Shaking Pudding Hair Color Sandy Ash [Review]
Saturday, June 18, 2016
The last time I dyed my hair was back in December, while I was in Korea. So I had 6 months worth of black roots that had grown out, to around my eyebrow. I haven't gotten any touch ups because I wanted to give my hair a break, but I couldn't take the roots anymore. I had to do something! I had to get rid of my roots, but at the same time I didn't want to damage my hair too much.
마지막으로 염색한지가 12월 말일 쯤? 한국에서 했어요. 그래서 한 6개월 동안 머리를 길렀는데...그만 큼 뿌리도 자랐죠. 뿌리에서 한 눈썹까지는 꺼멓고, 나머지는 갈색. 뿌리염색을 안한 이유는, 머리를 좀 쉬게할려고...근데 더 이상 못 참겠어! 염색 하고 싶은데, 염색하면 머리 상해서, 고민고민ㅠㅠ
I was in LA a few days ago, and I grabbed the eZn Shaking Pudding Hair Color in Sandy Ash. I've never tried pudding hair dye before, so I thought it would be fun to try it out. This was the only pudding hair dye in the store, and a plus, it was ammonia-free. Since I've never worked with this brand before, I wasn't sure how the color could come out. So just in case I didn't like the results, I wanted a dye that wouldn't damage my hair too much, so I could re-dye it if I needed too.
몇 일전에 엄마랑 엘에이 갔었는데, 거기서 이지엔 쉐이킹 푸딩 헤어컬러 샌디 애쉬 하나 샀어요. 푸딩염색은 써본적이 없어서 한 번 써보고 싶었어요. 갔던 가게에서는 푸딩염색은 이지엔 쉐이킹 푸딩밖에 없어서 샀어요. 암모니아없다고 해서 샀어요. 그게 왜 좋냐면요, 만약에 결과가 마음에 안 들면, 다시 염색할때 들 상하겠다 싶어서 ㅋㅋ
So this is how the box looked. It has all the descriptions, contents, and ingredients written around it. Unlike with other hair dyes I've used, this didn't have a chart that would show how the color would come out, depending on what hair color you start with.
박스가 이렇게 생겼어요. 옆에는 설명사, 구성품, 사용법 등등 다 써있어요. 제가 써본 염색약와 달리, 그게 없더라고요, '머리 색갈 따라, 염색 색갈이 어떡해 나올지' 차트.
근데 머리 쉬게 해주고 싶다고 했잖아요. 탈색하고 코토리 베이지로 염색하고 싶은데, 탈색하면 머리 너무 상하잖아요. 그리고 아직 머리 기르는 중이라ㅠㅠ 나중에 하지뭐...
아무튼, 리뷰 계속하죠~
I chose Sandy Ash because I've been wanting to go for an ash hair color for quite a long time. I really like the Kotori Beige look that's been kinda popular lately. As of recently, Suho (EXO)'s hair color is the closest to the color I want...which is really close to Kotori Beige xD
But like I said, I want to give my hair a bit of a break. I don't want to bleach my hair...but it is taking everything not to just go ahead and do it ㅠㅠ I'm still growing out my hair, so maybe in a few months I'll do it.
Anyway, continuing on to the product review~
When you open the box, the hair dye is on the bottom half and the top half is the "Self Coloring Kit." As soon as I opened it, I knew that I'd have to dye my hair again after this. The actual hair dye was so small ㅠㅠ
박스 열면, 밑에는 염색약, 위에는 "셀프 컬러링 키트." 박스 여는 순간 알았어요, 다시 염색해야겠다. 너무 작아ㅠㅠ
The dye~ I loved how they were shaped to fit perfectly into the container~ But again, I have to stress that this was so small ㅠㅠ
염색약~ 너무 귀여웠어요~ 통 안에 쏙 들어 가는게 너무 귀여웠엉~ 근데...진짜 작습니다ㅠㅠ
Next in the box was the "Self Coloring Kit." It comes with instructions, latex gloves, ear caps, a plastic gown, and a pack of hair treatment.
