Looking back at 2018

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

HAPPY 2019♡

It's a little past midnight on the first day of 2019 (though this probably won't be up until like next week xD), and since I didn't go back to California for the holidays, I'm spending my New Years in my apartment...aloneㅠㅠ
2019년의 첫 날, 12시 좀 넘었어요 (근데 이 글은 아마 다음 주에 올라 갈껄 ㅋㅋㅋ). 제가 방학동안 미국으로 돌아가지 않아서, 지금 새해를 혼자 보내고있어요ㅠㅠ

It's hard to believe that it's already 2019. 2019, the year of the Golden Pig! Since my Chinese Zodiac sign is the Pig, it means it's supposed to be a good year for me~ 
벌써 2019년이라니... 2019, 황금돼지의 해! 제가 돼지띠니깐, 올해는 저의 럭키 해~

2018 was a year of big changes. The most obvious one is that I moved across the world. Thankfully I was able to get a job that allowed me to do this xD Quite a lot has happened since moving here. It definitely hasn't all been great, but it definitely has been an exciting year. So let me take a moment to talk about the good things that happened in 2018. 
2018년는 큰 변화의 해였죠. 제일 큰 거는 제가 이사갔죠. 다행이 무작정이 아니라 직업이 되서 일본으로 올 수 있었어요 ㅋㅋ 여기 오고 나서 많은 일이 있었죠. 좋은 일만 있지는 않았는데, 진짜 재밌는 1년 이었어요! 그래서 제 2018이 어땠는지 좀 자랑 하고 싶어요~ ㅋㅋ 

I think the biggest thing is that my Japanese skills have improved A LOT. I mean, it would be bad if it didn't. I came all the way over here, if nothing else, I should learn more Japanese than when I was in California. Because I'm Asian, people assume that I'm Japanese so no one speaks to me in English. I had no choice but to learn quickly in order to survive. The problem is....I think I'm learning a lot of Kansai-ben rather than standard Japanese.
제일 큰거는 아무래도 일어가 많이 늘었다는 것. 근데 이건 좀 당연한 거죠 ㅋㅋ 여기까지 왔는데 하나도 안 늘면 너무 아깝잖아요. 제가 동양인이다보니깐 사람들이 제가 당연히 일본사람이라고 생각해요. 그러다보니깐 저한테 영어로 얘기하는 사람이 없어요 ㅋㅋ 살기 위해서 어쩔 수 없이 일어가 많이 는거 같아요. 그데 문제가...제가 표준어보다 간사이 사투리를 많이 배웠어요 ㅋㅋ

I mean, it's not too bad. I'm living in Kansai, might as well learn the language of the locals ;) 
뭐, 그렇게 나쁜거는 아닌 거 같아요. 가사이에 사는데 여기 말 써야죠 ㅋㅋ

Next, I had a year full of fun times with great company! 
다음! 좋은 사람이랑 재밌는 시간을 많이 보냈어요!

The best friend came down to visit for a weekend during the summer. 
여름에 제 절친이 도쿄에서 내려왔어요.

Because it was only for a weekend and the weather was pretty bad, we didn't get to do muchㅠㅠ But we still had an awesome time!
몇일 밖에 못 있고 날씨도 안 좋아서 많이 못했어요ㅠㅠ 그래도 재밌게 놀았어요~

I was really happy to introduce her to my friends here.
여기 있는 친구들한테 소개 할 수 있어서 너무 좋았어요.

I also got to go to USJ again!  
그리고 유니버설 또 가게 됐어요!

It was peak summer weather and I definitely didn't get enough sleep the night before, but Universal is always fun~
너무 덥고 잠이 많이 부족했는데, 유지버설은 언제나 재밌죠~ 

Mummy also came to visit! 
그리고 우리 마미가 놀러오셨어요!

I didn't plan anything so we didn't do much (we actually got into an argument about this...it was really dumb xD). But I was really glad that she came. I think having her here helped me to not get so homesick while I was on vacation. She just stopped by for a few days before going to Korea. Since I had some time before I had to go back to work, I decided to go with her.   
제가 아무런 계획을 안 짜서 별거 안했어요 (이것 때문에 싸웠어요...근데 둘이 싸움을 잘 못해서 ㅋㅋ 진짜 어이없었어요 ㅋㅋ). 엄마가 와서 너무 좋았어요. 엄마가 있으니깐 확실히 들 외로웠어요. 엄마는 그냥 한국 가기 전에 잠깐 놀러오신 거에요. 저도 개학 전에 시간 좀 있어서 따라 갔죠~

My Korea trip was basically a food trip.
제 한국 여행은 오직 먹방 여행.

