Spontaneous Hair Change

Friday, September 09, 2016

So back in July I decided to chop off all my hair. Just kidding, no. I went from medium-long hair to very short, above-the-shoulders hair. It was a very big change...so I thought I'd so a little story time about it:  My Spontaneous Hair Change pt 2 💇🏻 ! (It's part 2 because part 1 was the bangs). So let me tell you why I cut my hair and how life is going after the event.
 7월에 머리를 아주 짧게 짤랐어요~ 되게 갑작스러운 선택이였어서, 다들 당황하더라구요~ ㅋㅋㅋ 그래서, 여러분한테 '이유를 얘기해야겠다!' 생각해서, 갑작스러운 머리 스타일 체인지 2타 (1탄은 시스루뱅이였어요). 머리를 왜 짤랐는지 설명할께요~

Friday July 29th. My cousin's wedding was the next day and my brother wanted a hair cut. He wanted to look good for the pictures. I figured that I'd get a trim since my ends were kinda dry and messy. I had some split ends too. Our usual hair stylist wasn't available and wouldn't be back until the next week. But because we had to go to the wedding (and look good), my mom took us to a salon in LA that her friend recommended. 
7월 29일, 금요일. 토요일이 사촌언니 웨딩이여서, 동생이 머리를 짜르고 싶다고했어요, 사진에 잘 나와야된다고 ㅋㅋ 저도 머리 좀 다듬어야되서, 가기로했어요. 원래 가는 미요실 원장님이 여행 가셔서, 그분한테는 못 가고, 엄마 친구분이 추천하신 미용실로 가게됬어요.

I was extremely satisfied with my hair at the time, so the plan was really just to get a trim. So why did I suddenly cut it? 
그 당시에는 머리 되게 만족했어요. 이쁘니깐, 그냥 밑에 상한 머리만 짜를거였었는데...왜 짤랐을까요?
It all started the night before. I had been scrolling through Tumblr and came across a few pictures of Eunha from Gfriend. So I'm not a diehard Gfriend fan. I like their music but I'm just not into them. The reason I knew Eunha is because of the song she did with Park Kyung. I remember thinking that I did not like her voice AT ALL. It just didn't suit her face! I didn't understand how such a high pitch, squeaky voice could come out of someone who looked so chic?! 
전 날 밤이였어요. 텀블러 보다가, 여자친구 은하 사진 보게 됬어요. 저는 여자친구 노래 가끔 듣는 편인데, 팬은 아니에요. 은하를 왜 알았냐면, 얼마 전에 블락비 박경이랑 콜라보 했잖아요. 그 노래가 저한테 되게 논란이 됬었거든요. 은하 목소리가 얼굴하고 너무 안 맞는거에요! 얼굴은 좀 시크한데, 목소리는 무슨 만화 캐릭터 처럼...너무 하이톤이였어요..

But anyway, the point is, I really liked her hair. 
아무튼, 포인트는, 머리 스타일이 너무 마음에 들었어요.

I had read countless headlines about how her new hair led to "new visuals " or something along those lines and I agreed with them! I thought she suited her new hairdo very much. So I liked some pictures and just went to bed.
몇번 기사 봤어요. 은하 머리 짤라서, 새로운 비주얼됬다고, 이뻐졌다고, 그런 기사. 저도 그렇게 생각했어요! 너무 잘 어우리고 이뻤어요. 그래서 사진 좋아요 누르고 잤어요. 
Since the salon was in LA we had to leave the house around 9:30am for our 10:30 appointment. It usually doesn't take an hour to get to LA, but because it was still a weekday, we had to think about traffic. So in the car, I just couldn't stop thinking about Eunha. Not so much Eunha herself, but her hair. I was having an internal debate in my mind. Should I give it a shot and cut it? I mean, I knew I'm not going to look as good as her, but there was this underlying desire to make a drastic change. 
미용실이 LA에 있어서, 예약 1사간 전에 출발했어요. 평일날이라 차가 막힐 수 있으니깐 좀 일찍갔어요. 가는 중에, 계속 단발머리 생각만 하고 간거같에요 ㅋㅋ 짜를까, 말까? 계속 고민하게 되는거에요. 당연히 은하처럼 이쁘게 안 나오겠지만...뭔가 이미지를 바꾸고싶은 마음이 있어요.

