Hongdae & Edae Haul
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Last week, I decided to go out and explore. No one was home, so instead of just staying in, I went to Hongdae and Edae...and ended up spending so much money ㅠㅠ
저번 주 저 서울 갔다왔습니다~ 아무도 집에 없어서, 혼자 있는데신 홍대랑 이대 가서...돈 진짜 많이 섰어요ㅠㅠ
As both Hongdae (Hongik University) and Edae (Ewha Women's University) are universities, the shopping area is very nice, and targeted towards the younger crowd.
홍대랑 이대는 대학이라, 젊은 사람들이 좋아할만한 가게만 있더라고요.
Hongdae is much livelier at night with a lot of clubs and many live performances.
홍대는 밤에 가야되요! 크럽도 많고, 라이브 공연도 많아요.
These are some of the pictures I took last summer in Hongdae. I went with my brother and my friend. Since my brother was still a minor at the time, we couldn't go to any clubs, but it was really cool to watch all the night performances.
작년 여름에 동생이랑 친구랑 홍대 갔었어요. 그 당시에 동생이 미성년자라서 크럽은 못 가고, 그냥 밤에 쇼핑하고 공연 봤어요. 밤에 돌아다니고, 라이브 공연 보는게 처음이라서, 신기하고 너무 재밌었어요~
As for Edae, it was my first time. I wasn't planning on going here. When I bought my ticket to leave Hongdae, I picked Myeongdong as my destination, but I changed my mind last minute.
홍대는 작년에 가봤는데, 이대는 처음이었어요. 사실, 이대 갈 기획은 없었어요. 지하철표 샀을때, 명동을 선택했는데, 기차 타서 갑자기 이대 가고 싶다는 생각이 들더라고요.
Because it is a women's university, most of the shops here are targeted towards women. There are tons of cute clothing stores and accessory shops! On top of that, the makeup stores~♡ I was in heaven, I swear~ I found my new go to shopping place ;))
여자대학교니깐, 가게가 거의다 여성옷, 액세서리만 팔더라고요. 옷이랑 액세서리가 진짜 이뻤어요~ 그 위에다가, 화장품 가게가 너무 많았어요~♡ 천국이였어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 이제부터 계속 이대로 올꺼 같네요 ;))
Anyway, on to the main topic of this post! My Hongdae & Edae shopping haul~
아무튼, 이제부터 홍대 & 이대 쇼핑 하울시작해겠습니다~
I went to the Style Nanda flagship store in Hongdae. I've always been a fan of Style Nanda, but I've never bought anything from them because their clothes are so expensive! I could get similar style clothes from somewhere else for so much cheaper, so I didn't want to spend so much extra money xD So after looking around and looking at all the clothes, I ended up just getting some makeup.
제일 먼저 갔던 곳은 홍대에 있는 스타일난다 플래그쉽스토어였습니다. 제가 오랫동안 스타일난다 좋아했는데, 너무 비싸서 아무것도 못 샀어요 ㅠㅠ 다른 가게에서 비슷한 옷을 훨씬 싸게 살 수 있어서 스타일난다에서 사기에는 돈이 너무 아깝더라고요. 이번에 플래그쉽스토어에 가서, 옷 구경 한참하다가 그냥 화장품 샀어요.
3CE Lip Lacquer in BACKSTAGE - ₩18,900 ($15.64)
쓰리씨이 립 라커 백스테이지- ₩18,900
I actually misread the price on this lipstick. I thought it was ₩12,000 ($9.93) and thought it was such a good deal! I was so excited...only to find out at the register that that was the price for the product underneath the lip lacquers...
이거 살때 웃긴 에피소드가 있었어요. 제가 립 라커가 ₩12,000라고 잘 못 읽어서 되게 기뻐했는데...계산하러 갔는데, ₩12,000는 립 라커 밑에 있는 거에 가격이더라고요...