I didn't have anything I wanted to do in Korea. All I wanted to do was to EAT, and eat I did xD
저는 하고 싶은 거 없었어요. 오지 먹방....완전 성공이었음~ ㅋㅋ

Other than eat, I did some shopping. I cut my hair! 
먹방외에는 쇼핑 좀 했고. 머리도 짤랐어요! 

I cut it real short. It was very much an impulse decision...much like the last time I cut my hair this short. Thankfully, this time I was happy with the new style.  
진짜 짧게 짤랐어요. 이번에도 무작장 선택이었어요 ㅋㅋ 다행이, 이번에는 너무 마음에 들었어요.

After Korea, I went back to work. Work has been good. Some days are more stressful than others, but overall I'm having a really good time.  
한국에서 돌아와서 다시 일갔죠. 일은 좋았어요. 어떤 날은 좀 힘든데, 전체로 볼때는 진짜 재밌어요.

Halloween was probably my favorite time~ We had fun Halloween classes at my elementary schools~
개인적으로 할로윈이 제일 재밌었던 거 같아요~ 초등학교에서 특별한 할로윈 수업했어요.

I also had a separate Halloween event! 
저는 따로 할로윈 이벤트도 있었어요!
I dressed up in an actual costume for the first time in like a decade. I had so much fun picking out my outfit~ 
10년 만에 분장을 했어요. 고르는 게 너무 재있었어요~

We also had Christmas classes at elementary. We had the 5th and 6th graders make some Xmas cards. 
그리고 최근에는 크리스마스 수업도 있었어요. 5, 6학년 애들이 크리스마스 카드를 만들었어요. 
For some reason a bunch of the 5th grade girls wanted signatures and doodles on the backs of their cards. 
왠지 모르는데, 5학년 여자들이 카드 뒤에 싸인이랑 그림들 그려달라는 거에요 ㅋㅋ  

I ended up receiving cards from some students too~ I wasn't even annoyed that one of them spelled my name wrong xD My students are just so precious~ 
저도 카드 받았어요~ 한 아이는 제 이름은 틀렸지만 받아서 너무 기뻐서 상관없어요~ ㅋㅋ 제 아이들이 너무 사랑스러워요~

When I'm not at work and I don't feel like being a loner, I go out and hangout with another friend. 
일 안 하는 날, 그리고 외톨이 되고 싶지 않은 날에는 다른 친구랑 놀아요.

She is always keeping me company when I have to go do things xD 
제가 해야 할 일이 있으면 항상 같이 가주고 저를 많이 도와주는 친구에요~
She makes my trips to immigration less dreadful. 
저 출입국 관리 사무소 갈때마다 들 지루하게 만들어요 ㅋㅋ 

This year, I also met a guy ><
그리고, 올해 남자 만났어요 ><

We first started talking in the summer and we would meet up a few times a month. Him living in Osaka, it was kinda hard to meet up a lot. We had a lot of fun dates, a lot of good times...
여름에 처음 채팅 시작해서 한 달에 몇 번 만났어요. 그 친구가 오사카에 살다 보니깐 자주는 못 만났어요. 재밌는 데이트 많았어요...

I had a lot of fun...and I also went through some crazy times. I got stranded in Osaka and had to spend the night in an internet cafe. My first time having to do that.....it was not a fun experience. 
진짜 즐겨웠어요...이 친구 때문에 첫 외박 했어요 ㅋㅋ 늦어 가주고 버스 놓저서 PC바에서 밤을 보냈죠...

Unfortunately, I seems like whatever we had going on is finished. 
아쉽게도, 우리의 관계는 끝난 거 같아요 ㅋ
His interest in me seems to have kinda died xD I like the guy, but I'm not so desperate for a boyfriend that I'll hold on to a guy who obviously isn't interested in me. If anything it's my fault for using Tinder to meet this guy xD I have learned that it is not a good place to find potential boyfriends xD  
뭔가 저한테 관심이 좀 많이 떨어진 거 같아요 ㅋㅋ 저는 이 친구 좋아하는데, 제가 자존심이 쎄서 그런지, 나한테 관심없는 남자를 붙잡고 싶지 않아요. 어떻게 보면 이게 제 잘 못이죠....틴더에서 무슨 남자친구를 만나요? ㅋㅋ

And I think that's about all that happened this year. I guess because moving here was such a big thing, everything else just kinda dull xD 
그게 다 인 거 같아요 ㅋㅋ 이사 오는게 하도 큰 일이었다보니깐 나머지일은 별로 기억이 안 나네요 ㅋㅋ

As great as 2018 was, I'm excited to see what 2019 has for me.
2018년이 너무 좋았는데, 2019년에 무슨 일이 있을지 너무 기대가 되요. 

I hope your 2018 was as great as mine and I hope you continue to support me ;)  
2018년 수고하셨고 앞으로도 잘 부탁 드립니다~

Lady Christiiney♡

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