"셀프 컬러링 키트" 안에는 설명서, 장갑, 이어캡, 가운, & 헤어팩!
Bonding Hair Pack - The instructions on the back say to put this on your hair after shampooing and squeezing out the excess water from your hair. After you put on the product, you leave it in for 2-3 minutes. Then you rinse your hair with water. You don't want to rinse too much because that you'll wash all the product out.
본딩 헤어 팩 - 사용법은 뒤에 써있습니다!
Instructions - Everything is written in Korean, but the pictures are really easy to understand. If you can't figure it out, you can always go online and find videos on how to do it ;)
설명서 - 진짜 쉬워요~
I found it very inconvenient that they have a section in the instructions that tell you how much product you should buy for your hair length. For my hair length (around chest area) I needed 1.5 - 2 boxes......that information would have been very helpful on the outside of the box. If I had known ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
설명서에 사용량에 따른 안내가 있더라고요. 안에...아니 그게 박스에 써 있어야되는거 아니에요ㅠㅠ 제 머리길이에는 1.5에서 2통을 필요하데요.. 미리 알았으면 2개 샀죠ㅠㅠㅠ
Now on to the process~
아므튼, 너머가요
BEFORE - Can you see the roots?! They're so darkㅠㅠ
염색 전 - 뿌리 보입니까?! 완전 블랙ㅠㅠ
Please excuse my oily mess ㅠㅠ I washed my hair the morning before, so by the time I was starting to dye my hair, it had already been more than 24 hours since I washed it and it was starting to get oily... but anyway~
머리 기름기 죄송ㅠㅠ 머리 감은지 24시간 너머가닌깐 기름이ㅠㅠ 아므튼~ ㅋ
So basically what you have to do is pour the contents of both bottles into the container. Then close the lid and shaking it lightly from left-to-right, not up-and-down. Eventually, the liquid will turn into a pudding texture. From there you just start putting it onto your hair.
1제와 2제를 모두 통에다 놓고 뚜껑을 닫아요. 그 다음에는 통을 좌우로 흔들면 물에서 푸딩으로 변해요. 그리고 그냥 머리로 발르면 돼요~
염색 중
As predicted, I did not have enough dyeㅠㅠ I made sure to try and cover everything, but most of my roots on the inside didn't get enough productㅠㅠ
예상한데로, 부족했어요ㅠㅠ 다 바르긴 했는데...안 쪽에는 너무 못 발랐어요ㅠㅠ
AFTER - featuring my hair roll. I never thought I'd ever do this. I always made fun of people that did (because it looks ridiculous) ...but look at me now -_-;;
염색 후 - 헤어롤와 함께~ 내가 이런 거 할줄이야. 사람들이 이걸 할때 놀렸는데...이젠 나도ㅋㅋㅋ
Anyways, as you can tell, my roots are still darker than the rest of my hair, but it isn't as bad as it was before. It's a much more subtle change in color that before. The overall color didn't come out like on the box, but I still like it. I wanted to get rid of the orange/brassy brown tone in my hair, and the dye did just that! Unfortunately, the roots on the back of my head (thankfully only on the inside) are still very black. But since no one can really see it, it's all good xD
사진 보면, 뿌리가 아직 더 어두운데, 뿌리랑 머리색갈 차이가 들 나니깐 좋아요~ 역시, 색갈은 박스처럼 안나왔죠 ㅋ 그리고, 뒤/안쪽은 아직도 새까매요ㅠㅠ 근데 안 보이니깐 괞잖아요~ ㅋㅋ
I found that this dye works on previously bleached hair! As you can see in the picture, the inside parts of my hair did, in fact, turn into a ashy-brown color. I had bleached the insides way back in November, I think, with intentions of coloring it pink. Obviously that didn't happen xD
쉐이킹 푸딩 헤어 컬러는 탁색된 머리에는 잘 나와요! 제가 안쪽 머리를 탈색한적이 있어요. 11월이였나..? 아무튼, 탈색하고 핑크색으로 염색할려고 했는데...안했죠 ㅋㅋㅋ
This inside color is what I really wanted. This proves that the only way I'm going to get the color I want is to bleach my hair firstㅠㅠ
안에 있는 색갈이 제가 원하던 색갈이에요. 이 색갈을 원하면, 어쩔 수 없이 탈색해야되나봐요ㅠㅠ
My rating: ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♡
Overall, the product was great! It came with everything that I would need to dye my hair, the packaging was cute. It was every simple to use and there was no harsh smell to the dye. The reason I give it a 4/5 is the lack of the color chart. When I buy dye, I like to have at least an estimate on how the color will come out. Everyone knows that with Asian hair, you can never expect your results to be the same as the box. The other reason for the score is the size. Usually for my hair length, I only need one box of hair dye. My hair isn't that thick so one box is more than enough! Just looking at this box, you'd think that there was more product than there actually was. It would have been perfect if the estimates for how much product you would need was on the outside too.
