Van Gogh Inside

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Continuing on with my "Chri in Korea" series~
"크리인한국" 시리즈 계속 합니다~

I first saw the ad for the Van Gogh Inside: Festival of Light and Music exhibit while riding on the subway and I was immediately interested. I enjoy going to museums and so I wasn't going to miss the chance to see some Van Gogh works! Festival of Light and Music, doesn't that just sound pretty? 
서울 가는 기차에서 반 고흐 인사이드: 빛과 음악의 축제 전시회 광고 처음 보고, 바로 '가고싶다' 생각이 들었어요.  원래 방물관이랑 전시회 가는게 좋하는데, 당연이 반 고흐 전시회 가봐야죠 ;) ㅋ 빛과 음악의 축제, 이거만 들어도 벌써 상상되지 않아요?  얼만아 이뿔지 ㅋㅋ 
After weeks of constantly seeing the advertisements, I finally went to Seoul to see this exhibition. 
몇 주 동안 계속 광고만 보다가, 드디어 서울로 올라가서, 전시회 봐러갔어요! 
  And I wasn't disappointed.
전혀 실망 하지 않았어요 
 Event: Van Gogh Inside
Venue: Culture Station Seoul 284
Date: Jan 8, 2016 - April 17, 2016
Time: 10:00 - 19:00 (last entry 18:00)
Price: Adults - 15,000₩, College Students - 13,000₩ 
Students - 10,000₩, Children - 18,000₩

Even though it was advertised as a Van Gogh exhibit, it was more of an Impressionism one. It had the works of many other painters, including Claude Monet, Édouard Manet, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir to name a few. 
광고는 반 고흐 전시회라고 했는데, 더 인상주의 전시회같았어요. 반 고흐 작품뿐만 아니라, 여러 인상주의 화가에 작품도 있었어요.

This was not your conventional exhibit. Instead of having actual paintings, everything was electronic. Projections were mainly used, but there were also some places that would use smartphones. They would have a photograph and when you held up the smartphone to it, it would turn into the painting. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of that areaㅠㅠ It was way too crowded...
보통 전시회랑 많이 다르더라고요. 진짜 작품은 없고, 작품이다 전자로 되있었어요! 볼꺼 더 많았는데, 사람이 너무 많아서 찍지 못 했어요ㅠㅠ

This was definitely my favorite part of the exhibit. It was so cool! The combination of art and music was amazing.
제가 제일 좋았던 면이 이거였어요ㅠㅠ 예술과 음악의 조합이 너무 멋있었어요!

Sorry for the short videos xD They're all Snapchat videos..
비디오가 다 너무 짧아서 죄송죄송 ㅠㅠ 다 스냅챗 비디오라서... 

I wish I could have gone on a less crowded day, so I could have looked at everything much more peacefully...but I'm lucky to have been able to have gone at all. 
사람이 좀 없을때 갔어야되는데ㅠㅠ 그래도, 갔으니깐 감사해야죠. 이렇게 이쁜 전시회 언제 또 가봐요? ㅋ

Seoul Station (Line 1 - Navy Blue)
서울역 (1호선)

Go outside and turn left.
밖으로 나가서 좌회전하세요.

Just head towards this building. The picture is from the other side of the building, so you'll be coming from the other direction. Just go towards the green circular thing and you've arrived!
문화역서울284 안에 가시면 도착!
This exhibit is only open until April 17! So please hurry and go check it out!
4월 17일이 마지막 날입니다! 끝나기 전에 빨리 가보세요! 


This is the last of my Chri in Korea seriesㅠㅠ I'm sorry it was so shortㅠㅠ I really didn't do much apparently...but next time! When Chri in Korea Season 2 comes, it'll be much longer and much more interesting! Please look forward to it!
크리 인 한국 시리즈 마지막 글입니다ㅠㅠ 너무 짧아서 죄송해요ㅠㅠ 생각보다 아무것도 안했네요...근데, 다음에! 크리 인 한국 시즌 2가 훨씬 길고 재밌을꺼에요! 기대 많이 해주세염~ 

Lady Christiiney♡

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