Universal Studios Japan
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Back in June, I went to Universal Studios Japan with the other English teacher living in the same apartment complex! I went solely for the Sailor Moon show that was said to be ending on June 24 (only to find out that it was extended until September xD)
6월에 같은 아파트에 사는 영어 선생 언니랑 유니버셜 스튜디오 재팬 갔다 왔어요! 6월 24일에 끝났다는 세일러문 어트랙션 보러 갔어요 (근데 확장되서 9월까지 한데요 ㅋㅋ)
I mean, I was planning to go to USJ anyway, but the worry that the Sailor Moon show was ending soon gave me that little push.
원래 언젠가 USJ가 갈려고했는데, 세일러문 어트랙션이 끝났다고 하니깐 '지금 가야겠다' 했어요 ㅋㅋ
So my friend and I headed out early to catch the 6:35am USJ bus.....only to miss it by a few seconds. We were waiting at the crosswalk to get to the bus stop when the bus just drove by. Because there was no one at the stop, the bus didn't bother to stopㅠㅠ Thankfully there was a different bus that came afterwards that we could take. We ended up having to make a stop at Sannomiya in Kobe and then we were able to take a bus from there to USJ. We got to USJ a little after 9am...and there were soooooooo many people there already!
언니랑 일찍 나가서 6시35분 USJ버스 탈려고했는데......몇 초 사이 놓졌어요ㅠㅠ 횡단보도에서 기달리고있었어요. 그냥 건느면 버스 정류장이었는데, 버스가 지나갔어요ㅠㅠ 정류장에 아무도 없어서 버스가 그냥 지나간거에요 ㅠㅠ 근데 다행이 바로 다음에 다른 버스가 와서, 그걸 타고 고베에있는 산노미야 역으로 가서 거기서 바로 USJ로 가는 버스 타고 갔어요. 아침 9시 좀 넘어서 도착했는데, 벌써 사람이 엄청 많았어요!
Well, it was a Saturday...I guess it's quite expected that there'd be a lot of people xD So I got my entry pass, I think the next time I go I'm just going to get a year pass. It's like $80 for a single day pass, but about $220 for a year pass. Since USJ isn't too far, I could go a lot...We'll see xD
근데 토요일이라서 이해해요 ㅋㅋ 나중에 갈때 연간패스를 살거같아요. 하루패스가 거의 8000엔이었는데, 연간패스는 22000정도 였나? 따지면 훨씬 싸 잖아요 ㅋㅋ 가까우니깐 자주 가도 되니깐.....봐야죠 ㅋㅋ
The first place we went to was the Harry Potter place! We went here first because apparently you have to pay to get in in the afternoon because it gets so crowded. So to avoid that, we rushed over there to look around.
제일 먼저 간 곳은 해리포터! 여기가 워낙 인기많이사 오후에 갈려면 돈 내야된데요. 그걸 피할려고 일찍 갔는데...
It was already extremely crowded when we went, I can't imagine just how crowded it gets during it's peak.
일찍 갔는데도 사람이 이렇게 많았는데, 오후에는 얼마나 많을까요?
It was my first time at the Harry Potter park and I was really excited! I know they have it at Universal Studios Hollywood, but I never got around to seeing it. So my first Harry Potter experience was at USJ! xD
저는 처음이었어요. 유니버셜 스투디오 홀리우드에도 있는데, 시간이 안되서 그냥 못 가게 됐어요. 그래서 USJ에서 제 첫 해리포터 경험! ㅋㅋ
It was so niceeeeee! I loved it~ I tried some butterbeer...and I can't say that I'm much of a fan xD But it wasn't that bad.
너무 좋았어요~ 버터비어도 먹어봤는데....또 살 계획은 없어요 ㅋㅋ 나쁘지는 않았는데, 저는 별로 ㅋㅋ
All the interiors of the shops and the souvenirs were so nice~ I felt like a real Hogwarts student! xD
가게 인테리어 그리고 굿즈가 다 너무 이뻤어요~ 진정한 호그워트 학생 같았어요 ㅋㅋ
All the buildings at USJ were really nice~ Just like Disney Sea, there were so many nice photo places!
건물도 다 너무 이뻤어요~ 디즈니씨 처럼 이쁜 사진 찍을 장소가 너무 많았어요!
