Hobonichi Day
Thursday, August 03, 2017
I'm keeping up with my promise, and I'm back with another update! xD
제가 더 글을 더 자주 쓴다고 약속한데로~ 업데이트! ㅋㅋ
Today, I thought I'd write about my Hobonichi♡
I got a Hobonichi journal back in October.
제가 작년 10월에 호보니치 다이어리를 샀어요.
I've been pretty dedicated to my Hobonichi. I didn't want my money to go to waste xD I even have a separate Instagram for my Hobonichi pages (@sempiternaladieu), though I am a bit behind on updating that....
제가 진짜 열심히 다꾸를 해요. 이 호보니치 샀을때 배송비가 좀 많이 비쌌거든요 (EMS밖에 없어서) ㅋㅋㅋ 열심히 안하면 돈이 너무 아까워요. 이 다꾸를 위한 인스타도 있어요 (@sempiternaladieu)...근데 요즘에 업데이트를 안한지 꽤 됬어요ㅋㅋㅋ
So in this post, I'll be decorating the pages for July 27 and 28th :)
오늘은 7월 27일, 28일 꾸미는 걸 보여줄께염~ ㅎㅎ
I usually do my pages anytime between every 2 days to once a month xD I don't like doing it every day, because I like to have my pages compliment each other. It's just easier to work on two blank pages at the same time.
제가 보통 이틀에 한번에서 한 달에 한번에 다꾸를해요 ㅋㅋ 매일 하는 게 별로 안 좋아해요, 왜냐면, 제가 테마있게 꾸미는 걸 좋아해요 ㅋㅋ 그렇니깐, 두 페이지가 어느 정도 어울리게 꾸미기 위해, 한번에 두 페이지 하는 게 편해요.
I almost never do my hobonichi in silence xD I need to have some background noise. I just recently got my MONSTA X Montories DVDs so I've been watching that lately.
저는 항상 뭘 보면서/들으면서 다꾸해햐함 ㅋㅋ 최근에 몬스타엑스 몬토리스 사서 요즘 계속 그거만 봐요 ㅋㅋ
If you follow me on twitter (@_christiiney) and/or Tumblr (amieskyychrii), you might now that I've been really into MONSTA X since like March..? It hasn't been that long, but I'm hooked on these 7 boys...(as well as the 11 boys of Wanna One and a few others from P101, but that's a story for another time xDD)
제 트위터(@_christiiney)나 텀블(amieskyychrii)을 팔로우 하시면 아실꺼에요...근데 3월부턴가? 몬스터엑스에 완전 입덕했어요. 이 7남자에 푸~~~욱 빠졌어요 (그리고 워너원이랑 프듀101 몇 명....근데 그건 중요하지 않죠 ㅋㅋ 나중에 같이 덕질 해요~ ㅋㅋ)
I'm obsessed with the perfection that is Wonho♡
Along with my big sticker/washi collection, I like to print my own stickers as well. I use sticker paper and just print pictures out with my printer. It's quite handy xD I used to used double sided tape and just tape stuff in, but it made my pages too bulky.
I'm obsessed with the perfection that is Wonho♡
제가 원호한테 너무 빠젔엉♡
아니 이렇게 귀여우면서 섹시한게 말이 되냐구?!!! 😍
But anyways, moving on~~
아무튼, 다시 다꾸 얘기로~~ ㅋㅋ
But anyways, moving on~~
아무튼, 다시 다꾸 얘기로~~ ㅋㅋ
I like to take out all my supplies before I start anything, which means that I have to have a general idea of what I want to do before I actually start working. I hate having to pull out stickers or washi tape in the middle of working. I have so much stuff that it's just a hassle to try and take anything out when my desk is already a mess.
시작하기 전에 모든 저장품을 빼놔요. 그렇니깐 시작하기 전에는 어느 정도 뭐하고 싶은지를 알아야되요. 스티커랑 마스킹테이프가 너무 많아서, 계속 빼는 게 너무 귀찮아요 ㅋㅋ 미리 다 빼야 들 정심없어요 ㅋㅋ
Along with my big sticker/washi collection, I like to print my own stickers as well. I use sticker paper and just print pictures out with my printer. It's quite handy xD I used to used double sided tape and just tape stuff in, but it made my pages too bulky.
제가 스티커/테이프가 많은데 자주 만들기도해요 ㅋㅋ 프린트하는데 너무 쉬워요! 옛날엔 그냥 테이프로 붙였는데, 계속 하다 보니깐 다이어리가 너무 두꺼워지더라고요.
Before I stick anything on, I like to make outlines.
Before I stick anything on, I like to make outlines.
뭐 붙이기 전에 먼저 개요를 그려요.
And then I go back and forth between adding decorations and writing.
그 다음엔 스티커/테이프 붙이고, 글을 써요.
So here's my page for July 27~
이건 27일 페이지~
MONSTA X released their summer special song and the aesthetics were so nice~ I was going to dedicate a whole page to this, but then I rediscovered my super old disposable camera and I needed to write about that xD So I made a nice little flip page because I had so much to write, but so little space xD
몬스타엑스가 여름 노래가 나왔는데, 뮤비가 너무 이뻤엉~ ㅋㅋ 사실, 몬엑에 대해서 다꾸할려고 했는데, 오랜만에 옛날에 이모가 주신 일회용 카메라를 찾았어요! 쓸게 너무 많아서, 플립 페이지 만드러야됬어요 ㅋㅋ
And here's the July 28th page~
그리고 이건 28일 페이지~
I had spent the day planning out and writing a blog post (which I uploaded on Saturday). I tried channelling my blog on this page. I don't know if it worked... xDD
I tend to write quite a lot. I hope you understand why I blur out what I write. As much as I like showing my journal, I don't really like people reading it...if that makes sense xD
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