Overall, the product was great! It came with everything that I would need to dye my hair, the packaging was cute. It was every simple to use and there was no harsh smell to the dye. The reason I give it a 4/5 is the lack of the color chart. When I buy dye, I like to have at least an estimate on how the color will come out. Everyone knows that with Asian hair, you can never expect your results to be the same as the box. The other reason for the score is the size. Usually for my hair length, I only need one box of hair dye. My hair isn't that thick so one box is more than enough! Just looking at this box, you'd think that there was more product than there actually was. It would have been perfect if the estimates for how much product you would need was on the outside too.
제 점수: ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♡
전체적으로, 이 염색약이 좋아요! 쓰기 쉽고, 패키지도 귀엽고 ㅋㅋ 냄새도 심하지않았고. 4/5 주는 이유는 2가지: 1. 차트가 없어서. 제가 염색약 살때 색갈을 예상 할 수 있는게 좋아요. 혼자 염색하는게 어렵잖아요, 그래서 어떤 색갈이 나올지 어느 정도 알면 훨씬 좋아요. 그리고 2. 너무 작아서. 아니, 박스만 보면, 제법 커 보이는데, 열어보니깐, 염색약 반 밖에 안 되요. '사용량에 따른 안내'가 밖에 있었으면 좋았을텐대.
전체적으로, 이 염색약이 좋아요! 쓰기 쉽고, 패키지도 귀엽고 ㅋㅋ 냄새도 심하지않았고. 4/5 주는 이유는 2가지: 1. 차트가 없어서. 제가 염색약 살때 색갈을 예상 할 수 있는게 좋아요. 혼자 염색하는게 어렵잖아요, 그래서 어떤 색갈이 나올지 어느 정도 알면 훨씬 좋아요. 그리고 2. 너무 작아서. 아니, 박스만 보면, 제법 커 보이는데, 열어보니깐, 염색약 반 밖에 안 되요. '사용량에 따른 안내'가 밖에 있었으면 좋았을텐대.
Will I buy again? Nope - Even though this wasn't too bad, I just don't think I'd buy it again. It was $16 (w/o tax) for this one box. I usually buy my hair dyes for less than $12, with better results. I can't imagine paying $32+ for multiple boxes of this and not getting close to the result I want.
다시 구매? 노노노~ - 쉐킹 푸딩 헤어 컬러가 나쁘지 않았는데, 그냥 다시 안 살꺼 같에요. 한 박스가 $16이였어요. 제가 원래 염색약 살때 $12 정도 밖에 안 쓰고, 결과도 더 좋아요. 그렇니깐, $32+ 쓰고 쉐이킹 푸딩 몇 박스 사기엔 돈이 아까워요. 색갈도 잘 안 나오는데...
Thanks for reading~ Please let me know your experiences with this dye in the comments :)
댓글 많이많이 나기고 가세요~
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