SEASON 2!
제가 12월10일에 돌아오고, 감기 걸렸고, 13일에 다시 알바ㅠㅠ 시간이 너무 없어서 글을 못 썼어요ㅠㅠ 그리고 사진도 다 정리해야되는데. "크리짱 인 일본" 사진은 다 했는데..."크리 인 한국"은 나중에 ㅋㅋ 아무튼! 크리짱 인 일본 시즌2 시작하겠습니다!
My flight was on November 12th at 11:00pm. From experience, I knew that airport security would be a pain to get through, so my parents decided to take me to the airport pretty early. I had already checked in online the night before, so I just needed to drop of my check-in luggage at the check-in counter. That took like 5 minutes...and I was just chilling with my parents for a bit. At that point it was a little past 8:00pm, and at around 8:30pm I decided to go through security and go find my gate.
제 비행기는 11월12일, 23:00시 출발이었어요. 경험상, 공항 보안이 항상 오래 결려서, 일찍가기로 했어요. 미리 온라인 체크 인해서, 그냥 가방만 맡기면 됐어요. 그게 한 5분 걸렸나? ㅋㅋ 그래서 그냥 부모님이랑 기다리고, 20:30쯤에 들어갔어요.
I don't know what what happening that night, but I got through security super fast. Like I didn't even need to take out my laptop or take off my shoes. I ended up getting to my gate way too early. I was so early that my airline wasn't even at the gate yet. So my flight was on Asiana Airlines, but when I got to the gate, they were boarding for New Zealand I had to go sit far away and just wait. Eventually, it was boarding time, so off I went~
왜그랬는지 모르는데, 보안이 엄청 빨리 끝났어요. 노트북도 안 빼도 됐고, 신발도 안 벗었고. 결국 게이트 너무 일찍 도착했어요 ㅋㅋ 얼만큼 일찍 도착했냐면, 제가 아시아나 항공 비행기였는데, 제 게이트에는 뉴질랜드 항공 탑승하고있었어요 ㅋㅋ 그래서 저 멀리 앉고 기다렸어요 ㅠㅠ 근데 기다리는 것도 잠시, 결국 제 탑승시간이 와서 슝 갔어요~ ㅋㅋ
The flight wasn't too bad. It was a little over 13 hours. I purposely chose an aisle seat so I wouldn't have trouble going to the bathroom. There was a middle aged couple sitting next to me and they weren't too much of a bother. I was flying from LAX to Incheon. Then after a 4 hour layover, I flew from Incheon to Narita.
13시간이였는데, 생각보다 괜찮았어요. 일부러 통로 좌석을 선택해서 편하게 갔어요~ 옆에는 중년 부부였는데, 저를 괴롭히지는 않았어요. 제가 로스앤젤레스에서 인천으로 가고, 인천에서 4시간 정도 있고, 나리타 갔어요~
The flight from ICN to NRT was about 2.5 hours, so I just watched a movie and just chilled xD
인천에서 나리타까지 2시간 반 밖에 안 결려서, 그냥 영화보면서 쉬었어요 :)
I don't know what was happening that day, but everything was going so fast. Immigration is always a pain, so I was expecting that, but I was also expecting baggage claim to take a while. Actually, I was hoping it would take a while xD My best friend (Katie) was coming to pick me up after she finished work, but it took about 2 hours to get to the airport. I wasn't in a rush to get out. But of course, I was very lucky that day...and my luggage was like the 5th one out. I wasn't even waiting 5 minutesㅠㅠ So I just went to the exit and figured that I'd wait outside. Just as I was going through customs, the worker switched from a male to a female. She asked me what the purpose or my visit was. I told her that I was meeting a friend and she gave me this sly smile and asked if it was a boyfriend.....ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I told her no and she apologized....which just made the whole situation even more awkwardㅠㅠ
그 날 왜 그렇니지 모르는데, 모든 것이 빨리 끝나더라고요. 출입국 관리는 항상 힘드니깐, 그건 예상한데로 좀 오래결렸는데, 가방이 엄청 빨리 나왔어요. 사실 그게 좀 늦게 나왔으면 했거든요. 왜냐면 친구가 저를 데리러 오기로 했는데, 오는 시간이 2시간이었어요. 그래서 제가 2시간 정도 기달려야 했는데...가방이 5분도 안되서 나왔어요 ㅠㅠ 그래서 그냥 가방 챙기고 나갔어요. 항상 나가기 전에 그거 있잖아요, 간단한 가방 체크. 거기서 ㅋㅋ 직원 교체하는 시간에 갔는데, 남자 직원에서 여자 직원으로 교체했어요. 그 여자분이 왜 일본에 왔냐고 물어보는거에요. 그래서 제가 "친구 만나러 왔다" 대답했는데 갑자기 씩 웃더니, "남자친구?" .....ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 아니라고 하니깐 너무 미안해 하는 거야....더 어색하게ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
After that awkward exchange, I went to a waiting area to just wait for Katie. I purposely chose a seat in the corner and was just chilling agin. There was this strange woman that decided to sit near me. She was talking to herself quite loudly. At first I thought she was on her phone or she was talking back to the TV (because people do that sometimes, you know? xDD), but no, she was just staring out across the area just was starting to creep me out tbh xD
그 어색한 순간 넘어가서, 대기실 같은 곳으로 가서 친구 기다렸어요. 일부러 구석에 앉았는데, 어느 중년 여성 분이 제 근처에 앉았어요. 계속 뭐라 얘기하는 거에요, 진짜 크게. 저는, 통화하나? 아니면 TV답변? (다 가끔 그렇잖아요 ㅋㅋㅋ) 근데 그게 아니더라고요. 그냥 저 멀리 처다보면서 얘기하는 거에요....좀 무서웠어요 ㅋㅋ
After about 2.5 hours, I was finally reunited with my best friend~ I bought a train pass for the first time. It was so cute~ It was pink and silver! I loved it xDD
2시간 반 뒤에 드디어 제 베프를 만났어요! 처음으로 전철패스를 샀어요~ 너무 귀여웠엉~ 핑크랑 실버! 너무 좋았어요 ㅋㅋㅋ
It was a long journey to Katie's place. Getting my suitcase to her room was another story...
I managed to hold myself back and just bought one, and guess which sticker I got~
잘 참고, 그냥 하나만 샀는데, 어느 스티커 받았께요?
I got a Hanamaru♡♡♡ This made me more happier that I should have xD (This was the start of my Aqours craze while I was in Japan -___-;;;)
하나마루♡♡♡ ...이 나이에 이런 거에 이렇게 큰 행복을 느낀다닠ㅋㅋ (여기부터 제 아쿠아 덕질이 시작됐습니다 -___-;;;)
And that was pretty much the end of my first day in Japan xD I was tired from the long trip and Katie had work the next day, so we just called it a day after eating dinner. From day 1, Chri in Japan Season 2 was off to a great start!
그렇게해서 제 첫 날이 이렇게 끝났습니다 ㅋㅋ 제가 가느라 힘들었고, 친구도 다음 날 일 가야되서 그냥 저녁 먹고 끝났어요. 첫 날부터 크리짱 인 일본 시즌2가 너무 좋게 시작!
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