Hobonichi Techo 2017 Planner

Sunday, October 23, 2016

So I finally got it! My Hobonichi Techo Planner!
 드디어 왔습니다! 제 호보니치 테초 다이어리!

Actually, I got it a few weeks ago, but I just haven't had time to write about it xD After a long internal debate, I finally decided to buy a Hobonichi Techo planner. It was kinda like a birthday gift to myself~
사실, 몇 주 전에 도착했는데, 시간이 없어서 글를 보로 쓸 시간이 없었어요 ㅋ 긴 고민 끝에 산 다이어리에요 ㅋ 야간, 자신에 주는 생일 선물이 였어요~

I've been wanting a Hobonichi for a very long time. I like scrapbooking, but it's such an expensive hobbyㅠㅠ
제가 호보니치를 진짜 오래동안 갗고 싶었어요. 스크랩북 만드는 거 좋아아는데...진짜 비싼 취미잖아요 ㅋ ㅠㅠㅠ

So I had resorted to using my planner...unfortunately, after 10 months of it, my planner looks like it's about to burst. I still have 2 more months leftㅠㅠ 
어쩔 수 없이, 학교에 쓰는 플래너를 꾸미게 됬어요...근데, 이제 10개월이 지나니깐, 터질꺼 같에요ㅋㅋ 아직 2달이 남았는데ㅠㅠ

It's because I'm constantly adding pages to it xD Since this is a weekly planner, I have to fit a week's worth of decorations into one page! I wanted the Hobonichi because there's a page for each day, so I don't have to try and cramp so many things inside. 
계속 뭐를 넣서 그래요 ㅋㅋ 이 플래너는, 이주일에 있었던 일은 한 페이지에 다 써야되서 자리가 항상 부족해요ㅠㅠ 호보니치가 좋은게, 매일 한 페이지가 있어요! 그래서 한꺼번에 많이 안 해도 되요. 

The reason I didn't get a Hobonichi until this year is that I would always get distracted by the cute character planners. My planner now is a super cute Kiki's Delivery Service one that I bought from the Ghibli store in Yongsan over winter break. My previous planner was a Dolly one...before that I had a Victorian girl themed one. I've always had very cute, girly character themed ones. Even now I have two other planners that I bought while in Korea: a strawberry & fruits themed one and a Le Petit Prince one. I really shouldn't have gotten the Hobonichi, but I just couldn't wait anymore. 
호보니치 원했는데 안 산 이유는 항상 캐릭터에 설득되서 ㅋㅋ 귀여운 것이 너무 좋아해서, 보면 꼭 사야되요 ㅋㅋ 지금 쓰는 다이어리가 겨울 방학때 용산 도토리 숲에 산 마녀 배달부 키키 플래너에요~ 작년에는 인형, 그전에는 빅토리안 여자 테마. 항상 이쁘고, 여성스러운 캐릭터 있는걸 좋아요. 지근도, 안 쓴 다이어리 2개있어요 ㅋㅋ: 딸기 & 과일 테마 그리고 어린왕자테마...솔직히, 호보니치 샀으면 않됬는데, 못 참아서 사버렸어요 ㅋㅋ 

The planner itself wasn't too expensive...it's the shipping that killed me. They only had EMS as a shipping optionㅠㅠ I tend to EMS because it's so expensive...but I had no choice. My order was ¥6000ㅠㅠ I ordered it on September 9th. I got an email the next day informing me that my order will be shipped out on the 15th.
다이어리 자체는 안 비쌌는데, 배송비가 비쌌어요ㅠㅠ EMS밖에 없어서...ㅠㅠ 저는 EMS를 원래 안 써요, 너무 비싸서. 최종 가격은 ¥6000ㅠㅠ.... 9월 9일에 주문했는데, 다음 날에 15일에 배송에종이라고 이베일이 왔어요..

It arrived really quickly. It got to my house on the 19th, but because no one was home, I had to go pick it up from USPS the next day. 
진짜 빨리 왔어요 (다연히 그렇죠 ㅋㅋ 돈을 그렇게 많이 냈는데 ㅠㅠ). 19일에 도착했는데, 아무도 집에 없어서, 다음 날 유체국으로 가서 픽업했어요. 