We arrived at the plaza where the salon was about 20 minutes early. While we were waiting, I just thought,  "you know what, why not?" I had about a month before school started so if things didn't work out, my hair would grow out a bit by the time the semester started. So I told my mom and she told me to go for it.
20분 일찍 도착했어요. 기다리는 동안, 결정했어요. "에이...뭐르겠다. 짜르자!" 결정하고 엄마한테 얘기했어요. 엄마는 그냥 하고 싶은데로 하라고 ㅋㅋㅋ 계학 1달 남아서, 망해도 학교 시작할때는 괜찮겠다 했어요.
So on to the actually experience.  After getting my hair washed, I sat down in the chair and waited for the hair stylist. She did the usual, small talk and then asked how I wanted to cut my hair. I told her I wanted to get, basically a bob haircut and I showed her a picture. 
이제부터는 미용실 얘기! ㅋㅋ 들어가고, 바로 머리 감기고, 의자에 앉쳤어요. 원장님이 와서 기본인 "어떻게 짜를꺼냐..." 얘기로 시작했어요. 그래서 단발 하고 싶다고 얘기했죠.

These are the pictures I showed her.
이 2 사진을 보여줬어요.

I thought that it would be a simple cut. I mean, I already had the see-through bangs so all the stylist had to do was cut my hair. 
저는, 이미 시스루뱅있어요, 그냥 짜를꺼라고 생각했어요.

Well, that's not how hair styling works. Stylist told me "okay, I can do that" and then she went on to talk about my bangs. So I have a small forehead, that's something that I am fully aware of. Well, she went on for a while about how my bangs at the time didn't suit me, how they made my forehead look smaller..etc. She told me that she's fix it to make my forehead look bigger. In situations like this, you can't help but feel a bit offended. Like, I've been sporting those bangs for almost a month...did they really look that bad? All these thoughts were going through my head.. I mean, I don't know of anyone who wants their forehead to look bigger, but being the passive person that I am, I just let her do her thing. I figured that this lady is the professional, she knows what she's doing.  
...그렇진 않았어요. 원장님이 알겠다고하고, 바로 앞머리 얘기로 넘어갔어요. 아셔야되는건, 제가 이마가 좀 좁아요. 저도 잘 알아요...얼만아 좁은지ㅠㅠㅠ 아무튼, 원장님이 계속 앞머리가 안 어울린다고, 이마 더 좁아 보인다고... 그런 얘기를 하는 거에요. 그리고, 고쳐주겠다고 했는데, 기분이 별로 안 좋았어요. 계속 안 어울린다고 하니깐 기분이 당연히 안 좋죠...ㅠㅠ 진짜 그렇게 안 어울렸나? 아니...이마 좀 작으면 어때요?! 좁으면 어때서?! 아니...너무 큰거보다 좋지않아요..? 아무튼, 원장님이 프로니깐 그냥 넘어 갔어요. 

The whole experience was horrible. I mean, she did a good job (or so I thought at the time) cutting my hair, but she was so all over the place. There was a problematic customer on the other side of the salon, this older woman who was complaining that the stylist was working on me when she should be helping her because she was there first. The stylist felt the need to say something to me and explained that this woman had called to make an appointment and was told to come at 9:00am. She decided to come at 10 instead. So off the bat it's obviously her fault, right? So this woman is complaining and the stylist is trying to do my hair and accommodate to this other woman...and it was just chaotic.
...너무너무 안 좋은 경험이였어요ㅠㅠ 머리는 잘 짤랐는데 (그 당시에 생각), 너무 정신없었어요. 미용실에 어떤 아줌마가있는데, 계속 화를 내시며 뭐라 하는 거에요. 자기가 뭔저 왔는데 왜 다른 손님을 도와주냐고... 알고보니, 예약은 9:00에 했는데, 10:00 너머서 왔어요. 당연히 그분이 기달려야죠...  그래서 원장님은 내 머리 하면서, 그 아줌마랑 싸웠는데...너무 힘들었어요 ㅋㅠㅠ

Maybe it's because I'm so used to my original stylist, but this stylist was very rough. She was too busy talking about how great she's going to make my hair and then about this treatment she does for $200 or something like that, to be gentle and to treat me like a human and not a practice mannequin ㅠㅠ.  
그뿐만 아니고, 원장님이 너무 막 했어요. 힘들었다니깐요 ㅠㅠ 계속 머리를 이쁘게 해주겠다고, 자기가 만든 트리트먼트있는데 한인한테는 2십만원 밖에 안되는다고... 아니 굳이 계속이 얘기해야됬는지.... 난 사람인데, 계속 마네킹 머리 짜르듯이 너무 막 했어요ㅠㅠ

If you caught on to my foreshadowing comment above, I was happy with the result at the time.
아까 슬적 얘기했는데, 그 당시에는 머리 너무 좋았어요!