But I had already picked out this gorgeous red...I couldn't not buy it ㅠㅠ
근데 이미 이 이쁜 빨간색을 골랐는데...안 살 수는 없더라구ㅠㅠㅠ
It's the perfect shade of red! No regrets on buying this ;))
봐봐요~ 너부 이쁘잖아요! ㅋㅋ 산 후회가 없어요 ;)) ㅋㅋ
Next, 3 Concept Eyes One Color Shadow in GO-LIGHT - ₩11,000 ($9.10)
다음, 쓰리컨셉아이즈 원컬러 섀도우 고-라이트 - ₩11,000
I initially bought this to give as a gift, but I liked the color so much, I decided to keep it xD I haven't tested it out yet, but it looked really nice when I sampled it in the store! I look forward to using it~
사실, 이걸 선물로 줄려고 샀는데, 너무 마음에 들어서 그냥 자질려고요 ;) 샘플했을때 진짜 이쁘더로고요~ 나중에 화장할때 써야지~
This was the last thing I bought in Hongdae: Princess Milky phone cases - ₩11,000 ($9.10)/ea
홍대에서 마지막으로 산 물건: 프린세스 밀키 폰 케이스 - ₩11,000
After changing my phone back in September, I've just kept using the phone case that came with my phone. I kept seeing these phone cases, but I could never find the one I wanted (Snow White of course!) for my phone (Galaxy Note 5)...but FINALLY, I found it~
The first place I went to in Edae was A'pieu. I got the Air-Fit Cushion and two Air-Fit Cushion blushers.
이대에서 제일 먼저 갔던 가게는 어퓨였습니다. 거기서 에어 핏 쿠션 하나하고 에어 핏 쿠션 블러셔 두 개 샀어요.
...I think I've been going to A'pieu every time I go out. I had a serious Doraemon obsession a few years ago, but because I could hardly find anything with Doraemon on it in Korea, my obsession died out. Ever since coming here, my obsession has come back and it has increased by like tenfold...
This too! Dorami chan~♡
이 것듀! 도라미짱~♡
Dorami Hood Blanket - ₩9,900 ($8.24)
도라미 후드 담요 - ₩9,900
....I honestly shouldn't have bought this, but I couldn't resist! It was just to pretty~
...이거를 왜 샀는지... 진짜... 근데, 이쁘긴 이쁘죠? ㅋㅋㅋ
Next, Beyond!
다음은 비욘드!
Alice in Glow Hand Cream set - ₩24,000 ($19.97)
앨리스인 글로우 핸드크림 세트 - ₩24,000
Alice in Glow Cream Shadow Rosy Cupcake - ₩10,000 ($8.32)
앨리스인 글로우 크림 섀도우 04 로지 컵케이크 - ₩10,000
I usually don't buy colorful eyeshadow, but the worker convinced me. She was wearing this color at the time and it looked really nice! I have to try it out soon ;)
저는 원래 컬러풀한 섀도우를 안 사는데, 가게에 일하는 언니 추천으로 이 이쁜 핑크 섀도우를 사봤어요~ 그 언니가 마침 이 색깔 하고 있더라고요. 이뻐보여서 사봤는데, 나도 써 봐야지~ ㅋㅋ
Alice in Glow Oil Tint 04 Burgundy - ₩10,000 ($8.32)
앨리스인 글로우 오이 틴트 04 버건디 - ₩10,000
This lip tint was so cute too~
이 립 틴트도 너무 이뻐서 샀죠~ ㅋㅋ
They were so cheap, I almost bought too many xD Even though I only got 4, I think I got the cutest ones ;)
너무 싸서, 너무 많이 살뻔 했어요 ㅋㅋ 4켤레 밖에 안 샀는데 제일 이쁜걸로 샀어요 ;))
So that's the end of my Hongdae & Edae haul! Hopefully, I'll get the chance to review all the makeup soon~
이제 홍대 & 이대 하울 끝~ 조만간에 화장품 리뷰 쓰면 좋겠네.. ㅋㅋ
**(Again, I apologize for the lack of picturesㅠㅠ I keep forgetting to take some while I'm walking aroundㅠㅠ I'm really bad at this blogging thing....)
( 가는 길 사진이 너무 없어서 죄송해요ㅠㅠ 계속 까먹어요ㅠㅠ 돌아다니면서 찍어야되는데....그게 잘 안되네요ㅠㅠ)
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