Hanamaru inspired look
Thursday, October 12, 2017
As the title suggests, I tried (emphasis on tried) to recreate a Kunikida Hanamaru look..
...but I failed greatlyㅠㅠ
완전 망했어요ㅠㅠ
The idea was so nice in my head....but it didn't come out like I had hoped.
머리 속에는 너무나 좋았는데....생각 한 거 처럼 나오더라고요.
Well, before we get into that, I have to explain why I even decided to do this.
제가 왜 이 짓을 했을까요? ㅋㅋ 그걸 설명해야죠...
So I am a HUGEEE Love Live! fan. Like...it's practically to the point of obsession xD It all started because I saw the game on the Google Play Store and since I'm a sucker for cute things, I downloaded the game.
제가 러브라이브 덕후에요. 막....심각할 정도로 덕후ㅋㅋ 시작은, 어느 날 플레이 스토어에서 앱 보다가, 럽라 게임을 보게됬는데, 제가 귀여운 것에 약하잖아요. 결국 게임 다운 받고 하기 시작했어요.
That was about a year and a half ago, and I've been hooked ever since. Not just on the game but the anime, the manga, EVERYTHING.
그게 한 1년 반 전 이였는데, 완전히 빠졌어요. 게임뿐만 아니라, 애니메이션, 만화, 러브라이브에 모든 것!
My favorite from μ's is Kotori♡
저는 뮤즈에서는 코토리가 제일 좋아욤♡
She's just so cute~
너무 귀엽잖아요~
I love her design. Like her hair color is so pretty. Her face is pretty. I love her quirkiness too~
캐릭터 너무 잘 만들었어. 머리 생갈이 너무 이뻐고~ 얼굴도 이쁘고~ 그 깜찍함도 너무 좋앙~
But then Sunshine came out....and things just went downhill. I didn't think it was possible to like a group of fictional characters this much. I like Aquors way more than I like μ's. In my opinion, they're so much cuter and I just like the members more. I like all the members of Aquors...but there are a few members of μ's that I'm not particularly fond of. I don't hate them...but I could do without them xD
근데 선샤인이 나오면서....아휴. 제가....망했어요. 더더욱 슈퍼 덕후가 됐어요. 아니 캐릭터를 이렇게 좋아 할 수 가 ㅋㅋ 저는 개인적으로 뮤즈보다 아쿠아가 좋아요. 저는 더 귀엽다고 생각해요. 그리고 멤버가 다 좋아요. 뮤즈에서는 제가 별로 안 좋아 하는 멤버 몇 명 있거든요 ㅋㅋㅋ
Out of Aquors, I absolutely adore Hanamaru.
아쿠어에서, 저는 하나마루가 너무 좋앙~
I love her so much~ She's just so adorable.
그냥 사랑해요 ㅋㅋ 너무 사랑스러워~
I love her design even more than I love Kotori's. Hanamaru's design is so simple but she's so pretty.
My favorite thing about her is that her expressions are gold xD
마루에 제일 좋은 점이 표정! 표정부자!
She's literally my spirit animal xD
나랑 너무 똑같에 ㅋㅋ
Anyway, that's enough background about my love for Love Live xD
아무튼, 저는 럽라가 이렇게 많이 좋아합니다 ㅋㅋ
So if you're familiar with the game, you know about the member cards. For those of you that aren't, in Love Live! School Idol Festival, there are different "cards" that have the members and other characters on them. I like to think of them as like Pokemon cards, except instead of Pokemon, you have a really cute girl character on them. They look like this:
럽라 게임을 하시는 분들은 거기에 나오는 멤버 카드 알꺼에요. 근데 모르는 분들에 위해: 게임에 카드가 있어요. 약간, 포케몬 같은 건데, 포케몬 대신 이쁜 여자 캐릭터가 있어요. 이렇게 생겼어요:
(I'm not going explain what they do, you can figure that out yourself if you play the game xD)
(어떻게 쓰는 지는 설명 안하겠습니다. 궁금하시면 게임 하세요! ㅋㅋ)
As you can see, there are both fancy designs as well as really simple ones. I like to use these cards as stickers. I print out a bunch of my favorite designs and use them for my penpal letters and my Hobonichi journal.
보시다시피 화려한 디자인있고, 평범한 것도 있어요. 제기 이 카드 갖고 스티커를 만들어요. 그냥 좋은 디자인을 프린트해서, 손편지 쓸때랑 다꾸할떼 많이 써요.
NOW, finally we can talk about the main point of this post.
지금부터, 이 글에 메인 포인트!
So the other day, I was looking at the new card releases, looking to see if there were any that I liked. I had printed a bunch of Halloween themed stickers, but seeing as it's still early October and too early to use Halloween stickers in my journal, I needed regular designs. Well, after a bit, I came across this:
몇 일 전에, 새로 나온 카드를 봐서 어떤걸 쓸까 고민 중이였어요. 그전에는 할로윈 스티커를 잔뜩 만들었는데, 아직 10월초라서 다꾸할떼 쓰기 좀 그래서, 그냥 심플 디자인을 찾고 있었어요. 그 새로운 카드 중에, 이걸 찾았어요:
I loved how simple it was! This could be an outfit that I would wear in real life.
너무 이쁜거에요! 아니, 이건 진짜로 입어도 이쁘겠더라구요.
I could wear this in REAL LIFE!
I could wear this in REAL LIFE!
이걸 진짜로 입을 수 있겠다!
So I started digging through my closet (and maybe my mom's xD). I didn't have any overall shorts, but I did have a skirt. I didn't have a pale yellow button-up, but I had a yellow shirt. I figured it was close enough.
그래서 내 옷장에서 (...그리고 엄마 옷장에서도 좀 ㅋㅋ) 찾기 시작했죠. 멜빵바지는 없었는데, 치마는 있었고, 같은 스타일 노란 셔츠가 없었는데, 다른 노란색 거 있어서, 괜찮다고 생각했어요. 비슷했어요.
At first, I was really happy with this look. It was cute~~
At first, I was really happy with this look. It was cute~~
처음에는 너무 좋았어요! 귀여웠어~~
My Hanamaru inspired look seemed to be a success!
하나마루 룩이 성공!
But as I was struggling to take some nice selfies in the wind, I noticed something. Rather than looking like Hanamaru, I looked like
이라고 생각했는데... 계속 바람이 부러도 열심히 셀카 찍고있을때 보이기 시작했어요. 하나마루보다는....
A Minion....
No matter how hard I tried not to think it, I just couldn't. No matter how you look at it, I look like a Minion.
진짜 "아니야 아니야"라고 생각 할려고 할수록....더 미니어즈 같은거에요 ㅠㅠㅠ
This was not what I was going forㅠㅠ
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