Lady Christiiney's Comeback~

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Hello Everyone♡ 
다들 안녕하세여♡ 

How long has it been.... 
 이게 얼마 만에 인사인가요.... 

First and foremost, I have to apologize for being so absent these last few months.
우선, 이 지난 몇개월 동안 없어서 너무너무 죄송죄송 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

I really didn't realize that so much time had passed. I know I said I would write more in my New Years post....
저도 모르게 시간이 이렇게 많이 지났어요 ㅠㅠ 새해땐 더 많이 쓴다고 했는데.....

It's been so long, so I'll give you an update on my life thus far ;)
너무 오랜만이라, 그동안 어떡해 지냈는지 얘기해 드릴께여~ ㅋㅋ

As always, my reason for not writing is because of school. It was my last semester, but I swear it was my busiest one! Like it was ridiculous! It should have been my easiest since it was my last....but it was my hardestㅠㅠㅠㅠ You don't understand how stressful that last semester wasㅠㅠ
항상 똑같은 변명인데...이번에도 역시 학교 때문에 그동안 글을 못 섰어여ㅠㅠㅠ 마지막 학기라서 너무너무너무 바빴어요. 마지막 학기는 제일 쉬워야되는 거 아니에여?!! 아니, 제일 어려웠던 것 같아....ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

But on May 20th! I GRADUATED~
근데 지난 5월 20일! 졸업했슴다~
Class of 2017!
 Major: Linguistics, Minors: TESL & Japanese
전공은 언어학, 부정공은 TESL & 일본어
After 4 long, difficult years, I finally graduated! It was a wonderful 4 years....but I think my last semester was the best~ I made the most friends and hung out the most in this last semester than in my first three years of universityㅠㅠ... So many people I wish I had met sooner... But there's no use in mulling over it now. I just need to hang out with them more to make up for lost time ;)
4년 고생 끝에 드디어 졸업! 너무나 좋았던 4년이였는데...이 마지막 학기가 제일 좋았엉 >3< 이 학기때 친구 제일 많이 사귀고, 제일 많이 놀았던 것 같에요 ㅠㅠ 이렇게 늦게 만났다는 게 너무나 아쉬운 친구들 ㅠㅠ 앞으로 더더더 친해져야지~ ㅋㅋ

Other than school, I've been busy with work. 
학교외에는 계속 알바 하고 있었어요.
And work has been.....*sigh* It's work. Some days are good, some days are bad. But I'm making money so I can't complain, right? xD
알바는...아휴 알바는 그냥 알바. 좋은 날도 있고, 안 좋은 날도 있고. 근데 돈 버는데, 그 것 만으로도 감사해지, 그죠? ㅋㅋ

I dyed my hair too~
아, 염색도 했어요~

I used a new brand this time. 
이번에는 다른 브랜드를 써봤는데, 
I was really satisfied with the results! It was a real ashy color~
너무 만족했어요! 완전 애쉬~

But that lasted less than 2 weeks. Before I knew it, my hair was back to brown.
근데 2주 밖에 안 가더라구ㅠㅠㅠ 바로 다시 갈색으로 돌아왔어요.

It's not as bright brown as before, but it's definitely not ash anymore. But I can't really complain. I didn't use color protection shampoo or conditioner xD Besides, the dye was less than $15. I'm not too sad xD Maybe I should go back to black? I've had brown hair for the last 5, almost 6 years. Hmmmmm....
전 처럼 밝지는 않는데, 확실히 애쉬는 아니에염ㅠㅠ 근데, 애쉬는 원래 빨리 빠진다고 하잖아요. 그리고 제가 컬러 프로텍트 샴푸/린스를 안 썼어요 ㅋㅋ 염색약이 ₩16600도 안되서, 그렇게 아깝지는 않아요 ㅋㅋ 그냥 흑발로 할까? 제가 5-6년동안 갈색머리를 유지하고 있어서...한번 이미지 바꿔볼까요? ㅋㅋㅋ

Between work and school, I really didn't have time to do much. I'd go to work almost straight after class. But since I graduated, all I do is work  -___-;;
학교 다녔을떼는 시간을 학교랑 알바로 나눴어요. 진짜 수업 끝나고 바로 알바로 ㅠㅠ 근데 졸업했으니, 그냥 알바 하고 있어요ㅠㅠ

On the days I'm not working, I'm such a bum xD All I do is eat and not healthy xD
알바없는 날에는, 완전 거지 처럼 먹고 자고, 먹고 자고 무한 반복입니다 ㅋㅋ 건강에 너무 안 좋게 ㅋㅋ

Occasionally, I like to be social and will meet up with people ;)
가끔식 나가고 사람 만나기도해요~ ㅋㅋ
As you can see, the eating never stopped...
보시다시피, 계속 먹고 다녔습니다 ㅋㅋㅋ

I gained so much weight... I mean, my weight hasn't changed, but my body feels heavier.
살 너무 많이 쩠어유ㅠㅠㅠ 아니, 몸무게는 비슷한데, 제가 느낄 수 있어요, 몸이 무거워졌다는 것ㅠㅠ

I need to work out....but I'm so lazy xD
운동해야되는데....왜 이렇게 귀찮을까? ㅋㅋㅋ

In addition to going to work, constantly eating, and occasionally being sociable, I've been in the process of looking for jobs. 
알바, 먹방, 그리고 친구랑 나들이외에는, 지금 열심히 직업은 찾고 있어요.