It came out nice! I liked it, I thought it looked good and I was getting compliments that it suited me. 
되게 괜찮게 나왔어요! 그리고, 많은 칭찬도 받았고..

The problem became evident that night, when I washed my hair. They washed my hair at the salon, but while they were styling it they had put hair spray so that my ends would stay curled in. I didn't want to sleep with hair spray-ed hair(?) incase it would make my hair a mess in the morning, and like I said, I had a wedding to go to the next day. So I took a shower. My hair went from being cute to a hot mess. I looked like Sung Siwon from Reply 1997 when her dad cut off all her hair. 
문제는, 그 날 밤에 목욕했는데....망했어요 ㅠㅠ 미용실에서 머리 감겨줬는데 스프레이 발라서, 자기전에 감고 자고 싶었어요. 다음 날이 언니 웨딩인데 이쁘게 가야되잖아요. 그래서 집에 와서 머리 감았는데....ㅠㅠ 이쁜 단발에서 못난이 머리로 변했어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 응답하라1997 성시원 머리 됬어요ㅠㅠ 알잖아요, 혼나가지고 아빠가 머리다 짤라버릴때...

This is literally what I looked like. My bangs were a mess. The lady cut them too short and they were no longer see through bangs, but just regular full bangs. I looked like that girl in dramas that ran away from home and/or got in trouble and got all her hair chopped off as punishment! (My brother was making fun of me and said I looked like Coconut Head from Ned's Declassifiedㅠㅠ)
진짜 이랬어요. 앞머리 망했었어요! 너무 짧게 짤랐고, 이젠 시스루뱅 아니고 그냥 뱅ㅠㅠ 드라마에 항상 나오는, 집 나간 애 같았어요ㅠㅠ 

I was screwed. I instantly regretted my decision to cut my hair. What was I thinking? I had a wedding to go to and how was I going to style my hair? I've never cut my hair this short, the last time I got short hair was like 2.5 years ago, but it was shoulder-length. I didn't know what to do. So I went to my cousin's wedding...looking like a 3-year-old, with the cute little bob and my bangs pinned up with a sparkly hair clip... yeah. 
'망했다' 밖에 생각 못 했어요 ㅠㅠ 왜 짤랐을까? 무슨 생각하고 결심했었은까? ㅠㅠ 언니 웨딩 가야되는데 어떡하냐고?! ㅠㅠ 머리를 이렇게 짧게 짜른 것도 처음이라, 어떻게 스타일링해야 할지 몰랐어요. 그래서, 그냥 핀 꽂고 갔어요...무슨 3살짜리 애 같이 ㅠㅠ

I mean, it wasn't that bad...but it really made me look like a little kid. My mom's like "you should be happy you look younger" but I'm 20...I don't need to look younger. Not yet, at least... I already look like a teenager as it is, this short hair makes me look like a high schooler ㅠㅠ
그렇게 나쁘지 않았는데, 너무 어려 보인거에요 ㅋㅋ 아니 만 20살 밖에 안 됬는데, 아직까지는 어려보일 이유는 없지않아요? ㅋㅋ 이젠 그냥 고딩같에요...대학 4학년인데 ㅋㅋ

So it's been a while since then and it's gotten a bit better. My bangs are much better now that they are longer xD But I still struggle with styling.
시간이 지날수록 괜찮아지더라고요. 앞머리가 좀 기러졌어요! ㅋㅋ 근데 아직까지는 스타일링이 어려워요.