At first, I was a bit wary of the simple packaging. (I was surprised it wasn't more damaged) Usually, things are sent in a box, but this was just a bag. 
처음 봤을떼 좀 당황했어요. 박스 아니고 그냥 봉투에 있어서...

So the planner does, in fact, come in a box. And I like that they did it this way. The box is this gorgeous shade of light pink. It's the same color as my wall! xD
열어 보니깐, 안에 박스 있었어요. 박스 색가 너무 이뻤어요~ 제 벽색갈이랑 똑같에요! ㅋㅋ

I loved the simple design of the box~
심플한 디자인이 너무 좋았어요~

열러보는 중~

This was my order♡ 

I got the original Hobonichi Techo 2017. I got the Japanese version and I chose the one that starts on Sunday. January 1st is a Sunday so I'm not too sure how the Monday-start planner would start...
제가 오리지날 샀어요: 일본 버전, 일오일 시작! 어차피 1월 1일이 일요일이니깐~

The hardest part of buying a Hobonichi has to be deciding on the cover. I debated for hours between Cherry Pink and Sherbet, but ultimately decided on the latter. Cherry Pink was pretty, but it was too red for me. 
살떼 제일 어려운 점이 커버 고르는 거 였어요. 몇 시간 동안 체리 핑크랑 샤베트, 어떤 걸 살까 고민했었어요. 결국에는 샤베트로! 체리핑크도 너무 이뻤는데, 너무 빨게서...

The description of Sherbet reads: "These bright, sherbet hues of sky blue and pink-orange will light up the time you spend with your planner. The colors are cute yet neat for a look that fits men and women of all ages." It's so accurate! I don't know if it's just because I wanted a Hobonichi so badly, but every time I look at that little blue book on my shelf I feel so happy~ xD
샤베트 커버 묘사: "화사한, 샤베트 색상인 하늘색과 핑크-오랜지가 플래너랑 보내는 시간은 더 화사하게 만들겁니다. 색생이 귀여우면서 갈끔해서 남녀노소 다 어우립니다!" 말이 너무 맞아요! ㅋㅋ 아니, 제가 호보니치 너무 원해서 그렇는지, 제 책상에 있는 파란 다이어리만 보면 너무 행복해져요~ ㅋㅋ

The clear Cover on Cover was a free Hobonichi Store exclusive for online orders. I'm planning to just keep it on so that my actual cover doesn't get dirty.
클리어 온 클리어 커버는 선물로 왔어요. 저는 쓸 예정이에요. 괜히 빼서 더러워지면 안 되니깐 ㅋ

More freebies~ The Mini butter toast plate and a pen! The plate is perfect to hold all the trash from stickers~ It makes clean up much easier. I haven't tried out the pen, but I'm sure it's great ;)
이것도 공짜 선물~ 미니 버터 토스트 접시랑 펜! 집시가 너무 좋아요~ 스티커 쓸떼 딱 좋아요, 청소하기 쉬워질거 같에요! 펜은 아직 안 써봤는데...좋겠죠 ㅋㅋ

I love how it's not just plain paper, but grid paper! It'll be so much easier to align things xD 
그냥 종이 아니고, 그리드라서 너무 좋아요! 줄 맞추기 쉬워 질 꺼 같에요~ㅌ

I loved everything about my Hobonichi planner...though it was smaller than I imagined. I thought it was bigger, so I was quite surprised when I first opened it. The original is only A6-sized, so it's about the size of a postcard. But I'm not complaining!
다 좋은데, 생각보다 작아요... 사진에는 좀 더 커보였는데. A6사이즈에요...근데 좋아요! ㅋㅋ

I can't wait for January to come~ My washi tape/sticker/memo/stamp/postcard collection has been growing over the past year. I have soooooo much stuff~ My pages will be very colorful and crazy! xD
1월이 빨리 왔으면~~ ㅋㅋ 테이프/스티커/메모/우표/포스트카드 많이 모아놨어요! ㅋㅋ 이젠 너무 많아서 다 써야되는데~ 제 다이어리는 되게 컬러풀 할꺼 같은 예정 ㅋㅋ

Maybe I'll do a monthly Hobonichi update to show you my pages! Look forward to it~
매 달 '호보니치 업데이트' 할까요? ㅋㅋ 기대해주세요~ 

Lady Christiiney♡

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