I was loving the vintage feels~
빈티지 느낌 너무 좋았어요~
Then we ventured into Minions land~ I really wanted this unicorn...but it was so expensiveㅠㅠ It was like $50! It was more than half the price of the ticket.....so I just settled with taking a selfie xD
다음은 미니언즈! 전이 유니콘이 엄청 갖고 싶었는데....너무 비쌌어요ㅠㅠ 한 5000엔정도 였는데....티켓 반 값! 그래서 그냥 셀가로 만족 했어요 ㅋㅋ
I really loved the designs of the building and the interior! Everything was so fun and colorful~
여기 건물이랑 인테리어 너무 마음에 들었어요! 너무 컬러풀하고 재밌었어요 ㅋㅋ
Then we went to the Final Fantasy attraction. I don't know the first thing about Final Fantasy, but I've always thought the artwork was pretty so I was excited to go see. This was part of the Cool Japan attractions (I think Final Fantasy was until June 24 and was replaced by Evangelion), and was a VR rollercoaster. This was the first ride we went on and the wait was sooooooo long. I think it was about 110 minutes? It was crazy....but definitely worth it! I had low expectations because it was VR...like I didn't think it'd be like a legit rollercoaster, because how real could it be, you know? I was pleasantly surprised! It was so much fun!
그리고 그 다음은 파이널 판타지! 저는 파이널 판타지에 대해 거의 모르는데, 항상 그림이 이쁘다고 생각해서 좀 기대했어요 :) 쿨 재팬 어트랙션 중에 1 (6월 24일까지 밖에 안 했던 거 같에요...아마 이제는 이반겔리언일거에요 ㅋㅋ), VR롤러코스터였어요. 우리가 처음 탄 기구였는데 줄이 너무 길었어요ㅠㅠ 110분이었던 거 같아요. 힘들었는데, 기다린 만큼 진짜 좋았어요! 전 큰 기대 안했는데, 오. 좋았어요 ㅋㅋ
Then it was finally time for the moment I had been waiting for, Sailor Moon!!
그리고 드디어! 제가 기다렸던 순간, 세일러문!
We went to the gift shop before we went to the attraction.
어트랙션 전에 숍으로 갔어요.
I literally wanted to buy everything xD It was all so pretty~~
저는 진짜 다 사고 싶었어요 ㅋㅋ 다 너무 이뻤어요~~
I ended up buying the Venus ribbon and side purse, a few stationery, and the heart rod. I definitely didn't need the heart rod, but I couldn't resist xD It was so pretty~ And I figured that I'd never get a real one, so might as well get this one xD
결국엔 비너스 리본, 가방, 문구, 그리고 하트 로드! 그중에 로드가 진짜 필요없었는데 ㅋㅋ 너무 이뻐서~ 전 진짜 봉을 아마 평생 못 살거니깐 이거라도 사야했어요 ㅋㅋ
The Sailor Moon show was fun to watch xD It was a fun 4D short movie. I had had fun :) I loved the animation~
세일러문 쇼가 재밌었어요 ㅋㅋ 짧은 4D 영화였어요. 전 재밌었어요 ㅋㅋ 애니메이션이 너무 좋았어요~
After Sailor Moon, we went to the Monster Hunter attraction...
세일러문 다음엔 모스터 헌터 어트랙션...
This one was quite strange xD I wasn't familiar with with Monster Hunter to start with, so I wasn't sure what to expect. So this wasn't a ride, it was basically a photo session xD It was an interesting experience but I don't think I'd try it again xD The long wait in the sun really wasn't worth it .
저는 이게 뭔가 했어요 ㅋㅋ 저는 이전에 모스터 헌터가 뭔지도 몰랐어요... ㅋㅋ 이게 놀이기구가 아니고 그냥 CG사진찍는 거 였어요 ㅋㅋ 참 신기한 어트랙션이었어요 ㅋㅋ 다음에 또 하고 싶지 않아요 ㅋㅋ 근 뜨거운 햇빛 아래 서서 기다렸던 시간이 너무 아까웠어요 ㅠㅠ
After the Monster Hunter photoshoot xD we slowly started to call it a day. Before we left, we just decided to check out the Gudetama store in the park.
몬스터 헌터 촬영 끝나고 ㅋㅋ 슬슬 집 갈 준비했어요 ㅋㅋ 근데 가기전에 구데타마 숍으로 갔어요.
Everything here was so cute too~ but I had already spent so much money at Sailor Moon....so I just enjoyed looking xD
여기도 다 너무 이뻤어요~ 근데 세일러문 굿즈에 돈 너무 많이 써서....그냥 재밌게 구경했어요 ㅋㅋ
We continued to go through all the stores before we left xD
그리고 가면서 가게들다 들렸다 갔어요 ㅋㅋ
They were on the way anyway xD
어차피 나가는 길에 있었는데 ㅋㅋ
There was so much that I was tempted to buy....why much everything be so freakin cute?!!! The next time I go, I'm going to have to bring a bit more money xD
저는 진짜 사고 싶은 것이 너무 많았어요....아니 다 왜이렇게 귀여웠는지 ㅠㅠ 나중에 갈때 돌을 좀 더 많이 챙겨갸야지... ㅋㅋ
And that was how my USJ day ended~ xD
제 USJ날이 이렇게 끝났어요~ ㅋㅋ
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