I think it's probably because of how I sleep, but the left side of my hair is always nicely curled inwards, but starting from the back at the right side, it curls outwards. Then halfway through, and it gets closer to the front, it curls inward again. I don't know what's going on...
어떻게 자서 그러는지, 머리가 계속 반데 방향으로 컬되는거에요. 그렇니깐, 뒤에서 오른쪽은 밖으로 컬되고, 너머지는 안으로 되요. .....왜 그럴까요? ㅋ

During the summer, I actually didn't leave the house most days. It was usually around 100°, and that was all the reason I needed to stay inside. Unlike my old neighborhood where you could literally walk anywhere, there are no stores near my house. You have to drive at least 7 minutes to get to the closest store. The point is, since I didn't go outside, there's no real reason to style my hair.
머리 짜르고나서 남은 방학은 그냥 스타일링은 안했어요. 너무 더워서 (거의 40도?) 귀찮은 거에요 ㅋ 집을 안 나갔어요. 이사한 동네는 주변에 아무것도 없어요. 그냥 집들만 있어서, 어디 갈려면 운전해야되는게에요. 옛 동네는 그나마 뭐있었는데. 아무튼, 집 안 나갔은니깐, 스타일링할 필요가 없었어요. 

What I should have been doing though, is practicing. School started on last Monday.....and I still don't know how to style my hair efficiently. 
...근데, 연습 좀 했을 껄 ㅋㅋ 학교 저번 주에 시작했는데...머리 어떻게 할지 모르겠어요ㅠ 

So I've been playing around with my curlers, and found that all the ones I have are too big or too small. I have a half inch, 1.5 inch, and then I have the MiraCurl. The 1.5 helps get a natural, effortless inward C-curl. The MiraCurl does not work on short hair...at least not mine. It really doesn't do anything. 
그래서, 시간날때마다 연습해요 ㅋㅋ 고데기로 해야되요 ㅋㅋ 저는 드라이를 별로 안 좋아해서 뭐든 스타일링은 고데기로. 저는 3개 있어요: 하프 인치, 1.5인치, 그리고 미라컬. 1.5는 C컬 하게 딱 좋아요! 너무 자연스럽게 나오고, 제일 쉬워요. 미라컬은 아예 안 되고ㅠㅠ 머리가 너무 짧아서 안 되나봐요.

I used the half inch for the first time when I needed to take a new profile picture xD I've found that the half inch works best, but it gives that tight, doll curl that I'm not too fond of. 
.5인치는 프사 찍을때 처음 썼어요 ㅋㅋ 제일 쉬웠는데, 너무 컬보다는 그냥 곱슬이 됬어요. 

Brushing out the curls made them look more natural...maybe a bit too natural. Even though it looked pretty in pictures, in real life it was just a big poofy mess xD 
컬은 빗으니깐 되게 자연스러웠어요...너무 나츄럴 ㅋㅋㅋ 이뻐는게 너무 풍성해 보였어요 ㅋㅋ 좀 지저분할 정도 ㅋㅋ 

I guess it wasn't too bad... At some angles is looks very lovely and dolly. At other angle it makes me look like those babies that have naturally curly hair xD
나쁘지는 않았어요... 어떤 각도에는 귀엽고 러블리한데, 다른 각도에는 모태곱슬 애기 같았어요 ㅋㅋ

It was kinda like Su Ah's hair from Return of Superman xD
약간 수아 느낌? ㅋㅋ

The real issue at hand is that it takes forever to do anything... I think it took me more than an hour to curl everything ㅠㅠ
뭔제는, 너무 오래 걸려요 ㅠㅠ 1사간 넘게 걸렸나봐요...ㅠㅠ

So the ultimate decision is.....to just not to do anything.
그냥 안 하죠 뭐... 

I mean, who cares if the back flares out a bit?! No one is going to be looking....hopefully xD
뒤에 좀 튀여나와도 어떼요?! 아무도 안 볼껀데...그쵸? ㅋㅋ

One day, I'll figure it out! 
언젠간은 할 수 있겠지 ㅋㅋ 

But until then, I'll just have to use the 1.5 inch xD As confident as I sounded in the last two sentences, I really can't go to school with my bedhead...
그 날이 올때 가지는 1.5인치를 쓸게요 ㅋㅋ 아까 자신감 있게 그냥 안 하겠다고 했는데....어떻게 스타일링 안 하고 학교 가요?! ㅋㅋ 

Anyways, this was my little story about my hair change~ I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading!
아무튼, 이게 제 머리 스토리 였습니다~ ㅋㅋ 재밌었나요? ㅋㅋ 일거주셔서 감사합니다~

**Please excuse any errors. This post is so late and I rushed to get it up. I didn't have time to look over it ㅠㅠ
빨리 오릴려고 해서 틀린 문장있을 수 있는데...죄송해요 ㅠㅠ ㅋㅋ

Lady Christiiney♡

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