But so far, no luckㅠㅠ
아직까지는 연락이 없어요ㅠㅠ


I had been hoping that I'd have a job by now and in the midst of preparing to move out...
아니...이때 쯤에 취직준비랑 이사갈 준비를 했어쓰면 하는데.....이렇게 일이 안 풀리네요ㅠㅠㅠ 

Of course I'm not giving up hope! But I also have to be realistic...If I can't find a job by the end of the year, I'm going to consider just going back to school. 
계속 열심히 신청 중 이지만...그래도 혹시 안 될 수도 있잖아요ㅠㅠ 연말까지 아무 연락 없으면, 그냥 대학원 갈 예정...히잉ㅠㅠ

But if I don't get anything by October, I'm planning on going on vacation in November~
아근데 10월까지 연락이 안 오면, 11월에 여행 갈 예정입니다~

You can maybe expect Season 2 of Chri in Korea / Chri in Japan! I'm not promising anything, but it could happen ;) If it happens, it'll be longer than season 1 ;)
아마 크리 인 한국 / 크리 인 일본 시즌2 기해도 될꺼 같은데~ ㅋㅋ 저도 확실하진 않은데, 혹시 몰라요 ;) 만약에 한다면, 시즌1 보단 훨씬 많을거에염~ ㅋㅋㅋ

(I know I didn't have any Chri in Japan posts on here, but if you check out #chriinjapan on Instagram, I had quite an adventure ;) )
(여기서는 크리 인 일본 글이 하나도 없었는데, 인스타에 #크리짱인일본 보시면, 작년 겨울에 일보에서 뭐 했는지 볼 수 있어요~ ;) )

As I wait for some good news, I've been getting back into photography :)
기다리는 동안, 다시 사진술에 관심이 많아지고 있어요 ^^

My dad got me a AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm lens back in February. 
2월에 아빠가 새로운 렌즈를 사줬거든요.

I originally wanted to get the Fujifilm X100F Digital Camera.
사실 새로운 카메라 사고 싶었어요: 후지필름 X100F

It was so cute and I figured that it'd be more easier to carry around and so I could take more pictures! But then I saw the price.... and just NOPE. Can't afford that right nowㅠㅠ 
봤는데 너무 이쁜거에요~ 그리고 갖고 다니기가 편할거같아서 사고싶었는데, 가결을 보고 빠른 포기했습니다. 너무 비쌌엉ㅠㅠ

My new lens is easy to use when snapping inanimate things...
아무튼, 새로운 렌즈는 무생물 찍을떼 너무 좋아요! 너무 잘 나오는데...

But it's a bit more difficult to take pictures of people. It took a while to get used to it before I could get any good pictures when I had a photoday with my brother and cousins.
사람 찍기에는 좀 어려워요. 얼마전에 동생이랑 사촌동생들하고 촬영 했는데, 좋은 사진 나오는게 좀 오래 결렸어요. 

It's always much easier to just snap pictures with my phone though xD 
그냥 핸드폰으로 찍는게 제일 편하지요~ ㅋㅋㅋ

I'm also getting more used to having my picture taken.
그리고 제 사진 찍히는 것에 좀 익숙 해졌어요.

It's so strange...I'm always taking selfies, but I didn't really like getting my picture taken. 

I mean, I'd have the occasional photo days and I enjoyed those, but I usually always take more picture of everyone else. I've always preferred being the person behind the camera. 
참 이상해요...셀카 찍는 것은 너무나 좋은데, 다른 사람이 제 사진 찍는 것을 별로 안 좋아했어요.

I mean, I enjoy having photo days because I have prepared myself for the camera! I'm slightly less awkward on those days xD But usually, I'm always taking more pictures of everyone else. I've always preferred being the person behind the camera....and it's my camera that is being used so I get nervous when others touch it xD
아니, 정해진 "포토데이"엔 좋았죠. 그날들에는 들 어색하니깐 ㅋㅋㅋ 근데 그래도 제가 항상 다른 모델들을 훨씬 많이 찍어줬어요. 그냥 카메라 앞보단 뒤에 있는게 편해요.....그리고 항상 제 카메라 쓰다 보니깐, 괜히 불안한거있죠 ㅋㅋㅋ 

It's probably (....most definitely) had to do with the fact that I knew what angles made me look good. It's why all my selfies are much prettier than I actually am xDD
제일 싫은 이유가 아무래도 제가 내가 제일 잘 나오는 각도를 알잖아요. 그래서 셀카에선 너무나 이쁘게 나온다는 것 ㅋㅋㅋ 저는 인정합니다. 저는 완전, 100프로 셀기꾼입니다~ ㅋㅋㅋ

At this point, I don't want to stress too much about how I look. If the picture comes out nice, GREAT :) If it doesn't, it's not the end of the world. I'm always regretting because I never took any pictures (other than selfies) and so I don't have anything to look back on to remind me of my fun adventures. 
이제는 그냥 스트레스 안 받고 놀고 싶어요. 사진 잘 나오면 좋고, 잘 안 나와도 좋아요. 항상 후회하거든요. 재밌게 놀았는데 사진을 안 찍은 거에요ㅠㅠ 

So basically, what's I'm trying to say is...that I'll just be taking more pictures from now on! xD
그래서, 제 말은...앞으로 사진을 더더더 많이 찍을거에염 ㅋㅋㅋ


Anyway....I think I just started rambling and this post got so long xD Kudos to you if you got through all of it xD I'm always saying this....but I'll try to write more, so please look forward to it!
아무튼....그냥 막말 너무 많이 한 것 같네요 ㅋㅋ 여기까지 읽으셨으면 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 ㅋㅋ 항상 이 얘기하는데, 앞으로 진짜진짜로 더 자주 쓰도록 할꺼니깐 기대 많이 해주세요~~ 

Lady Christiiney♡

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