USJ Night Adventures

Saturday, May 16, 2020

So this my 4th USJ post, my 5th time going to USJ...but every time is a new experience! And I always come out with a bunch of new cute photos every time~     
유니버설 글은 벌써 4번째, 놀러간건 5번...근데 갈때마다 새로워요! 그리고 갈때마다 이쁜 사진 많이 찍고 오니깐 보여줘야죠~

I went to USJ back in February. My first USJ at night adventure.
2월에 갔다 왔어요. 처음으로 에 갔어요.

It was during a three day weekend. My friend and I made plans to meet a friend in Osaka for her birthday, so we decided to just spend the weekend in the city. I've mentioned it before, but there is a really nice hostel one station away from Universal City: J-Hoppers Osaka Universal. It's really clean and cute, and reasonably priced! The staff is also really friendly. I totally recommend it if you are planning to go to USJ. 
3일 연휴때 갔다 왔어요. 언니랑 갔어요. 따른 언니 생일파티 때문에 어차피 오사카 가니깐, 그냥 숙소 잡고 연휴를 오사카에 지내기로 했어요. 옛날에 얘기했는데, 유니버설에서 진짜 가까운 좋은 호스텔이 있어요: J-호퍼스 오사카 유니버설. 진짜 깨끗하고 이쁘고, 진짜 싸요! 직원도 너무 친절해요. 유니버설 갈 예정이면 여기 써보세요!  

So, since we were planning to stay for the whole weekend, our plans were really loose. The only thing set in stone was that we were meeting our friend in Umeda Sunday around lunch time. There were two other things on our travel list: USJ and the new Digimon movie, both which could have been done at any time.
2박 3일 있을 예정이라서 스케줄은 굉장히 free했어요~ 생일 파티만 확실했어요, 일요일 점심쯤에 우메다에서 만나는 것. 그 외에는 하고 싶은 건 2개밖에 없었어요: 유니버설이랑 디지몬 영화, 둘 다 언제든지 할 수 있는 것.

We left our town pretty late in the day on Saturday. We checked into the hostel and then headed to USJ. The great thing about having year passes is that you can go in whenever you want and not worry about ticket prices~ xD
토요일 오후에 나갔어요. 호스텔 체크인하고 유니버설 갔어요. 유니버설에 1년 패스가 좋은게 아무리 늦게 가도 돈이 아깝다고 느끼지 않아요. 돈을 안 내고 들어가니깐 오래 안 있어도 안 아까워요 ㅋㅋ 

Like I said, this was my 5th time going to USJ. This was my FIRST time going at night. I think we went into the park a little before 5:00pm. We usually left at this time on days that we went to USJ in the morning xD 
아까 말 했잖아요, 이번이 5번째였어요. 근데 밤에 가는 거는 처음. 5시 조금 전에 들어갔어요. 평소에 이때쯤에 나가는데 ㅋㅋ

There wasn't anything in particular that we really wanted to do at USJ. As this point, anytime we go to Osaka we have to come to USJ xD Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. We both have year passes, might as well put them to good use! 
솔직히 유니버설에 하고 싶은 거 없었어요. 그냥 오사카 갈때마다 가는 거예요 ㅋㅋ 패스 샀으니깐 써야하잖아요!

I am always obsessed with the accessories at theme parks. There are so many cute ones, but you can only put on one. I already have two from USJ: my Sailor Venus ribbon and my Snoopy ears. I really didn't need another USJ accessory (now, if this was Disneyland, it might have been a different story xD)
저는 놀이공원 머리띠가 너무 좋아요. 이쁜 거 너무 많은데 하나만 쓸 수 있잖아요 ㅠㅠ 저는 유니버설꺼 벌써 2개 있어요: 세일러 비너스 리본이랑 스누피. 더 필요하지 않아요 (이게 디즈니랜드 였으면 달랐을 거예요 ㅋㅋ)

Since I wasn't going to buy any, I just took a bunch of pictures with all the different accessories. 
살 생각이 없었어요...대신 사진 엄청 찍었어요~ 

I have always liked the Jurassic Park accessories...but those seem to be more fun to wear in groups, and as you know, I don't have a group of friends to go withㅠㅠ 
저는 주라기 공원꺼가 너무 귀여워요...근데 친구 여러명이랑 써야 더 재밌어 보이는데, 제가 친구가 없어서 ㅠㅠ

The evening was just spent walking around and taking pictures. Shoutout to my friend for taking so many cute pictures for me~ 
근냥 돌아 다니면서 사진 찍었어요. 이번에도 언니가 이쁘 사진 많이 찍어줬어요~

We decided to stay for the night parade.  
퍼레이드 보기로 했어요.

I didn't really have any expectations for the night parade. I mean, it was cute...and lights are always pretty. I just don't think it's something that I'd stay to watch again to be honest.  
큰 기대는 없었어요. 귀여웠고...라이트 쇼는 항상 이쁘고. 그냥 다시 보고 싶다고 생각 들지는 않았어요.

Even though it was dark by the time we left USJ, it really wasn't that late. I think we left before 8:00pm. 
떠났을때 쯤 벌써 어두웠는데, 그렇게 늦지도 않았어요. 8시전이었을 거예요. 

This was the first time that I didn't spend any money inside of USJ. Honestly, I went to USJ just because I could. I didn't really want to ride anything, there was nothing to buy. At this point, unless there is another Sailor Moon collaboration there really is nothing that I want to buy at USJ xD  
처음으로 아무것도 안 사고 나왔어요 ㅋㅋ 말했잖아요, 여기 올 이유가 없었어요 ㅋㅋ 타고 싶은 기구도 없어고, 사고 싶은 것도 없었어요. 다시 세일러 문 콜라보하는 이상 저는 여기서 그렇게 사고 싶은게 없어요. 

Sticking to tradition, we went to take some purikura before heading back to the hostel. 
당연히 스티커 사진도 찍었죠~

I had been dying to try the SkinLily x Kakao collaboration. I'm not at the level where I can take purikura on my own, so I had been waiting for a while for a chance to try it out. I was not disappointed~ 
제가 카카요 콜라보 사진 찐짜 찍고 싶었는데, 같이 찍어 줄 사람이 없어서 계속 그냥 지나갔어요. 제가 아찍 혼자 찍을 자신이 없어요 ㅋㅋ 너무 귀여웠어요~ 

And that was the end of day one of my Osaka weekend~ I am definitely down to go to USJ at night again. USJ is a great idea any time of day xD 
첫 날이 이렇게 끝났어요~ 다시 밤에 가보고 싶네요. 유니버설은 언제나 가도 너무 재밌어요~ ㅋㅋ

Lady Christiiney♡

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